Hashtag: #DavidBurt

Senator On Budget, Debt, Finances & More

Senator On Budget, Debt, Finances & More

This morning [Mar.16] Junior Minister for Finance Senator David Burt spoke on the 2011/12 Budget, saying “the headlines of the Budget are widely known, but I will take a little time to review them in more detail this morning.” The Senator went on to discuss various aspects including the planned open budget process, debt, revenue, the sinking... Read more of this article

Video & Bio: Senator David Burt

Video & Bio: Senator David Burt

The youngest member serving in the Lower or Upper House, 31-year-old Senator David Burt was sworn in at Government House yesterday [Nov 1], becoming the Junior Minister for Finance, Environment, Planning and Infrastructure. After attending Florida Air Academy, he studied at George Washington University in Washington D.C, obtaining a Bachelor of Business... Read more of this article