Official Govt & Legal Notices For Sept 9 2024

September 9, 2024 | 0 Comments

The official Government and Legal notices for today [Sept 9] include permanent resident certificate, Bermudian status, acting appointments and notice of intention to construct a controlled plant.


Permanent Residents Certificate – Section 31B

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Permanent Resident Certificate – PRC 31B
  • Notice ID: GN0844/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Immigration
  • Publication date: 09 September, 2024

Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Minister of Economy and Labour, by the following person[s] for the grant of a Permanent Resident’s Certificate, under the provisions of section 31B of the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Act, 1956, [viz: were ordinarily resident in Bermuda for the period of ten [10] years preceding his application; are of good conduct and character; are at least eighteen[18] years of age; are either: a] the son or daughter of a person who was granted a permanent resident’s certificate and is above the upper limit of compulsory school age or b] the spouse of a person who was granted a permanent resident’s certificate.

Cooze, Bethany Charlotte, “Greylock”, 3 Bluck Point Road, Pembroke HM 01

Narasimhan, Deepankar, 24 Roberts Avenue, Devonshire HM 16

Thompson, Charles Ian, 3 Manse Road, Paget PG 02

N.B. Any person who knows if any of the above provisions have not been fulfilled, or why a Permanent Resident’s Certificate should not be granted to the applicant[s], should send a written statement to the Chief Immigration Officer, Department of Immigration, P.O. Box HM 1364, Hamilton HM FX no later than the 23 September, 2024.


Bermudian Status – Section 19

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Bermudian Status – Section 19
  • Notice ID: GN0843/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Immigration
  • Publication date: 09 September, 2024

Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Minister of Economy and Labour, by the following person for the grant of Bermudian status under the provisions of section 19 of the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Act, 1956, [viz: are at least eighteen years old; have been ordinarily resident in Bermuda for a period of at least ten [10] years preceding his application; have a qualifying Bermudian connection and is of good character and conduct.]

Smith, Katryn Elisa Blair, 23 Southcote Road, Paget PG 03

N.B. Any person who knows if any of the above provisions have not been fulfilled, or why Bermudian status should not be granted to the applicants, should send a written statement to the Chief Immigration Officer, P.O. Box 1364, Hamilton HMFX, no later than 23 September, 2024.


Permanent Residents Certificate – Section 31ZA

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Permanent Resident Certificate – PRC 31ZA
  • Notice ID: GN0842/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Immigration
  • Publication date: 09 September, 2024

Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Minister of Economy and Labour, by the following person[s] for the grant of a Permanent Resident’s Certificate, under the provisions of section 31ZA of the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Act, 1956, [viz: were ordinarily resident in Bermuda for the period of at least twenty [20] years; were ordinarily resident in Bermuda during the two years immediately preceding his application; are of good conduct and character.

Cockell, Jacques Michael Alexander, 10 Glebe Hill, Hamilton Parish HS 02

Hughes, Jonathan Edward, “Collingtree”, 18 Riddell’s Bay Road, Warwick WK 04

Morley, Nigel Victor, 18 Colony Valley, Southampton SN 04

N.B. Any person who knows if any of the above provisions have not been fulfilled, or why a Permanent Resident’s Certificate should not be granted to the applicant[s], should send a written statement to the Chief Immigration Officer, Department of Immigration, P.O. Box HM1364, Hamilton HM FX no later than the 23 September, 2024


Bermudian Status – Section 20B

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Bermudian Status – Section 20B
  • Notice ID: GN0841/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Immigration
  • Publication date: 09 September, 2024

Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Minister of Economy and Labour, by the following person[s] for the grant of Bermudian status under the provisions of section 20B[2][b] of the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Act, 1956, [viz: a Commonwealth citizen not possessing Bermudian status, was ordinarily resident in Bermuda on 31st July, 1989; is a British Dependent Territories citizen by virtue of the grant to him by the Governor of a certificate of naturalisation under the British Nationality Act, 1948 [U.K.] or the British Nationality Act, 1981 [U.K.] having been approved for the grant of Bermudian status; must have reached the age of eighteen before the application was made; must have been ordinarily resident in Bermuda for the period of ten [10] years immediately preceding his/her application; and is of good character and conduct.]

Araujo Resendes Leavy, Raquel Alexandra, 6 Honeysuckle Lane, Sandys Parish MA 02

N.B. Any person who knows if any of the above provisions have not been fulfilled, or why Bermudian status should not be granted to the applicants, should send a written statement to the Chief Immigration Officer, Department of Immigration, P.O. Box HM 1364, Hamilton HMFX no later than 23 September, 2024.


Director Department Of Statistics

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0840/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Statistics
  • Publication date: 09 September, 2024

Notice type: Government Notice

Acting Appointments

Notice ID:

Public Authorities / Department:

Publication date:

Acting Appointment

Director, Department Of Statistics

Ministry Of Economy & Labour

Dr. Jahni Smith has been appointed to act as Director of the Department of Statistics from 19 September 2024 to 27 September 2024, inclusive.

Melinda Williams

Director of Statistics


Clean Air Act Westend Properties Ltd

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Notice of Intention to Construct a Controlled Plant
  • Notice ID: GN0839/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Environment and Natural Resources
  • Publication date: 09 September, 2024

Government Notice No.

Clean Air Act

Notice Of Intention To

Construct a Controlled Plant

Pursuant to Part II of the Clean Air Rules 1993, application has been made to the Environmental Authority for a permit to construct a controlled plant as follows:

Name Of Applicant

Westend Properties Ltd.

Address Of The Proposed

Controlled Plant

Westend Properties Ltd

[Fairmont Southampton Princess]

101 South Road, Southampton SN 02

Description Of Proposed

Controlled Plant

One 210,000 Igal/day tertiary grade aerated wastewater treatment plant for a mixed use residential and tourism development.

This application is available for inspection at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources during normal working hours. Any person wishing to object to the proposed plant may, within 14 days of the date of this publication, lodge their objection with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 169 South Road, Paget DV 04. Letters of objection must state the name and address of the objector; the grounds of the objection; whether the objector has an interest in land near to that which the application relates; and be signed by the objector.

Date: 9 September 2024


Director Department Of Marine & Ports Service

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0838/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Marine and Ports Services
  • Publication date: 09 September, 2024

Government Notice No._______

Acting Appointment

Director, Department Of Marine & Ports Services

Ministry Of Transport

David C. Simmons, Harbour Master, Department of Marine and Ports Services has been appointed to act as Director, Department of Marine & Ports from the 9th – 20th August, 2024

Cherie-Lynn Whitter

Head of the Public Service


Permanent Secretary Ministry Of Youth Social Development And Seniors

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0837/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
  • Publication date: 09 September, 2024

Government Notice No. ____

Acting Appointment

Permanent Secretary

Ministry Of Youth, Social Development And Seniors

Marva-Jean O’Brien, Chief Strategy Officer

for the Ministry of Youth, Social Development and Seniors

has been appointed to act as Permanent Secretary

for the Ministry of Youth, Social Development and Seniors

for the period Thursday, September 12th – Monday, September 16th 2024.

Cherie-Lynn Whitter

Head of Public Service


Permanent Secretary Ministry Of Education

  • Notice type: Government Notice
  • Notice sub type: Acting Appointments
  • Notice ID: GN0836/2024
  • Public Authorities / Department: Ministry Level
  • Publication date: 09 September, 2024

Government Notice No.

Acting Appointment

Permanent Secretary

Ministry Of Education

Ms. Kalmar Richards, Commissioner of the Department of Education, has been appointed to act as Permanent Secretary, from 23 September, to 27 September, 2024

Jennifer Attride-Stirling

Deputy Head of the Public Service


The official notices above have been republished from the relevant section on the official Government website. If you wish to view ‘hard copies’, the Department of Libraries & Archives prints them and you can visit the main library on Queen Street or the Government Archives in the Government Administration Building on Parliament Street to view them.

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