Hashtag: #5G

RA: No Decision Made About 5G In Bermuda

RA: No Decision Made About 5G In Bermuda

Noting there were some “social media postings this past weekend inciting the vandalism of cell towers,” the Regulatory Authority [RA] is “restating and reaffirming that no decision has been made” regarding 5G technology in Bermuda. A spokesperson said, “The Regulatory Authority [RA] is today restating and reaffirming that... Read more of this article

RA: No Decision Made For 5G In Bermuda

RA: No Decision Made For 5G In Bermuda

The Regulatory Authority [RA] has today stated that “no decision has been made regarding the deployment of the Fifth Generation [5G] technology in Bermuda.” “This statement is in response to a press release issued today from Horizon Communication, indicating that if they are successful in obtaining an Integrated Communication Operating... Read more of this article