Male Arrested After Riding Through Crowd
A male was arrested today [Jan 31] after “riding an auxiliary cycle in a dangerous manner through a crowd of people processing from Court Street and accompanied by a Gombey Troupe.”
A police spokesperson said, “Around 11am on Friday, 31st January 2025, police officers were monitoring traffic in the area of the Mount St. Agnes School Hall, which was the assigned location for Nomination of Candidates for the upcoming General Election, when their attention was drawn to a male riding an auxiliary cycle in a dangerous manner through a crowd of people processing from Court Street and accompanied by a Gombey Troupe.
“Officers who were on scene to control traffic around the procession quickly caught up with and detained the male rider.
“It was later reported to police that as the vehicle was being ridden through the crowd, the vehicle made contact with an 11-year-old Gombey performer. It is not believed that the young male dancer was injured during the incident.
“Assistant Commissioner of Police Martin Weekes said that the subject, who is currently in police custody, is expected to appear before the courts facing a number of charges in relation to their driving.”
Hope that youngster is okay.
While you’re at it, arrest the !diot who every day drives on the sidewalk up and down Front Street at 20mph, dodging between pedestrains, on his one-wheeled electric hoverboard.
hahaha leave that guy alone and get out of his way. I see him all the time, he wears a helmet for goodness sake. Hes not doing anything wrong.
I’m not worried about whether he gets hurt. He wears a helmet because he knows he could collide with someone. He drives on the sidewalk at at least 20mph. One of these days he will hit a kid or elderly person, and kill someone. He’s a dangerous !diot.
Hi, I’m the guy who rides the Onewheel. I promise I never speed over 20 mph on the sidewalk because my board is slower than a pedal bike. I’m over 55, and I travel no faster than a jogger, and often slower than a cyclist. I ride safely, keeping to the outer edge of sidewalks, wearing bright colors and safety gear to boost my visibility, and maneuvering so people can always see me coming. I can guarantee that I spot you from at least half a block away.
I’ve logged over 8,000 miles on my Onewheel across three countries—even navigating through the crowds in Times Square, New York, without ever hitting anyone. As a cancer survivor who still struggles with fatigue, I rely on my Onewheel to get around without exhausting myself every day.
So, why not shift your attention to the real hazards on our streets? What about red-light runners or drivers who don’t slow down for pedestrians, barely offering an apology as they nearly run you over? How about building proper bike paths to ensure safety for all non-motorized road users? And why be upset that I’m choosing an environmentally friendly, zero-emissions vehicle?
Let me ask you this: have you ever seen me riding without a smile on my face?
You ride a powered vehicle on the sidewalk and usually go faster than the traffic on the road. You wear a crash helmet to save your own skin in the not-unlikely event you collide with a pedestrian.
You do not ride ride on the ‘outer edge’ of sidewalks, not that that would would be an excuse. You go straight down the middle, swerving left and right to get between people. No one can ‘see you coming’ if they have their back to you, and they shouldn’t have to worry about a selfish !diot coming up from behind at speed.
I personally have nearly been hit by you when I came out of a shop. You carried on oblivious, totally unaware. Of course, I was looking the other way, not expecting a fool to be coming at me at the speed of a car. On the pavement.
You’re a dangerous !diot.
I get it—one minute you’re leaving the store, and the next, you find me smoothly navigating around you. It might seem like I’m overreacting by paying close attention to your path, but trust me: I’m simply trying to get through my day as safely as you are.
Before you imagine me zipping along at breakneck speeds, a quick Google search will show that my Onewheel is built for a gentle pace—no faster than a brisk jog or a relaxed bike ride. In fact, I’ve got every ride logged by GPS, proving that my speed stays well within safe limits.
Now, think about it: how often do any of us step out without looking, getting caught up in our own world? Whether we’re scrolling on our phones or lost in thought, a misstep can happen to the best of us. I even started out with a bell to announce my presence—though some found it a bit too startling—and now I simply ask politely if it’s okay to pass.
It seems we all have our quirks. Some grumble about skateboarders or pedal-bike riders using the sidewalks, yet many of us choose these routes for safety. In busy places, like the streets of New York or even on Harbor Road during rush hour in Bermuda, traveling slowly on a safe, designated path is often the best option. Unfortunately, Bermuda lacks this option.
I do my best to remain friendly and civil, even when misunderstandings occur. If you ever want to chat about sharing our paths more harmoniously, just give me a wave. I’m all for a friendly conversation about how we can all get where we’re going safely and with a smile.
So instead of apologizing, you are trying to justify almost running Question over??? No one should ever have to look for motorized traffic on the sidewalk, except for the young man who is disabled, but he would never almost hit someone coming out of a shop. Apologize! that’s what’s wrong with the world today, can’t apologize for anything, even if they are found guilty. You are going to swipe the wrong person and then Question will get their justice.
Your arrogance is almost comical. You have no way of monitoring your speed as you’re going along and when I’ve been on the road going about 20mph I’ve been overtaken by you. On the sidewalk.
The reason motorised vehicles are not allowed on sidewalks is because it will inevitably lead to accidents. That’s why you wear your helmet, presumably. To save your own skin should you crash into someone.
You say “we all have our quirks”. You certainly do, for sure. What you do is dangerous.
It’s incredible how stupid and oblivious some people can be , eh ?
I’m pretty sure that there’s a law pertaining to operating a motorized vehicle on sidewalks that this person no doubt doesn’t know exists even though common sense should say not to do it anyway !
I can assure you, the guy who rides it’s IQ is much higher than the average bermudian. Always someone gotta talk ish abt someone they dont even know. He dont need to apologize to anyone. Hes doin nothing wrong.
“I can assure you, the guy who rides it’s IQ is much higher than the average bermudian.”
Your opinion of us is noted, as is your mastery of the English language.
I asked a Bermudian with an IQ of 68 if he’d ride a motorized toy on the sidewalks in town and his reply was ‘No, do you think I’m stupid ?’ IQ has nothing whatsoever to do with it , but common sense sure does !
The problem with “common sense” is that it is not that common anymore
He is lucky it wasn’t my son cause lord I’ll be in jail right now how dare u put my son and other kids and adults in danger ????
Dear Bermuda,
This sort of entitlement needs to stop. The road users have lost the entire plot and need to stop putting other peoples lives at risk .
Signed ,
Concerned Bermudian
Where was the head of the Gombey troupe? That was definitely the time to use that whip of theirs!