Bermudian Pilot Lands JetBlue Flight In Bermuda

February 24, 2025 | 6 Comments

Bermudian pilot Emily Siggins was at the controls when the JetBlue flight from Boston touched down at the LF Wade International Airport on Saturday.

A spokesperson said, “Emily was thrilled to be welcomed with a water curtain by the airport fire department, and also in person by her proud parents, Jeannie and Herbie Siggins, a group of friends and family, and Bermuda Airport Authority’s [BAA] CEO Lester Nelson. Jeannie Siggins currently serves on BAA’s Board and Herbie Siggins is a former station manager for JetBlue Airways.

“Emily had dreamt of a career in aviation since high school whilst attending Saturday morning aviation classes provided at the airport by Bermudian pilot and ground instructor Pete Wilson. Emily Graduated from the Florida Institute of Technology [FIT] with a Bachelor’s degree in Airport Management, a Master’s degree in Aviation Safety, and commercial pilot and flight instructor certifications.

“In 2016, Emily joined Cape Air as a Cessna 402 captain and where she flew scheduled passenger flights in the U.S. mid-west. After six years at Cape Air Emily was successful in joining JetBlue Airways as a First Officer.

“Emily was based in Boston for her first year with JetBlue and she is now based in Orlando and flies throughout the U.S. and also and between Mexico and the Caribbean. Naturally, piloting a commercial airline flight to Bermuda was a dream come true for Emily.”

The 33-year-old is extremely proud to have reached her career goal and to now be flying for a major airline. She said, “Some passengers are excited to see a female pilot. However, I still receive comments such as ‘not bad for a girl’, and passengers often assume I am the flight attendant”. She said she is “pleased with passengers’ reaction to having a female pilot, which has been largely positive.”

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  1. Congrats says:

    That’s great. 5 stars.

  2. puzzled. says:

    Great to see.
    Went to school many years ago with ‘Herbie’.
    Cleared for take off Lady.

  3. Lion Paw says:

    Congratulations Emily and welcome back on your visit


  5. Judith Munro says:

    Congratulations, Emily!

    I can’t imagine how proud your parents must be.

  6. Joe Bloggs says:

    It is almost enough to make me want to fly Jet Blue!

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