Hashtag: #CoastGuard

True Story of One Man’s Death & 4 Survivors

True Story of One Man’s Death & 4 Survivors

A true story about five sailors who experienced distress while sailing to Bermuda is now in print. Four of them survived the harrowing experience, with one succumbing after 10 hours in the water. Michael Tougias’ recently released nonfiction book “Overboard! A True Blue-Water Odyssey of Disaster and Survival,” was published by Simon and Schuster... Read more of this article

History: Bermuda’s Greatest Aviation Disaster

History: Bermuda’s Greatest Aviation Disaster

Take a look back in history at the single greatest aviation disaster to strike Bermuda, which occurred 58 years ago. On December 6th 1952, 37 people lost their lives when an airplane crashed directly after taking off from Bermuda. The flight, operated by Havana Airlines [a subsidary of Pan Am] was refueling during a stopover en route from Madrid, Spain... Read more of this article