Retail Sales Decreased 1.1% In April 2024

September 18, 2024 | 5 Comments

After adjusting for the retail sales rate of inflation – measured at 3.3% in April – the overall volume of retail sales index decreased 1.1% when compared to April 2023, according to the recently released Retail Sales Index.

A Government spokesperson said, “Today, the Ministry of Economy and Labour released the April 2024 Retail Sales Index publication. April’s volume of retail sales index decreased 1.1 per cent compared to last year. In value terms, retail sales increased to an estimated $103.8 million.

Chart extracted from the report:

04 - April 2024 RSI

“Five of the seven sectors recorded year-over-year volume index decreases in April 2024:

  • The sales volume for Food Stores dropped 2.9 per cent.
  • The Liquor Stores’ sales volume fell 10.3 per cent.
  • Service Stations’ sales volume decreased 2.6 per cent.
  • The sales volume at Apparel Stores decreased 17.1 per cent.
  • Sales volume decreased 2.7 per cent in the All-Other Store Types sector [comprising stores selling household items, furniture, appliances, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and tourist-related goods].

“The following sectors had an increase in sales volume compared to the previous year:

  • Motor Vehicle Stores’ sales volume increased 44.0 percent.
  • The sales volume for Building Material Stores increased 1.4 per cent.

“Selected overseas declarations increased 9.6 per cent compared to April 2023.”

The full April 2024 Retail Sales Index publication follows below [PDF here]:

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  1. Joe Bloggs says:

    “Today, the Ministry of Economy and Labour released the April 2024 Retail Sales Index publication. April’s volume of retail sales index decreased 1.1 per cent compared to last year.”

    But why? Such statistics are meaningless without the proper context. Why will the Ministry of Economy and Labour not put the matter in its proper context?

  2. PAC MAN says:

    1.1 % for April 2024 is forgotten amd lost history ,and somewhat meaning less , like missing the last boat as it were.
    Complicated information backed way to far up is a recipe for failure.

    If it took 6 months to build BHC houses for people they would be still living in tents left over from “CUP MATCH”.

    My rate was 26 houses ” a piece of cake” on the go at the same time, using a fail proof system like a well oiled machine in a well oiled Quango.
    You have to find ways to do better, frankly I would be embarrasses to go to print with that amount of time delay.
    Where are your solutions?
    Should we pull the Front Street Bermuda Flag down to half mark the pole to half way so show real progress or the end of Bermuda as it once was .
    We know that we are going to get bad news just by walking the city streets as you with announced a delay of 6 moths , some what old rope. Don’t you think.
    We want 110% and would be happy with 101%
    Find the hitck up or hole in the bucket and fix it .
    Try This ” A stitch in before 9 saves time”.
    The downside of any project is ” time delay” which cost millions
    In my job I could not afford mistakes .
    I had to get the numbers right the first time no time to fix errors.
    I am not trying to tell our government how to do their jobs, more over we are entitled for better for our taxes that is our money including the mail girl we all had to work for.

    I have your performance numbers they are not that great .

    My theory while working the ultimate catch 22 .

    ” Be damed if you do, and be damed if you dont” .
    “Dam it full speed ahead. ”

    If we were all perfect we could not live with one another, at home or at work .

    However !
    I wish you all well .

  3. Gerald says:

    Can you tell me something new !!

  4. PAC MAN says:

    Gerald you are not alone. We all are looking for some thing new if that works.

    As I reach out to you, may I say that there are many who are worse off than you or I.

    I dont have a fantastic story to tell as I just get by with all that is old.

    I do not have many days left as i am now goin through the painfull stage of my life, I have to make the best of today with my old memories.

    If had some thing new i Iwould have to look after it , I am left with trying to look after me .

    How can I help you as your 6 word comment has no substance the Sun and the Moon are not new which i can relate too or any body else for that matter, who cares to join in .

    Gerald all you have to do is help youself and hopefully include some one else in need if you can, therefor it is” new “if you want it to be.
    Being stuck in yesterday is the past !

    ” A life lived in fear is a like haf lived ”

    My best as answer to you is , “Tomorrow willbe a new day in all its glory .” if yesterday did not provide you any satisfaction than you have accept responsibility for that and let it go, by preventing a re occurrence.

  5. PAC MAN says:

    Thought for the week end .


    If you had absolutely every material things in life you could ever wanted and got it

    May I ask ? Where would you put it ?

    MONEY $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ +$.

    When too much money becomes a burden and it becomes never enough !

    What would you do with :::

    Not enough money when it is way too much ?

    When a wealthy man looses mostly all of his fortune and he becomes a guest at Belview, clinging on to his last Million.

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