Ministry Updates On Gender Equality Efforts

October 22, 2024 | 4 Comments

The Ministry provided an update on the Gender Affairs Council’s work to promote gender equality in Bermuda.

A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Youth, Social Development, and Seniors is pleased to provide an update on the ongoing work of the Gender Affairs Council [GAC], which was established in January 2023 to champion gender equality across Bermuda. The GAC is tasked with monitoring critical gender issues such as domestic violence, gender pay disparity, and gender discrimination to effect meaningful legislative and policy changes for a fair and inclusive society.

“Three pillars structure the work plan for the Gender Affairs Council and include:

  1. Legislation and Policy
  2. Research, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Innovation; and,
  3. Community Engagement, Education and Awareness Raising

“The Council is currently building a foundation for a sound gender affairs framework for Bermuda. To support this, last year the Chair of the Council Dr, Lucie Fremlova participated in a Training of Trainers Workshop held by CARICOM on social gender norms and violence against women. Bermuda, along with other CARICOM countries were trained in the use of a Regional Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice [KAP] tool methodology.

“This is a data collection instrument to gauge knowledge, attitudes, and practices that exist within a country on topics such as gender in/equality, sexual orientation and gender identity, sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender-based violence, child marriage, and early unions. The Council is developing a country-specific research methodology of the KAP Tool for Bermuda that will be relevant to our socio-economic, cultural, and legal context. The research methodology will also be a springboard to conduct a scoping study on gender in Bermuda. According to CARICOM, it would help to enable the formulation of evidence-based programmes for changing social norms to scale up prevention.”

The Ministry has allocated funding to support the Council’s research efforts and educational campaigns to increase public awareness and stimulate policy reform. “The Gender Affairs Council is critical in advancing gender equality in Bermuda,” said Minister Tinée Furbert. “I am proud to support the Council as it begins to target initiatives that will uplift and empower all members of our community, ensuring Bermuda is as diverse as it is vibrant.”

The Government spokesperson said, “During the latter part of this year, the Gender Affairs Council plans to establish a dedicated platform for community engagement where the general public will be able to send in their comments, queries, and suggestions. The Council also plans to develop information pamphlets for greater education and awareness of its work. The Gender Affairs Council consists of Chairperson, Dr. Lucie Fremlova, Deputy Chairperson, Whitnii Levon, and council members Senator Arianna Hodgson, Tina Laws, Calvin Stovell, Tierrai Tull, Ashun Wolffe, Linda Bogle-Miezner, and Jessica Steede.”

Minister Furbert stated, “I encourage everyone to stay engaged with the Council’s work, provide feedback, and contribute to shaping a more inclusive future for our island. These initiatives align with Bermuda’s commitment to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women [CEDAW], and we are proud to be doing our part in this endeavor.”

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  1. Hilarious says:

    I understand that the gender count from a September 9, 2023, article “81 Types of Genders & Gender Identities (A to Z List),” is at least 81 genders. Our esteemed legislators have difficulty writing laws for two genders. Indeed, this requires hiring expensive outside consultants who can assist in writing the complex legislation.

    It’s time to put out a proposal for gender expertise.

  2. trufth says:

    Maybe we should start paying reparations to these marginalized groups?

    • Joe Bloggs says:

      Feel free. Given Bermuda’s current debt, I, my children, and their children are busy paying our current debt.

    • Hilarious says:

      Be the first to contribute to the reparations fund! How much can the 81 genders count on your substantial financial gift? A one-time payment? Monthly payments? Sign over your paycheck? The 81+ Gender Fund needs your donation.

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