RSSCategory: Politics

Premier On Red Tape Reduction Consultation

Premier On Red Tape Reduction Consultation

Premier & Minister of Finance David Burt held a press conference today [May 20] on Red Tape Reduction Consultation. Premier Burt said, “Good afternoon, members of the media and to the people of Bermuda. “As your Government, we believe in a Bermuda where everyone has a voice, and our strength lies in listening to those voices when they... Read more of this article

Paula Cox Receives Honorary Degree At MSVU

Paula Cox Receives Honorary Degree At MSVU

Former Bermuda Premier Paula Cox spoke at the 2024 Mount Saint Vincent University convocation in Canada, where MSVU awarded her an honourary Doctor of Humane Letters. A spokesperson said, “Mount Saint Vincent University celebrated more than 675 graduates from 24 countries during its spring convocation ceremonies on May 16 and 17, 2024. “Students... Read more of this article

BUT: “Alarming Shortage Of Substitute Teachers”

BUT: “Alarming Shortage Of Substitute Teachers”

The Teachers Union said they continue to monitor the “alarming shortage of substitute teachers with great apprehension” and said “the Department of Education must make correcting this highly volatile state-of-operations their top priority.” A spokesperson said, “The Executive of the Bermuda Union of Teachers continues to... Read more of this article

Digital Fare Phase 1 Starts On June 24

Digital Fare Phase 1 Starts On June 24

On June 24th “we are introducing phase one of the new digital fare media for public buses and ferries, marking a pivotal moment in our journey towards modernization and efficiency,” Minister of Transport Wayne Furbert said. Speaking in the House of Assembly today [May 17] the Minister said, “With the digital fare media, commuters... Read more of this article

BYC To Interview C10 By-Election Candidates

BYC To Interview C10 By-Election Candidates

Bermuda Youth Connect will be hosting online interviews with the Constituency 10 by-election candidates Lindsay Simmons, Robert King, and Sir John Swan. A spokesperson said, “Bermuda Youth Connect was created in the wake of the 2020 snap-election to create more civic awareness and engagement amongst young people. In line with this mission, we... Read more of this article

OBA’s Tucker: Lack Of Schedule Is ‘Concerning’

OBA’s Tucker: Lack Of Schedule Is ‘Concerning’

[Updated] “It is concerning that in this day and age, neither Houses of Parliament have a calendar of meeting dates,” Opposition Senate Leader Robin Tucker said, adding that a “calendar seems like a simple fix that can solve a big problem and ensure that all hands are on deck to do the peoples’ business.” Senator Tucker said,... Read more of this article

Three Candidates At C10 Nomination Day

Three Candidates At C10 Nomination Day

Nomination day for the by-election for Constituency 10 Smith’s North was held yesterday [May 8] and the confirmed candidates are the OBA’s Robert King, the PLP’s Lindsay Simmons and Independent Sir John Swan. A spokesperson said, “The public will be aware that the Parliamentary Registry Office [PRO] announced that a Bye-Election... Read more of this article

Premier & Minister Condemn Gun Violence

Premier & Minister Condemn Gun Violence

Premier David Burt and Minister of National Security Michael Weeks both condemned the recent shootings, and said the “Government is resolute in our determination to confront and overcome the pervasiveness of gun violence.” “Gun violence leaves more than just the physical wounds. It leaves families, neighbourhoods and communities traumatised... Read more of this article

Column: Spencer On Absentee Voting & More

Column: Spencer On Absentee Voting & More

[Opinion column written by the FDM's Jahdia Spencer] In the ever-evolving landscape of democracy, one thing remains constant: the need for electoral reform to ensure good governance. Now more than ever, the call for inclusive representation resonates louder than before. Central to this call for reform is the pressing issue of absentee voting, particularly... Read more of this article

Column: OBA’s Foley On Accountability & More

Column: OBA’s Foley On Accountability & More

[Opinion column written by OBA Candidate Maurice Foley] As the winds of change sweep across Bermuda, it’s evident that the island is at a critical juncture, requiring a concerted effort from all residents to navigate towards a brighter future. Central to this transformation is the urgent need for a government that embodies principles of accountability,... Read more of this article

Column: PLP’s Robinson On Economy & More

Column: PLP’s Robinson On Economy & More

[Opinion column written by PLP Senator Leslie Robinson] Good day Bermuda. Like you, we recognize that the devastating economic impact of a once in a century pandemic, wars, worsening climate conditions, high interest rate environment and supply chain issues didn’t start overnight and won’t be completely solved overnight. Where we could and... Read more of this article

Legislation Aims To Strengthen Cybersecurity

Legislation Aims To Strengthen Cybersecurity

“I will table the Cybersecurity Act 2024 and the Computer Misuse Act 2024,” Minister of National Security Michael Weeks said in the House of Assembly today [May 3], adding that “these are two important pieces of legislation aimed at strengthening our cyber posture in Bermuda.” The Minister said, “The September 2023 cyberattack... Read more of this article

Premier David Burt Attends AIMA Conference

Premier David Burt Attends AIMA Conference

Premier and Minister of Finance David Burt led a business delegation to attend the AIMA Digital Asset Conference in New York City. A spokesperson said, “The Premier and Minister of Finance, the Hon. David Burt JP, MP, has travelled to New York City to lead a business development mission delegation and attend the Alternate Investment Management... Read more of this article

Live Audio & Parliament Order Of Business

Live Audio & Parliament Order Of Business

[Updated with live audio] The House of Assembly will be in session today [May 3] and statements listed on the Order Paper include the 2024 Seatrade Cruise Global Conference, the Education Reform Update and the Cyber Security Update. Update: Live broadcast has concluded, and the audio of the morning session is below The Order of Business is below [PDF... Read more of this article

Video: Minister Hayward Press Conference

Video: Minister Hayward Press Conference

[Updated] Minister of Economy and Labour Jason Hayward held a press conference today [May 2] on Bermuda’s Labour Force Survey. We will have additional information later on, and you can watch live replay below. Update 2.45pm: Minister Hayward’s remarks: Good morning, Today I am pleased to formally release the May 2023 Labour Force Survey Report... Read more of this article

BTUC On 2024 International Worker’s Day

BTUC On 2024 International Worker’s Day

“Today, as we celebrate International Workers’ Day, the Bermuda Trade Union Congress stands in solidarity with workers worldwide, honoring their contributions to society,” the Bermuda Trade Union Congress [BTUC] said. A spokesperson said, “Amidst the current economic challenges facing Bermuda, exacerbated by global uncertainties,... Read more of this article