Hashtag: #HealthInsurance

Insurance Feedback: Health Council Extends Time

Insurance Feedback: Health Council Extends Time

The Bermuda Health Council (BHeC) today [Aug 31] announced that, at the request of key stakeholders, the consultation period for its proposals to enhance the regulatory framework for health insurers has been extended from August 30th to 15th September 15th. BHeC says that “public interest in the consultation paper has remained constant and to... Read more of this article

Collin Anderson: Director of Health Insurance.

Collin Anderson: Director of Health Insurance.

The Ministry of Health announced today (July 14) that Mr. Collin Anderson, formerly the Assistant Director of Health Insurance, has had his post revised to that of Director of Health Insurance. Mr. Anderson began his career in government in 2006 as the Assistant Director for Health Insurance for the Department of Social Insurance, within the Ministry... Read more of this article

Health Council Proposes Insurance Reforms

Health Council Proposes Insurance Reforms

The Bermuda Health Council (BHeC) today [July 8] announced the release of a public consultation paper that lays out BHeC’s proposed reforms to health insurance legislation and regulations in Bermuda. The consultation paper indentifies key demographic, economic, and health trends that highlight the need to enhance the current regulatory framework for... Read more of this article

Health Accounts Report: Income & Expenses

Health Accounts Report: Income & Expenses

The Bermuda Health Council (BHeC) released the National Health Accounts Report 2010, which offers a comprehensive review of the growth in Bermuda’s health system financing and expenditure from 2004 to 2009. The report combines publicly-available data from the Bermuda Government and the Bermuda Hospitals Board, with previously unpublished private sector... Read more of this article

BDA Health Council: Upfront Payment Guidelines

BDA Health Council: Upfront Payment Guidelines

The Ministry of Health and the Bermuda Health Council (BHeC) today (June 22) announced the introduction of new guidelines on upfront payments. The nine guidelines, which are outlined in the document Upfront Payment Guidelines 2010, are intended to minimize the requests for full payment for healthcare services at the time of delivery. They aim to help... Read more of this article

BF&M: Earnings of $5.9 Million for 2010 1st Quarter

BF&M: Earnings of $5.9 Million for 2010 1st Quarter

BF&M Limited today [May 25] announced net earnings for the 3 month period ended March 31, 2010 of $5,916,313, resulting in a return on shareholders equity of 14%. John Wight, CEO, said that the results were largely due to investments, and that higher health claims impacted the business. These results compared with net earnings of $888,614 for... Read more of this article

Roban: Health System On Verge Of Revolution

Roban: Health System On Verge Of Revolution

Minister of Health Walter Roban has released a statement on the state of the health insurance system in Bermuda, saying that concluding our health care system is close to failure and “alarming the public” is not constructive. Health insurance has been at the forefront of conversation for the past few days in Bermuda, following the public... Read more of this article

BIU Meeting Report: Insurance Premiums

BIU Meeting Report: Insurance Premiums

Last night’s BIU organized meeting about health insurance premium raises was attended by about 80 people including Union members, non-union workers, self-employed persons, and business owners. On the panel were; BIU President Chris Furbert, Ed Ball of the BPSU, Gerald Simons of Argus Insurance, John Wight of BF&M Insurance, and Kathy Landy and... Read more of this article

Burchall: Falling Wages & Rising Deductions

Burchall: Falling Wages & Rising Deductions

[Written by Larry Burchall] Yesterday, on a radio talk show, Mr Chris Furbert, President of the Bermuda Industrial Union, pointed out that thousands of members of the BIU have been severely impacted by the state of Bermuda’s slowed-down economy and the government’s decision to cut back on some government expenditure. In the BIU Hotel division, workers... Read more of this article

BIU President Calls For Insurance Changes

BIU President Calls For Insurance Changes

BIU President, Chris Furbert, speaking today [Apr 28] on the “Sherri J” radio talk show on FM89.1 has called for local health insurance providers to lower their just announced planned rate increases that are to take effect from May 1st 2010. Mr Furbert says that the local insurance providers have increased their monthly premiums by anything between... Read more of this article