Hashtag: #HealthInsurance

Medical Association Oppose Pre-Certification

Medical Association Oppose Pre-Certification

The Bermuda Medical Doctors’ Association [BMDA] said they “note with some dismay the Request for Information published by the Ministry of Health,” adding they are “steadfast in its opposition of the implementation of pre-certification, and this has been made clear at every step of the consultation process.” USlegal.com defines... Read more of this article

PLP: Pre-Certification Is Potentially Dangerous

PLP: Pre-Certification Is Potentially Dangerous

[Updated] “Notwithstanding the urgent need to reduce healthcare costs, with diagnostic imaging only amounting to less than 2% of health care costs, the OBA plan to move forward with pre-certification is an unnecessary and potentially dangerous practice,” Shadow Health Minister Kim Wilson said. Ms. Wilson added,”Forcing patients to... Read more of this article

BHeC: Insurance & Pre-Existing Conditions

BHeC: Insurance & Pre-Existing Conditions

The Bermuda Health Council [BHeC] and Bernews have teamed up to help answer your questions about the island’s healthcare system, bringing you useful information on a regular basis. You can visit BHeC online in order to submit your queries, with responses to be published at both Bernews and the BHeC website every month. Question: I’m employed,... Read more of this article

Ministry Seeks Feedback On Pre-Certification

Ministry Seeks Feedback On Pre-Certification

The Ministry of Health, Seniors and Environment said they are “seeking information and creative ideas for solutions to implement, manage and operate a system to provide pre-certification of diagnostic medical testing for Bermuda’s healthcare system.” A spokesperson said, “The Ministry is seeking industry experts to submit RFI responses... Read more of this article

Minister: Committed To Containing Health Costs

Minister: Committed To Containing Health Costs

The Minister of Health, Seniors and Environment Jeanne Atherden reaffirmed Government’s “commitment to containing health insurance costs while also meeting the healthcare needs of the Bermudian population.” “This year, for the first time that I can remember, the Standard Premium Rate which is the basic premium included in every insurance... Read more of this article

Opinion: Chris Famous On “Death By Delay”

Opinion: Chris Famous On “Death By Delay”

[Opinion column written by Chris Famous] In December, the then Health Minister Patricia Gordon-Pamplin announced the OBA was looking to introduce pre-certification to the medical industry. This means that our physicians will be required to get approval from a faceless person on the end of a 1-800 number before any medical diagnostic procedures can be... Read more of this article

Video: MoonGate Insurance Offers HealthGap-AC

Video: MoonGate Insurance Offers HealthGap-AC

MoonGate Insurance, an insurance agency, has teamed up with seniors’ advocacy group Age Concern to develop a special health affinity program for Age Concern’s membership. According to MoonGate’s President and CEO, Leon Bascome, “The HealthGap-AC product is a collation of international and local service providers who are offering special services... Read more of this article

Health Insurance Department Operating Results

Health Insurance Department Operating Results

The Health Insurance Department today [Mar 7] released operating results and performance measures for the Health Insurance Plan [HIP], the FutureCare Plan [FutureCare] the Mutual Reinsurance Fund [MRF] and the Government Subsidies Program. Summary details are below: HIP Operating Results Premiums: As at May 1, 2013, the monthly HIP premium rate for... Read more of this article

Age Concern Responds To Insurance Changes

Age Concern Responds To Insurance Changes

Age Concern Bermuda, a seniors advocacy group, has responded to the Ministerial Statement given in the House of Assembly earlier this week [Mar 3]. Age Concern offered a strong word of caution, saying ”Based on a cursory analysis of the new changes the advocacy group believes that there are four segments of the population that could be impacted... Read more of this article

Minister & PLP On Changes To Hospital Benefit

Minister & PLP On Changes To Hospital Benefit

Saying the Ministry has to deliver budget savings of 7%, Health & Environment Minister Trevor Moniz spoke about the planned changes to the Standard Hospital Benefit, while Shadow Health Minister Zane DeSilva said these type of cuts affect a “segment of society that is often the most vulnerable financially.” Speaking in the House of Assembly... Read more of this article

XL Group Bermuda Partners With Sullivan Group

XL Group Bermuda Partners With Sullivan Group

XL Group’s Bermuda Insurance Operations today [Feb 11] announced a new partnership with The Sullivan Group [TSG], one of the premier providers of clinical risk and loss prevention services to hospitals, physicians and nurses throughout the US. Through this new partnership, XL Group’s Bermuda Insurance Operations, XL Insurance Bermuda Ltd [XLIB],... Read more of this article

Colonial: Generic Drugs Could Save Thousands

Colonial: Generic Drugs Could Save Thousands

The government’s decision to mandate the use of generic drugs could save Bermudians thousands of dollars a year, according to one of the island’s leading providers of health insurance. Naz Farrow, The Colonial Group’s chief operating officer for health, said: “In the Throne Speech the Government was focusing on some of the issues relating... Read more of this article