Hashtag: #BobRichards

Bob Richards Holds Book Signing Event

Bob Richards Holds Book Signing Event

Bob Richards spoke at BUEI last night [July 11] about Bermuda’s involvement in the Cold War before signing copies of his new book, Triangle of Blood. A spokesperson said, “Introduced by his son, Kevin, the author spoke to the almost 100 attendees about Bermuda’s support of the US Navy in the lead-up to the Cuban Missile Crisis and... Read more of this article

Bob Richards On UK & Bermuda Relationship

Bob Richards On UK & Bermuda Relationship

The British Parliament “passed legislation that clearly violates” the Bermuda Constitution, the FCO “continuously succumbs to the stereotyping of the Territories,” and Bermuda has been “early adopters of all the evolving global standards of tax and beneficial ownership information sharing.” These were some of the... Read more of this article

Bob Richards: “Bermuda Back From The Brink”

Bob Richards: “Bermuda Back From The Brink”

Former Deputy Premier and Finance Minister Bob Richards is getting set to release his new book, called “Bermuda Back from the Brink”, with the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute [BUEI] getting set to host a lecture and book signing with Mr Richards this Friday. The event poster says, “How did a six quarter recession in the US turn into... Read more of this article

Minister: “There Was No Recession In 2016″

Minister: “There Was No Recession In 2016″

[Updated] “For the record, there was no recession during the second half of 2016,” Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance Bob Richards said today, adding that “it is disappointing, but perhaps not unexpected given where we are in the electoral cycle, that critics fall over themselves to find fault.” The Minister’s comments... Read more of this article

Govt Offers Airport Project Agreement To PAC

Govt Offers Airport Project Agreement To PAC

The Government has offered to provide the members of the House of Assembly’s Public Accounts Committee with copies of the Project Agreement for the airport redevelopment project according to Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance, E.T. Bob Richards. The Minister said, “On January 24th the Opposition leader and the Public Accounts Committee... Read more of this article

One Hour Video: Finance Minister Bob Richards

One Hour Video: Finance Minister Bob Richards

Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance Bob Richards sat down with Bernews today for a live interview on our Facebook page, discussing a wide range of topics including the airport redevelopment, the recently released Fiscal Responsibility Panel assessment report, and the island’s finances in general. Speaking with veteran journalist Jeremy Deacon,... Read more of this article

28 Minute Video: Minister Richards On Airport

28 Minute Video: Minister Richards On Airport

“After careful consideration, much consultation with leading experts, the Government is satisfied that the CCC solution is not only the best solution to a pressing problem, but will bring many advantages,” Finance Minister Bob Richards said today. The Minister held a press conference to provide an update on the airport development project,... Read more of this article

Minister Does Presentation At Somersfield

Minister Does Presentation At Somersfield

Yesterday [Oct 20] the Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance Bob Richards, visited Somersfield Academy to do a presentation on the Airport Redevelopment project to a group of P6 Innovations students. At the request of the school, Minister Richards discussed the project and answered questions from the students who are learning about the airport project... Read more of this article

Cost Of Minister Richards Visits To UK & Brussels

Cost Of Minister Richards Visits To UK & Brussels

The most recent listings on the Government’s travel webpage are for trips by Finance Minister Bob Richards to the UK to meet with officials regarding the Airport Redevelopment Project, and to attend the opening of Hamilton Insurance’s UK Office, and to the UK and Brussels for meetings on TIEA, tax and solvency matters, as well as to attend... Read more of this article

Finance Minister’s Visit To Brussels And Paris

Finance Minister’s Visit To Brussels And Paris

Speaking in the House of Assembly on Friday [June 24], Minister of Finance Bob Richards provided an overview of his visit to Brussels and Paris, and various meetings he held with European officials. The Minister said, “The main purpose of this visit was to consolidate and enhance Bermuda’s reputation, thereby strengthening Bermuda’s relations... Read more of this article

Consolidated Fund Financial Statements Tabled

Consolidated Fund Financial Statements Tabled

Today [May 20] in the House of Assembly, Minister of Finance Bob Richards tabled audited financial statements relating to the Consolidated Fund for the year-ended March 31, 2015, which provide information on the financial position, operations, change in net debt and cash flows resulting from the activities of the Government. Minister Richards said,... Read more of this article

Minister Richards: ‘Must Be Level Playing Field’

Minister Richards: ‘Must Be Level Playing Field’

“We made it clear that we do not support double standards that allow those dominant countries that make the rules to have lower standards than small countries that are required to abide by these rules” as “there must be a level playing field,” Minister of Finance Bob Richards said in the House of Assembly today [May 20] The... Read more of this article

Finance Minister Attends Anti-Corruption Summit

Finance Minister Attends Anti-Corruption Summit

Deputy Premier and Finance Minister Bob Richards had a front row seat at key meetings of the Anti-Corruption Summit 2016 in London today [May 12], as UK Prime Minister David Cameron pressed an ambitious agenda of global change. “Meanwhile, the Deputy Premier articulately and firmly told UK journalists why Bermuda is not willing to lead the way... Read more of this article

Jason Hayward Apologizes To Minister Richards

Jason Hayward Apologizes To Minister Richards

People’s Campaign member Jason Hayward has apologized to Finance Minister Bob Richards, saying it was never his “intention to insult the Minister or to cause the public to think less of him as a person.” The Finance Minister launched legal action against Mr Hayward after he made certain statements about the Minister on a TV appearance... Read more of this article

Video: Minister Richards On “BBC Newsnight”

Video: Minister Richards On “BBC Newsnight”

Finance Minister Bob Richards appeared on the ‘BBC Newsnight’ programme to discuss the ‘Panama Papers’ and the suggestion from the UK Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn that the UK should consider imposing “direct rule” over British Overseas Territories if they do not comply with UK tax rules. An 8-minute video of the Minister’s... Read more of this article

Podcast: Finance Minister On 2016/17 Budget

Podcast: Finance Minister On 2016/17 Budget

In the latest edition of the Bernews podcasts, we talk to Finance Minister Bob Richards about the 2016/17 Budget. In the interview he said the previous regime, when it raised payroll tax, made a critical error by not consulting with IB in particular, but he said the Fiscal Responsibility Panel, set up last year to look at the tax regime, had consulted... Read more of this article