Column: Robinson On Policies, Vision & More
[Opinion column written by OBA’s Dwayne Robinson]
The people of Bermuda have endured a front row seat as the government unravels. The signs are all there with Cabinet resignations, existing Ministers being forced to double up, a delayed candidate selection for the upcoming by-election, a resigned Deputy Leader desperately trying to change the conversation from the PLP to the OBA, and now a former PLP Minister crossing the floor. The PLP’s current administration is out of gas and it is time to look to the future and the right alternative to take us there.
During the disintegration of this Burt Administration Bermudians are the ones who are losing out. The One Bermuda Alliance continues to canvass, and we consistently hear the call for change. However, we know Bermudians are looking for hope and a plan, for our island. The OBA has diligently worked on our plan for rebuilding the island and conveying our message of unity and hope.
With election in the air Bermudians are beginning to consider their options, I want to provide a bit of contrast between us and the Governing PLP.
- The OBA brought Bermuda St. Regis, we are not the party who allowed Fairmont Southampton to close.
- The OBA brought Bermuda America’s Cup, we are not the party that failed to retain Sail GP.
- The OBA is the party who placed tourism in the hands of experts, we are not the party who subjected the BTA to political interference.
- The OBA objected to a tax on Vacation Rentals, the PLP placed that tax on Bermudians.
- The OBA calls for a repeal of the Sugar tax, the PLP continues to place that tax on Bermudians.
- The OBA attempted to address our unsustainable population, the PLP opposed and allowed an 8000 person hole to develop in our working population.
- The OBA began the Progressive tax reform that eased taxes on the Bermudians who needed it that the PLP completed in their first term.
Our policy positions show that we are focused on easing the burden on Bermudians, that we allow experts to thrive, we are fiscally responsible, and we are intent on growing the economy. There are many more things I can list that give a glimpse into the type of Government the OBA is preparing to be, if given the opportunity.
We understand that we must provide a vision for the future and that is being worked on diligently. We are looking forward to releasing it but we must be pragmactic and ensure it is a coherrent strategy to lead Bermuda into a brighter future. However, we have consistently put forth alternatives and amendments to show Bermudians that we have their back. So that there is a clear distinction between the parties.
Stability over chaos. Unity over division. Progress over stagnation. Opportunity over disappointment. That is what we are working towards in the One Bermuda Alliance. While the Premier struggles to hold together his Government, our leader leads a party in resurgence, with new candidates rolling out consistently. While the PLP splinters, the OBA remains unified in its purpose to rebuild Bermuda and to deliver for Bermudians.
- Opposition Senator Dwayne Robinson is the One Bermuda Alliance candidate for Constituency 30, Southampton East Central.
But the OBA was hammered in the last election. Ask yourself why.
Vance Campbell told us why (for those who did not already know), the PLP are very good a politics (or poly-tricks)
Mr Robinson
I have every reason say that you are to be complemented on your excelent comand of the English language as you have much wisdom.
You have a way with words which are all inspiring, that, for many others takes years and years to aquire.
Your knowlede of the facts and your ability to record them is truely amazing as you use of the words like”vision “and “easing the burden” and” intent on growing the economy “.
Who could contemplate and wish for more , very promising to say the least, that without doubt make me and i am confident many other feel all warm and fuzzy.
I certainly admire you love for our island home as we all do ,far be that I would wish hard ship on any one here, never -the -less we are experiancing much misery and grief for some the pain and suffering for others is unbearable.
I make lemon aid from lemons .
Let me get down to the meat and potatoes here, as there has to be a solution for all of our problems theu will jo go away with of tireless hard work.
The big question that faces us all may I ask is ,what is it?
I am sure that you are not that keen on letting he cat out of the bag as the others will pick it up an run with it .
The way I see it is our country need to improve our income.
Can’t keep hitting on the taxpayerr for fear of loosing their trust and support unfortunately the cupboard is bare.
Mr. Robinson we are walking on a very tight rope here as there aparently are no Govermnment and people cash reserves.
Many are living pay check to pay check which i am sure you already know .
Many of the chickens left the coop and gone leaving we sparrows to pick up the scraps.
This coming Monday some the people of our island will come together celebrate labor day may I ask why not all.
I am the son of a workman, i am ,what i am, with no shame.
Do let me define my thinking of all well ! Sir it MONEY
Mr. Robinson we have a devided nation the ship is sinking and we need every able person to man the pumps.
Without the support of the people we are going to fade into oblivion.
I am not sure how you are going to do it on you ownas you need to have other to work with you on a solution of unity.
The be absolutely blunt and to the point this division we have here has be going on long enough, what is it 300 years and more .
Who is counting ?
That must end now , we need to get the problem out of the close and deal with it.
Get every body on the same page that will be a giant step for profit an progress .
Failure is not an option.
Just do it !
There are noises being made about the posailties of a comming election.
I hope that the day after the last full election , the powers that be were getting to work to provide and offer prospective candidates and are not in it for the money.
I guess tha did not happed so are we expectred to vote for a 90 day wonder, i dont think so !
The U.S.A claim that their up coming Novermber 2024 election , that is if they can stop throwing mud at one another and keep their guns on the shelf,will be the most critical, if so, I would emagine that we could be in the same boat, we also need to get rid of all the guns from here.
Unfortunately we have too many seats to fill and not enough tallented people to fill them , I know it ,and they know it.
Picking a sports person will not work any more.
Several OBA and P.L.P polititions have had enough years of devoted service where their families misses their farthers so they resigned or cross over the river.
I dont have to tell you why and who realy knows any way, some say and do not do !
I have this worth less vote going begging been which has been way all these past years ,my vote is only for a very talented well educated person.
I have decided not to vote for any body who in my oppinion is not at least 30 times as smart as the next guy or girl
The past ideas of voting for candidates by parish is not a good idea, what if he /she is my next door neighbour plays loud music on Sunday afternoons and has a hungry barking Daug !