Video: Minister Burch Press Conference

September 13, 2024 | 1 Comment

Minister Lt/Col David Burch is holding a press conference today [Sept 13] at the Government Quarry Depot in Hamilton Parish to “provide an update on a project to introduce electric vehicles to the Government fleet.” We will have additional information later on, and you can watch live video below.

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  1. Hilarious says:

    The Government is purchasing EVs and to my knowledge, not one MP and not one Minister has personally spent their OWN money on one. The head of the largest environmental group in Bermuda does not own an electric vehicle.

    - Let’s not forget the thousands and thousands of underage children in Africa mining rare earths under horrible working conditions to feed the demand for EV batteries. But hey, you feel good because you are saving the planet.

    - Let’s not forget the horrific environmental damage being done by mining rare earths to supply raw materials for EV batteries. But hey, you feel good because you are saving the planet.

    - Let’s not forget the particulate matter coming off of the expensive EV tires that wear down faster than regular tires is unhealthy to breathe. But hey, you feel good because you are saving the planet.

    - Let’s not forget the higher cost of EVs vs evil fossil fuel-powered vehicles (ICE).

    - Let’s not forget that EVs are not “green” by any logical definition of the word. No matter what you are smoking, EVs are not green. But hey, you feel good because you are saving the planet.

    - Let’s not forget that EVs are charged by evil fossil fuels.

    - Let’s not forget the cost to taxpayers to build a charging infrastructure for government EVs.

    - Let’s not forget the damage to our already poor roads caused by the heavier EVs and the MILLIONS of dollars it will cost to upgrade just half of our roads to handle the weight of EVs. All the primary roads will have to be repaved in the future to support the weight of all the electric cars the Government wants on the road. Using 140 miles of paved public roads, estimating 50% of main/major roads is 70 miles. Using $750,000 to $1,000,000 per mile TODAY comes out as $52.5 to $70 MILLION!

    - Let’s not forget the millions of dollars in lost fuel tax revenue that the government has no clue how to recover that lost revenue. Nothing has been announced. Duh…

    - Let’s not forget the quality problems with EVs vs. ICE per Consumer Reports and the expense of replacement parts.

    - Let’s not forget that most Americans who purchased an EV would not purchase on again.

    - Let’s not forget that Bermuda’s salt air environment does not bode well for EVs.

    - Let’s not forget the higher insurance costs for an EV vs. an ICE.

    - Let’s not forget that EV manufacturers recommend only charging the battery to 80% to make it last. Do you fill up your car’s gas tank 80%?

    - Let’s not forget that the Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service is not trained nor equipped to put out an EV fire. How much will the training and equipment cost? When will the training begin? How much will the specialized equipment cost?

    AP: It took 50,000 gallons of water to put out Tesla Semi fire in California, US agency says
    WASHINGTON (AP) — California firefighters had to douse a flaming battery in a Tesla Semi with about 50,000 gallons (190,000 liters) of water to extinguish flames after a crash, the National Transportation Safety Board said Thursday.

    In addition to the huge amount of water, firefighters used an aircraft to drop fire retardant on the “immediate area” of the electric truck as a precautionary measure, the agency said in a preliminary report.

    Firefighters said previously that the battery reached temperatures of 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit (540 Celsius) while it was in flames.

    - Let’s not forget that taxpayers are paying for electricity that is lost while charging an EV.
    Dagen News – 09-12-2024 MSN
    “Charging your electric car might be costing you more power—and money—than you realize.

    A surprising amount of electricity is lost during the charging process, and some models are much worse than others, according to a new study by the German automobile group ADAC.

    Testing over 90 electric cars currently on the market, ADAC found that, on average, 14.5% of the electricity used at charging stations never even makes it to the car’s batteries.” (transmission loss, keeping the battery warm during charging, etc.)

    That’s energy—and cash—disappearing into thin air.

    (Would you not be outraged if you paid an extra 14.5% for gasoline that did not go into your tank?)

    etc, etc, etc.

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