Hashtag: #2021Budget

Live Updates & Video: Minister Delivers Budget

Live Updates & Video: Minister Delivers Budget

[Updating] Minister of Finance Curtis Dickinson is set to deliver the 2021 Budget in the House of Assembly this morning [Feb 26], which will set out the Government’s financial plans for the upcoming fiscal year. We will be covering the Budget all day, providing live updates as the Minister delivers the speech, as well as posting a copy of the full... Read more of this article

Budget Does Not Ask For 10% Pay Reduction

Budget Does Not Ask For 10% Pay Reduction

“We are most proud to recognize the sacrifice of public sector workers by presenting a budget that does not ask them for an additional year of the 10% pay reduction,” the Premier said. Last night, Premier David Burt tweeted, “Looking forward to tomorrow’s budget statement where Bermuda’s Min. of Finance will present the 2021... Read more of this article

Parliament: Order Of Business For February 26th

Parliament: Order Of Business For February 26th

The House of Assembly will be in session on Friday [Feb 26] and statement scheduled to be delivered include the “Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for 2021/2022” – as in the Budget Statement, which will be delivered by Finance Minister Curtis Dickinson. The Order of Business is below [PDF here]: Related Stories Parliament: Order Of Business... Read more of this article

Chamber To Host Budget Breakfast On March 1

Chamber To Host Budget Breakfast On March 1

The Bermuda Chamber of Commerce will be hosting its annual Budget Breakfast on Monday, March 1st, with the event to be held in a virtual format. A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Chamber of Commerce is set to host its Annual Budget Breakfast on Monday, March 1st 2021. This year’s event, sponsored by PwC Bermuda will follow the same panel format... Read more of this article

Video: Finance Minister Town Hall Meeting

Video: Finance Minister Town Hall Meeting

Minister of Finance Curtis Dickinson is holding a ‘Virtual Town Hall Meeting’ this evening [Feb 3] to “discuss the state of Bermuda’s economy and potential Fiscal Year 2021/2022 budget implications.” Related Stories Video: Minister Ming & Minister Scott Video: Premier & Minister Press Conference Video: Minister... Read more of this article

Opposition Leader On Pre-Budget Report

Opposition Leader On Pre-Budget Report

The Opposition Leader and Shadow Minister of Finance Cole Simons commented on Bermuda’s 2021/2022 Pre-Budget Report, and provided a list of initiatives that the “OBA would immediately implement to change the trajectory of the 2021-22 Budget.” Mr Simons said, “The Progressive Labour Party Government’s 2021-22 Pre-Budget Report tells... Read more of this article

Video: Finance Minister Press Conference

Video: Finance Minister Press Conference

[Updated] Minister of Finance Curtis Dickinson is holding a press conference this afternoon [Jan 19], and we will have additional coverage later on and in the meantime the live video is below. Update: The live broadcast has concluded and the 19-minute replay is below Update 7.57pm: Minister Curtis Dickinson’s full statement follows below: Good afternoon... Read more of this article