Somersfield To Hold Montessori Open House

September 13, 2024 | 0 Comments

Somersfield Academy will hold an open house focusing on its Montessori classrooms on Thursday, September 19.

A spokesperson said, “Somersfield Academy invites parents to explore our Montessori classrooms on a ‘Journey of Discovery’ on Thursday, September 19, 2024 from 5:45pm to 6:45pm. Attendees will discover how children excel in a Montessori environment through personalised learning experiences, learn about the evidence-based Montessori philosophy and curriculum, and understand the benefits of starting formal education at age 3.

“The journey will begin in Children’s House [3-6 years] and end in Lower Primary [P2-P4], showing the progression of the Montessori curriculum from one level to the next. Participants will have an opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the Montessori materials and have one-on-one talks with our Montessori-trained teachers. To allow all guests to fully engage, we kindly request no children attend.

“Please RSVP here. For further details or to schedule a student visit, please contact Alison Kempe, Head of Admissions, at 441-239-3345 or”


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