Hashtag: #LouSeal

Video: Lou-Seal Released Back Into Ocean
An international and collaborative seal rescue effort came to a successful culmination when Lou-Seal — the gray seal rescued in Bermuda in March — returned to the cold waters of the northern Atlantic Ocean. After just six weeks in the care of Mystic Aquarium’s Animal Rescue Program, a fully-recovered Lou-Seal was released at Blue Shutters... Read more of this article

Opportunity To ‘Personally Release Lou-Seal’
The Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut — where the seal that was found in Bermuda was transferred to — says people can “donate to win an opportunity to personally release Lou-Seal back into her ocean environment.” The Mystic Aquarium’s website said, “A wayward gray seal was rescued by Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo from... Read more of this article

Video: ‘Lou-Seal’ Transported To USA For Care
[Updated with video] Traveling via a donated charter flight, Lou-Seal — the gray seal rescued in Bermuda on March 19 — has arrived at the Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut where they plan to continue her rehabilitation, with the goal of releasing her in the colder waters of the northern Atlantic Ocean. “After receiving care from the... Read more of this article

‘Lou-Seal’ Chosen As Name Of Rescued Seal
After arriving on the island last month, the female seal — which is currently a resident of the Bermuda Aquarium Museum and Zoo [BAMZ] where she is being cared for by their wildlife rehab team — finally has a name, with the island’s latest resident being called ‘Lou-Seal.’ The seal was located in the vicinity of Tobacco... Read more of this article

BAMZ Rehab Team Continue Caring For Seal
The seal that was found in the east end on March 19th continues to be cared for by the BAMZ wildlife rehab team, who explained that she has an infection which is likely “localised to her nasal cavity and upper respiratory tract,” however they remain “cautiously optimistic.” The seal was located in the vicinity of Tobacco Bay... Read more of this article

Grey Seal Currently Being ‘Observed & Cared For’
After being found stranded at Tobacco Bay in St. George’s this morning [March 19], a female grey seal was safely transported to the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo where she is “currently being observed and cared for in quarantine.” A Bermuda Zoological Society spokesperson said, “This morning the staff of the Bermuda Aquarium,... Read more of this article

Photos & Video: Seal Found In The East End
[Updated] A seal was found in the east end this morning [March 19], laying in the vicinity of Tobacco Bay Beach. It was found by a member of the public who alerted the authorities, who arrived and removed the seal with the assistance of onlookers, who helped carry the seal up the incline. 17-minute live replay of the seal being removed: The seal was... Read more of this article