Hashtag: #BEST

Residents Visit The Proposed ATV Tours Route

Residents Visit The Proposed ATV Tours Route

The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] recently hosted a walk around the proposed ATV tours route through Hog Bay Park in the west end, and have also reminded people that the deadline for submitting feedback is today [Nov 14]. “Up to 100 concerned citizens showed up throughout the afternoon, ranging in ages from 2 to 88 years... Read more of this article

BEST Celebrating Their 10th Anniversary

BEST Celebrating Their 10th Anniversary

The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] is celebrating its 10th anniversary, marking a decade of “its vital work as campaigner for the environment for the protection of Bermuda’s limited and diminishing conservation zones.” A spokesperson said, “In 2006, a small group of people banded together to save Bermuda’s Botanical... Read more of this article

BEST: “Two Nuggets Of Environmental Treasure”

BEST: “Two Nuggets Of Environmental Treasure”

The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] said they noted “two nuggets of environmental treasure” in the 2017 Throne Speech that they thought were worth highlighting and responding to. A BEST spokesperson said, “While reviewing the 2017 Throne Speech, the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] noted two nuggets... Read more of this article

‘Attraction Is Bermuda’s Natural Environment’

‘Attraction Is Bermuda’s Natural Environment’

Noting the intentions of the Bermuda Tourism Authority [BTA] and the Bermuda Economic Development Corporation [BEDC] to “breathe life back into Bermuda’s tourism product and include a push for increased entrepreneurial activity,” the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] has urged the BTA, BEDC and entrepreneurs to recall... Read more of this article

BEST Congratulates Bermuda’s IB Success

BEST Congratulates Bermuda’s IB Success

The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] is congratulating all of the Bermuda High School [BHS] and other 2017 International Baccalaureate [IB] success stories. President & Chief Advocacy Officer of the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] Stuart Hayward said, “The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce... Read more of this article

Concern Over Coot Pond ‘Commercialisation’

Concern Over Coot Pond ‘Commercialisation’

[Updated] The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] and Greenrock said they are “concerned about the creeping commercialisation of areas outside of the five beaches plan of the Bermuda Tourism Authority.” “Under the existing plan only five beaches are designated for development and concessions – Horseshoe Bay,... Read more of this article

BEST: ‘Ethical Dilemmas’ With Turtle Relocation

BEST: ‘Ethical Dilemmas’ With Turtle Relocation

[Updated] “The planned temporary relocating of turtles — certainly with the turtles’ interest at heart — from the America’s Cup main racecourse, poses a number of environmental and ethical dilemmas,” BEST said today. It was previously announced that in “anticipation of intense boating activity in the Great Sound,” the America’s... Read more of this article

Greenrock & BEST Decide Against Formal Merger

Greenrock & BEST Decide Against Formal Merger

Facilitated by the Centre on Philanthropy’s Collaboration Taskforce, discussions between Greenrock and BEST have continued in recent weeks. “A range of options have been considered that would allow them to work together on environmental sustainability issues of vital interest to both organizations. Greenrock and BEST have, however, concluded... Read more of this article

BEST Aiming For ‘Sustainable Financial Pathway’

BEST Aiming For ‘Sustainable Financial Pathway’

The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] said they are “very grateful to those residents who responded so quickly to their appeal for financial support,” as the “investments made will allow BEST to continue critical services while they work on a sustainable financial pathway.” BEST President Stuart Hayward... Read more of this article

BEST Applauds AC35 “Sustainability Charter”

BEST Applauds AC35 “Sustainability Charter”

“It is encouraging that AC35 participants are consistently showing a deep appreciation of the beauty of Bermuda and her people,” BEST said following the news that the six teams in the America’s Cup signed a Sustainability Charter focused on environmental responsibility. A statement from the group said, “America’s Cup Event... Read more of this article

BEST Wish List For This Year’s Throne Speech

BEST Wish List For This Year’s Throne Speech

The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] released their ‘Wish List’ for the upcoming Throne Speech touching on climate change, protecting bees, land use, marine planning legislation, noise pollution, Southlands and more. BEST said, “The issue of Climate Change is ripe for serious attention in Bermuda. We would be justified... Read more of this article

BEST Group Launch New Website & Logo Design

BEST Group Launch New Website & Logo Design

The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] announced the official launch of their new website and new logo. “We are delighted to invite the community to visit the new website, www.best.org.bm, to access information, resources and progress on the latest issues affecting the physical environment, primarily, but also the social and... Read more of this article

BEST Comments On Cross Island Consultation

BEST Comments On Cross Island Consultation

The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] said they “would like to applaud the Cross Island Committee on their outreach and consultation efforts seeking ideas for making best use of Cross Island, once the America’s Cup Event Village has vacated the area.” “We are also appreciative of the Committee for recognising... Read more of this article

BEST On Car Proposal: ‘Look Before We Leap’

BEST On Car Proposal: ‘Look Before We Leap’

BEST has weighed in on the proposal to introduce rental cars in Bermuda, saying that “a deeper look suggests that mini vehicles for tourists may be a gift with mixed benefits” and we should “look before we leap.” BEST’s comments follow after the Motor Car Amendment [No. 2] Act 2016 was tabled in the House of Assembly, with... Read more of this article

$23,299 Raised In BEST 74th Birthday Campaign

$23,299 Raised In BEST 74th Birthday Campaign

The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST]  has raised $23,299 to date towards its goal of $25,000 in support of Stuart Hayward’s 74th Birthday Campaign and his legacy of environmental advocacy in Bermuda. “62 BEST friends have assisted BEST in reaching its goal and with the campaign ending on June 10th, BEST is looking for 12... Read more of this article

BEST: Cross Island Suggestions Not Revealed

BEST: Cross Island Suggestions Not Revealed

Since WEDCo held its first public consultation meeting on the end-uses for the Cross Island landfill a list of the suggestions put forward has not been publicly revealed which “suggests that  WEDCo is setting itself up to repeat the mis-steps that resulted in the Supreme Court quashing their original application,” the Bermuda Environmental... Read more of this article