Clean Air Coalition Aims To Bring Awareness

October 13, 2020

A new group  — the Bermuda Clean Air Coalition [BCAC] — has formed and it is aimed at “bringing awareness of the grave implications caused by BELCO’s stacks and machinery to the public and BELCO’s staff, management, owners, and shareholders.”

A spokesperson said, “Local residents and business leaders have formed the Bermuda Clean Air Coalition [BCAC], an activist group aimed at bringing awareness of the grave implications caused by BELCO’s stacks and machinery to the public and BELCO’s staff, management, owners and shareholders.

“With the imminent sale of BELCO, it is even more imperative that the company address these issues before the new owners are straddled with an outraged community and legal implications.

“For the past several months, images of pollution from BELCO’s stacks have littered social media. While the images are devastating, the reality for residents near the plant is far worse. The pollution from the stacks and vibration from the machinery impacts homes, schools, and businesses, creating visible signs of contamination and compromised structural integrity.

“Living in this toxic space has subjected residents to:

  • Black and metal [rust] soot particles the size of a quarter or larger, scattered across yards, cars and most importantly on roof tops, which ultimately makes its way into water tanks.
  • Tank water polluted to the extent were showering affects the skin causing unexplained itching and in some cases rashes.
  • Cracks to walls, rooves, tanks and driveways from the unsettling vibration coming from BELCO’s plant.
  • The acrid and constant smell of diesel that somehow finds its way through closed doors and windows, leaving few choices for outside activity.

“Although the greatest impact may affect area residents, imaging shows that BELCO’s pollution regularly travels in the form of anthropogenic clouds over the parishes of St George’s, Devonshire, Paget, Warwick and Southampton. The clouds often form into an anthropogenic [manmade] Morgan Ghost cloud formation.

“The general area of the City of Hamilton may be the second most heavily affected area. This is based on the observed development of anthropogenic clouds hanging over the City. Within a radius of less than a mile from BELCO’s plant there are seven schools, West Pembroke Primary, Northlands Primary, Berkeley Institute, Bermuda High School for Girls, Saltus Grammar, Dellwood Middle and Victor Scott

“There are also nursery schools, community centres, sporting clubs, playgrounds and other places that children and families from across the island attend. The issue of BELCO’s pollution and damage is an island wide problem which even area Ministers, Premier David Burt and Jason Hayward, have recognized.

“Area residents and business leaders are far beyond the limits of their patience, as such they are insisting on a meeting with BELCO’s Board,” the group said. “The Bermuda Clean Air Coalition is demanding change from BELCO and its parent companies for the health and safety of all of Bermuda’s residents.”

“The Coalition’s clear points of concern are:

  • Soot and chemical deposits on roofs, vehicles, soil
  • Contamination of water tanks
  • Frequent strong smell of fumes preventing outdoor activity
  • Impact on physical and mental health
  • Impact on children at local schools
  • Devaluation of property
  • Liability of nearby businesses to their customers

“The Bermuda Clean Air Coalition aims to ensure that:

  • BELCO publicly releases all historical emissions data and environmental impact data
  • BELCO release all current and future data in real time making it as accessible as usage on the monthly BELCO bill
  • There is an assessment of BELCO’s compliance with local and international standards and an improvement of Bermuda’s Clean Air Act if required
  • Bermuda adopts EU-level emissions standards
  • There is an assessment of the extent of damages caused by BELCO’s plant to the island and immediate area
  • Extensive measures by BELCO to mitigate emissions
  • BELCO compensates damage to property of area residents
  • BELCO install quality water filtration systems on affected tanks of area residents
  • There are ongoing studies of the impact of the BELCO plant on the health, water, and environmental consequences of the company’s plant

“We all value electricity, we all need electricity, but Bermuda’s residents’ health and well being should not be compromised in order to have it.”

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  1. JohnnyB says:

    Cool idea and all but not going to happen. Your efforts would be more useful pushing government to allow Algonquin to buy BELCO since their plan is to inject $200Mil immediately into renewable energy. Solves all your problems.

  2. No sale now idiots says:

    And who are these idiots trying to poison the BELCO deal? Typical alarmist idiots who are trying to prevent us from getting a substantial payout to help our economy!