Hashtag: #JohnnyBarnes

Short Documentary Honours Johnny Barnes

Short Documentary Honours Johnny Barnes

A New York-based filmmaker has released a short documentary that explores the positive effect that well-known local greeter Johnny Barnes has on the island’s children, with the film showing at the Bermuda Film Festival. Director Rosanne Ma calls the film, titled Welcoming Arms, “a love letter to Bermuda about the effect of Johnny Barnes... Read more of this article

Johnny Barnes Horse Wins Maiden Race In UK

Johnny Barnes Horse Wins Maiden Race In UK

[Updated] A horse named after the island’s famed greeter Johnny Barnes will run his debut race at Yarmouth in the United Kingdom today [August 13], connecting one of Bermuda’s best-known citizens to the horse track. According to Sky Sports, the two-year-old Acclamation offspring, trained by John Gosden and ridden by William Buick, will make... Read more of this article

Commuters Send Birthday Wishes To Barnes

Commuters Send Birthday Wishes To Barnes

Morning commuters can be heard yelling out “Happy Birthday” as they pass Johnny Barnes on Crow Lane this morning [June 23], with one lady stopping to give Mr. Barnes a birthday kiss, as the well known morning greeter celebrates his 91st birthday today. Mr. Barnes started his 91st birthday off the same way he has started every day for many... Read more of this article

Photos: Johnny Barnes 90th Birthday, Magazine

Photos: Johnny Barnes 90th Birthday, Magazine

[Updated with slideshow] Johnny Barnes — who will celebrate his 90th birthday this weekend — was featured in the July 2013 issue of Islands Magazine, which has a circulation of over 200,000. Mr. Barnes, well known as the morning greeter on Crow Lane, has spent many years waving to commuters in the morning. The magazine article is below,... Read more of this article

Miss Bermuda Contestants Greet Commuters

Miss Bermuda Contestants Greet Commuters

With just under two weeks until the new Miss Bermuda is crowned, the contestants continue to prepare and make appearances in the community, and were out this morning [June 27] greeting morning commuters alongside Johnny Barnes. Under the direction of Milika Trott Seymour, the Miss Bermuda Pageant was brought back last year after a hiatus of over a... Read more of this article

‘Atlantic’ Spotlights ‘Mr. Happy Man’

‘Atlantic’ Spotlights ‘Mr. Happy Man’

The film “Mr. Happy Man” — the story of 88-year-old Johnny Barnes, who spends each morning wishing Bermuda’s commuters well — is spotlighted at “The Atlantic” magazine’s on-line site along with its director Matt Morris. The magazine’s film critic Jason Sondhi selected “Mr. Happy Man”... Read more of this article

Johnny Barnes Video Tops 100,000 Views

Johnny Barnes Video Tops 100,000 Views

Within three days of Director Matt Morris uploading the full version of “Mr. Happy Man” documentary online, it has garnered over 100,000 views. The award winning documentary features Bermudian Johnny Barnes, the well known morning greeter on Crow Lane who has spent decades waving to commuters. Posted on video sharing network Vimeo, the film has... Read more of this article

Video: Johnny Barnes Documentary

Video: Johnny Barnes Documentary

Director Matt Morris has placed the full version of “Mr. Happy Man” online for viewing. The award winning documentary features well known Bermudian Johnny Barnes, with the film’s synopsis saying “Come rain or shine, 88-year-old Bermudian Johnny Barnes devotes six hours every day to an endearing traffic ritual that has made him... Read more of this article

Johnny Barnes Film Wins Documentary Award

Johnny Barnes Film Wins Documentary Award

‘Mr Happy Man’, a documentary on Johnny Barnes, won the ‘Best Documentary Short’ at the 13th annual Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival in Birmingham last month. Director Matt Morris said he was browsing photographs on Flickr.com one day and came across an image of Mr. Barnes with a caption describing the living Bermudian legend’s morning... Read more of this article

Johnny Barnes In The Cup Match Spirit

Johnny Barnes In The Cup Match Spirit

With Cup Match ready to kick off at the end of next week [July 28/29] Johnny Barnes – well actually the statue bearing his likeness on East Broadway – is in the full Cup Match spirit. Ribbons of the traditional Cup Match colours adorn each side of the statue, greeting commuters as they head into Hamilton. Related Stories Johnny Barnes... Read more of this article

Johnny Barnes Film to Screen in U.S.

Johnny Barnes Film to Screen in U.S.

He’s the man who has taken the Bermudian emphasis on “Good morning!” to its logical extreme — and earned the love and admiration of thousands of Bermuda residents and visitors in the process. Now the world is about to be introduced to Johnny Barnes — retired bus driver and Hamilton commuters’ morning  greeter at... Read more of this article

‘Mr Happy Man’ to Debut in Bermuda

‘Mr Happy Man’ to Debut in Bermuda

‘Mr Happy Man’, a documentary on Johnny Barnes, will debut at the Bermuda International Film Festival [BIFF] in March. The film has also been accepted to the Florida Film Festival. Mr Barnes, the well known morning greeter on Crow Lane, has spent decades waving to commuters and is a well known part of Bermuda’s fabric. Director Matt... Read more of this article