Hashtag: #BCAC

BCAC On “Rushed Consultation” On Bill

BCAC On “Rushed Consultation” On Bill

The Bermuda Clean Air Coalition [BCAC] said they “vehemently condemn the Department of Environment and Natural Resources [DENR] and Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban for their grossly inadequate three-week consultation period on the Clean Air Amendment Bill and Water Resources Amendment Bill. “This hasty process not only undermines years... Read more of this article

BCAC On Pollution, Higher Costs & More

BCAC On Pollution, Higher Costs & More

Members of the Bermuda Clean Air Coalition [BCAC] expressed concerns about pollution, the increased costs of electricity and more. A spokesperson said, “The announcement of increased costs for electricity has sparked outrage in the community, but for members of the Bermuda Clean Air Coalition [BCAC] and residents of the area, there is concern... Read more of this article

BCAC Launch Survey On BELCO Impact

BCAC Launch Survey On BELCO Impact

The Bermuda Clean Air Coalition [BCAC] launched an online survey, saying it ”takes just 5 minutes to report issues in the survey, and will greatly increase the BCAC’s ability to hold BELCO accountable while pushing for cleaner power generation to the benefit of all Bermudians.” A spokesperson said, “Currently, BELCO decides who is... Read more of this article

Greenrock Commend Clean Air Coalition

Greenrock Commend Clean Air Coalition

“Greenrock would like to congratulate the local residents and business leaders who have formed the Bermuda Clean Air Coalition [BCAC], an activist group, aimed at raising awareness about the grave implications caused by BELCO’s stacks and machinery,” Greenrock Chairman Eugene Dean said. Mr Dean said, “For years area residents have experienced... Read more of this article

Clean Air Coalition Aims To Bring Awareness

Clean Air Coalition Aims To Bring Awareness

A new group  — the Bermuda Clean Air Coalition [BCAC] — has formed and it is aimed at “bringing awareness of the grave implications caused by BELCO’s stacks and machinery to the public and BELCO’s staff, management, owners, and shareholders.” A spokesperson said, “Local residents and business leaders have formed the Bermuda... Read more of this article