Hashtag: #Finance

Column: Myron On Contingency Planning
[Column written by Martha Harris Myron] There are five elements in contingency planning, no matter the issues: relationships, jobs and work, natural and personal catastrophes, environmental circumstances, shipping work strikes, political conflicts, and even more dire situations. You cannot control future events, even when you are certain, but you can... Read more of this article

Column: Step Three To Home Ownership
[Written by Freddie Forth & Martha Harris Myron] Negotiating a contract, whether written or implied, occurs in some form or another in almost every human interaction: wages, purchasing consumer goods, union bargaining, even in human relationships. It can be set implicitly and clear cut, resolvable in a matter of minutes, as when the price of a... Read more of this article

Column: Step Two To Home Ownership
[Written by Freddie Forth & Martha Harris Myron] There are two defining factors for most people wanting to buy real estate property: Property is real, immovable, tangible and understandable. It has always been there [at least the land] and so marked on a map [Google GPS Earth] in today’s digital world. And secondly, it is your permanent home,... Read more of this article

Premier Attends Blockchain Symposium
Premier David Burt departed Bermuda yesterday to participate in the Wyoming Blockchain Symposium after postponing his travel to support recovery coordination following Hurricane Ernesto. A Government spokesperson said, “This digital finance conference will take place from August 19 to 21, 2024, and was launched through a partnership between global... Read more of this article

Column: Eight Steps To Home Ownership
[Written by Freddie Forth & Martha Harris Myron] Introducing Freddie Forth, owner of Forthright Solutions. Freddie is a Bermudian luminary expert in real estate, mortgages & lending, local architecture and author of Eight Steps to Home Ownership Freddie Forth has volunteered her time and expertise in creating the Eight Steps of Home Ownership... Read more of this article

PondStraddler Finance Media Launches
Martha Harris Myron’s Bermuda PondStraddler Finance Media Productions has launched a series of interactive financial literacy videos to highlight Bermuda’s financial sector. A spokesperson said, “Developed by Martha Harris Myron in her continued financial literacy mission for Bermuda, these productions specifically focus on Bermuda’s... Read more of this article

City Releases 2023 Financial Statements
The Corporation of Hamilton released its annual financial statements for 2023. A spokesperson said, “The Corporation is pleased to note that our financial statements are presented again this year with an unqualified audit opinion from independent auditors. “In releasing its financial statements, the Corporation wishes to highlight recent... Read more of this article

Cabinet Approves 2.4% Increase For Pensions
“The Cabinet approved a further 2.4% increase for seniors’ pensions in line with the inflation rate,” Premier and Minister of Finance David Burt said in the House of Assembly today [July 19], adding that “when the House of Assembly returns in September, this government will table that increase in pensions to keep our commitment... Read more of this article

Premier Burt On Reduced Pension Admin Fees
“Thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Government, Pension Commission, and local pension plan administrators, the people of Bermuda will benefit from not only a reduction in administration fees applied to Private Pensions but also see limits put in place on those fees, so they do not increase in the future,” Premier and Minister of... Read more of this article

Corporate Income Tax Agency Act 2024
On Friday, the Premier and Minister of Finance David Burt tabled a bill in the House of Assembly entitled “Corporate Income Tax Agency Act 2024. A Government spokesperson said, ” The tabling of this bill represents another significant milestone for Bermuda in the development and implementation of an appropriate and effective corporate income... Read more of this article

ICO’s 2021-2022 Financial Statement Tabled
The Audited Financial Statement for the Office of the Information Commissioner for the financial year ended 31 March 2022 were tabled in the House of Assembly today. A spokesperson said, “Information Commissioner Gitanjali Gutierrez is pleased to announce that, for the seventh consecutive year, the ICO has received an unqualified audit. As an... Read more of this article