Hashtag: #DecolonizationUN

UK Parliament: Q&A On Territories/UN List
The position of Overseas Territories – including Bermuda – on the United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing Territories was recently discussed in British Parliament. During their session on January 30th, Member of Parliament Blake Stephenson asked, “To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs,... Read more of this article

UN Decolonization Committee Meets
The United Nations Fourth Committee on Decolonization approved nineteen draft resolutions during their recent session. The United Nations maintains a list of what they deem to be “Non-Self-Governing Territories”, and Bermuda is included, having been listed since 1946; with all the other British Overseas Territories are listed as well. Along with... Read more of this article

‘Dialogue To Expedite The End Of Colonialism’
“Encouraging deeper collaboration and constructive dialogue to expedite the end of colonialism” ensuring the “aspirational needs of small island territories under the purview of the Special Committee on Decolonization are met is a global responsibility,” United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said. “The concerns... Read more of this article

Special Committee On Decolonization Session
Secretary-General António Guterres recently told the Special Committee on Decolonization that “we must commit to making 2022 a year of recovery for everyone.” A spokesperson said, “On the cusp of the second year of the fourth Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism, the process of decolonization remains vital, United Nations Secretary-General... Read more of this article

UN Decolonization Committee’s Resolutions
The United Nations Fourth Committee [Special Political and Decolonization] approved 14 draft resolutions concerning decolonization, with most of the resolutions passing with over 100 votes; with Israel, the United Kingdom, and United States voting against some of them. The United Nations maintains a list of what they deem to be “Non-Self-Governing... Read more of this article

UN: ‘Week Of Non-Self-Governing Territories’
Every year from May 25th to May 31st, the United Nations marks the “International Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories.” The United Nations maintains a list of what they deem to be “Non-Self-Governing Territories”, and Bermuda is included, having been listed since 1946; with all the other British Overseas... Read more of this article

United Nations Decolonization Committee Meets
The United Nations Special Political and Decolonization Committee held a meeting earlier this month, where they passed a number of draft resolutions. The United Nations maintains a list of what they deem to be “Non-Self-Governing Territories”, and Bermuda is included, having been listed since 1946; with all the other British Overseas Territories... Read more of this article

Decolonization Is ‘Moving, Albeit At Slow Pace’
Progress on decolonization is “moving but albeit at a slow pace,” United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said, adding that “decolonization is a process that has to be guided by the aspirations and needs of the communities living in the Territories.” The United Nations maintains a list of what they deem to be “Non-Self-Governing... Read more of this article

Video: British MPs Discuss UN & Decolonization
The United Nations Committee on Decolonization was discussed during a recent meeting of the British Foreign Affairs Committee, with questions raised as to what is being done to remove the ten British Overseas Territories — including Bermuda — from the list of “Non-Self-Governing Territories.” While the subject of the House of... Read more of this article

Progress On Decolonization “Agonizingly Slow”
Progress towards “decolonizing” what the United Nations has listed as the world’s 17 remaining “Non-Self-Governing Territories” — which includes Bermuda — has been “agonizingly slow”, some speakers said at the recently held UN Special Political and Decolonization meeting. Bermuda is included on the UN’s list... Read more of this article

2015 Session Of UN Decolonization Committee
The 2015 session of the Special Committee on Decolonization recently got underway, with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon saying “the success of our efforts continues to depend on the political will of all involved.” In describing the Committee, the UN says: “In a vast political reshaping of the world, more than 80 former colonies comprising... Read more of this article

Wilson: ‘We Look Forward To Being Independent’
“We look forward to one day ultimately sitting at the table with the other nations of the world as a confident, economically prosperous, politically stable, still beautiful and independent Bermuda,” said Attorney-General and Minister of Justice Kim Wilson during a recent speech in Ecuador. Minister Wilson was speaking in the Senate today... Read more of this article