Official Govt & Legal Notices For Sept 4 2024

September 4, 2024 | 0 Comments

The official Government and Legal notices for today [Sept 4] include appointment of marriage officer, notification of planning applications registered, cancellation of registration, boards appointments, acting appointments and trademark applications.


Marriage Officer: Daniel Williams-Smith

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Appointment of Marriage Officer [Maritime]
  • Notice ID: GN0823/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 04 September, 2024

Appointment Of Maritime Marriage Officer

Pursuant to the provisions of the Maritime Marriage Act 1999, the Minister of Home Affairs, on the 3rd day of September 2024 licensed Captain Daniel Leon Williams-Smith, Master of ships owned by Carnival Cruises thereby enabling him to perform marriage ceremonies onboard the Bermuda Registered Carnival Ships owned by Carnival Cruises and Registered in the Port of Hamilton Bermuda

Registrar General
Aubrey Pennyman


Marriage Officer: Karsten Decker

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Appointment of Marriage Officer
  • Notice ID: GN0822/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 04 September, 2024

Appointment Of Marriage Officer

Pursuant to the provisions of the Marriage Act 1944, the Minister of Home Affairs, on the 16th day of August 2024 licensed Pastor Karsten Decker, as a Marriage Officer, hereby enabling him to perform marriage ceremonies in Bermuda.

Registrar General
Aubrey Pennyman


List of Proposed Planning Applications Advertised on September 4th, 2024

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notification of Planning Applications Registered
  • Notice ID: GN0821/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Planning
  • Publication date: 04 September, 2024

The applications shown below are available for review on the Department of Planning’s Customer Self Service

Portal [], or between the hours of 8:45 am and

4:30 pm weekdays at the Department of Planning, 5th Floor, Dame Lois Browne Evans Building, 58 Court Street,

Hamilton HM 12.

Any person wishing to object must do so within 14 days of the date advertised.

For further information on the objection procedure see the Development and Planning [Applications Procedure]

Rules 1997 and the Objections Guidance Note found on the Department website [].


Monika Zajac
RUBiS Dockyard Terminal [Bulk Fuel Storage]
Pender Road, Sandys Parcel # 44682
Proposed Replacement of Existing Roof and Installation of New Stiffening Girder on Existing
Above Ground Fuel Storage Tank.
[Final Approval]


Peter Tobin
4 Camden North Road
Paget DV03
Proposed Alterations and Additions to Existing Dwelling to Include Internal Renovations to Create
New Two Bed Apartment [2 Dwellings Total], Second Storey Master Suite, Renovations To
Existing Garage, Water Tank, Covered Verandah, Pergola Cover, Hot Tub, Parking Lay‑by, 14 Ft
6 in Max Height Retention System with Barrier Screening and Associated Site Works.
[Final Approval]


William Warnock
3 Club Road
Smiths HS01
Proposed Regularize the Right of Way
[Final Approval]


EQC Prime Holdings Ltd Equilibria Capital
Vacant Lot 20 White Crest Hill, Hamilton Parish
Parcel #44511
Proposed New Two Storey, 4 Bedroom Dwelling with New Pool, Hot Tub, Pool Deck, Garage,
Roof Deck, 4 Ft High Barrier Fencing with Guardrail, Pool Pump Room/Buttery, New Driveway, 4
Ft High Pillars and Gate, Sump, 4 Ft Height Max Rockcut, New Planting.
[Final Approval]


Bermuda Monetary Authority Operational Re Iv Ltd

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Cancellation of Registration
  • Notice ID: GN0820/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Bermuda Monetary Authority
  • Publication date: 04 September, 2024


Insurance Act 1978

Cancellation Of Registration

Under Section 41[1][a]

The Bermuda Monetary Authority in exercise of the powers

conferred upon it by virtue of Section 41[1][a] of the Insurance Act 1978,

[“the Act”], hereby cancels, at the request of the Insurer listed below,

the respective Special Purpose Insurer registration granted

to the said Insurer under the Act, effective 20th August 2024: -

Operational Re IV Ltd.

By Order Of The Bermuda Monetary Authority

Treasa Walker

Assistant Director Bermuda Monetary Authority

Dated this 30th day of August 2024


Board Appeals Tribunal Government Employees Health Insurance

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Boards Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0819/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
  • Publication date: 04 September, 2024

The Minister of Finance is pleased to make the following appointments.

Appeals Tribunal – Government Employees [Health Insurance]
Government Employees [Health Insurance] Act 1986
Chairman – Dr. Cindy Morris
Dr. Gail Caruth
Dr. Tiffany Keenan


Director Department Of Public Lands And Buildings

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0818/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Public Lands and Buildings
  • Publication date: 04 September, 2024

Government Notice No.

Acting Appointment

Director, Department Of Public Lands And Buildings

Ministry Of Public Works

Mr. Sean Patterson, Senior Land Surveyor, Department of Public Lands and Buildings has been appointed to act as Director of Public Lands & Buildings, Department of Public Lands and Buildings, Ministry of Public Works from 1st September 2024 until 30th September 2024.

Jennifer Attride-Stirling

Deputy Head of the Public Service


Director Department Of Sport And Recreation

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0817/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Sport and Recreation
  • Publication date: 04 September, 2024

Official Gazette

Acting Appointment

Acting Director

Director, Department Of Sport And Recreation

Mr. Freddie Evans, Property Development Officer, has been appointed to act as Acting Director, of the Department of Sport and Recreation from September 3rd – 13th, 2024.

Jennifer Attride-Stirling

Deputy Head of the Public Service


Bermuda Monetary Authority White Rock Insurance Americas Ltd

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Cancellation of Registration
  • Notice ID: GN0816/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Bermuda Monetary Authority
  • Publication date: 04 September, 2024


Insurance Act 1978

Cancellation Of Registration

Under Section 41[1][a]

The Bermuda Monetary Authority in exercise of the powers

conferred upon it by virtue of Section 41[1][a] of the Insurance Act 1978,

[“the Act”], hereby cancels, at the request of the Insurer listed below,

the respective Class 3 Insurer registration granted

to the said Insurer under the Act, effective 21st August 2024:-

White Rock Insurance [Americas] Ltd.

By Order Of The Bermuda Monetary Authority

Treasa Walker

Assistant Director Bermuda Monetary Authority

Dated this 3rd day of September 2024


Erratum in Respect of GN0810/2024

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Trademark Applications
  • Notice ID: GN0815/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Registry General
  • Publication date: 04 September, 2024
  • Amended Notice ID: GN0810/2024

Erratum In Respect of GN0810-2024 [61426] [PDF]


The official notices above have been republished from the relevant section on the official Government website. If you wish to view ‘hard copies’, the Department of Libraries & Archives prints them and you can visit the main library on Queen Street or the Government Archives in the Government Administration Building on Parliament Street to view them.

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