Hashtag: #AuditorGeneral
“Getting To Grips With The Debt & The Deficit”
“Government should make getting to grips with the debt and the deficit one of its highest priority,” the Auditor General’s annual report said. The report, which details the work of her Office for the year ended March 31, 2019 was tabled in the House of Assembly. It provides details of the audit work completed by the Office of the Auditor... Read more of this article
‘Need Strong Financial Planning & Management’
Auditor General Heather Thomas says that “the need for the Government to practice strong financial planning and management has never been more important to help alleviate the ongoing economic impacts” as the Covid-19 pandemic continues. A spokesperson said, “On behalf of the Office of the Auditor General, the Auditor General, Mrs. Heather... Read more of this article
Auditor General Releases Annual Report For 2018
The Auditor General’s annual report on the work of her Office for the financial year ended March 31, 2018 was tabled in the House of Assembly on Friday, with the report stating that “Government should make getting to grips with the debt and the deficit its highest priority.” The report provides details of the audit work completed by the... Read more of this article
Auditor General Elected To Executive Council
Auditor General Heather Thomas has been elected to the Executive Council of the Caribbean Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions [CAROSAI]. A spokesperson said, “The Caribbean Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions is one of seven regional grouping of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions [INTOSAI]. INTOSAI operates... Read more of this article
Debt Calculated From $2.4 Billion To $3.8 Billion
Bermuda’s most recent debt has been calculated at amounts ranging from $2.4 billion to $3.8 billion, with the first figure reflecting “the amount of debt borrowed less the monies in the sinking fund” and the second indicating the “difference between a government’s liabilities and financial assets.” $3.6 Billion Figure According... Read more of this article
Auditor General’s Report For 2011 To 2017
Auditor General Heather Thomas has published the results of her Office’s work for the years ended 2011 to 2017, noting that there are 34 organizations falling under her mandate that were at least one year behind with their financial statements, with Ms Thomas urging the “Government to take all necessary steps to correct this situation.” The... Read more of this article
Auditor General On Govt Financial Statements
Auditor General Heather Thomas’ opinion on the financial statements of the Consolidated Fund of the Government of Bermuda for the year ended March 31, 2018, is included in the financial statements tabled in the House of Assembly yesterday [Dec 14] by the Minister of Finance. “My responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial statements... Read more of this article
Tax Arrears Of $90.6 Million As Of March 2016
“As at March 31, 2016, the amount of payroll, hotel occupancy, corporate services and land taxes greater than 90 days in arrears was $90.6 million,” according to the recently released Auditor General’s report. The report said, “As the unfunded liability increases, arrears of payroll and other taxes and pension contributions also... Read more of this article
Auditor General Report On Consolidated Fund
“Government should make getting to grips with the debt and the deficit its highest priority,” Auditor General Heather Thomas said today [Aug 10], as she released the results of her Office’s audits of the Consolidated Fund’s financial statements for the years ended March 31, 2013 to 2016. In releasing the report, the Auditor General’s... Read more of this article
Auditor General On Consolidated Fund
Auditor General Heather Thomas’s opinion on the financial statements of the Consolidated Fund of the Government of Bermuda for the year ended March 31, 2017, is included in the financial statements tabled in the House of Assembly by the Minister of Finance. “As a result of the audit work carried out, I was able to conclude that the financial statements... Read more of this article
Auditor General’s Progress One Year Later
“It is now one year since I took office as the Auditor General of Bermuda. The time has gone very quickly,” Heather Thomas said. “I know and understand that our next audit reports are eagerly awaited. We continue to work hard on completing them. As detailed below, I hope to publish at least one report in the next couple of months. “I... Read more of this article
Auditor General Highlights Her Office’s Mandate
Auditor General Heather Thomas has taken the time to clarify her office’s mandate as defined in the Bermuda Constitution and the Audit Act 1990. A spokesperson said, “The Auditor General, Ms. Heather Thomas responds to questions about the mandate of the Office of the Auditor General, the audits she conducts and her activities. “The... Read more of this article