Hashtag: #MichaelFahyColumns

Column: ‘Not Allow Closed Mindedness To Win’
[Opinion column written by Michael Fahy] Over a week ago, the Minister of Home Affairs, Walton Brown advised the Bermuda public that he would be introducing the Domestic Partnership Act 2017 following a 13 day period of consultation with stakeholders. In short, the proposals will end the rights of same sex couples to enter in a marriage in Bermuda and... Read more of this article

Column: ‘Tone Down The Rhetoric, Stop Threats’
[Opinion column written by Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy] In our work on the Home Affairs Ministry’s Pathways to Status plan, we have tried to be rational and open, knowing that our fellow Bermudians are rational people who make their minds up about controversial issues by listening and reasoning. It is clear that the majority of Bermudians... Read more of this article

Column: “Pathways Is The Right Thing To Do”
[Opinion column written by the Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy] One of those who commented on my recent article about Bermuda’s coming demographic crisis suggested that to be better understood, I should speak more from my heart than my head. I understand what he or she meant, but this is a world full of facts, and at this point in Bermuda’s... Read more of this article

Column: Benefits Of ‘Pathways to Status’ Initiative
[Opinion column written by the Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy] Since I announced this Government’s plans for the ‘Pathways to Status’ initiative earlier this month, I have been approached by many people who all had the same [or very similar] question – that question being, “What’s in this for Bermuda?” or, “How will this benefit... Read more of this article

Column: ‘Lay Out The Facts’ On Labour Relations
[Opinion column written by Minister Michael Fahy] It is sad indeed to read Mr. Roban’s opinion piece last week which in my view amounts to nothing but a propaganda piece [and poor at that]. However, given that false and misleading information is a hallmark of the opposition, which sadly gets some traction if it is simply ignored; it is useful... Read more of this article

Column: Fahy On “Birthright And What’s Right”
[Opinion column written by Minister of Home Affairs Michael Fahy] A few weeks ago on the Motion to Adjourn in the Senate, I spoke about a word the Opposition Progressive Labour Party has begun to use a lot, especially in connection with matters concerning immigration. The word is birthright. I challenged them to define it, because it’s a slippery... Read more of this article

Fahy: Licensing Foreign Fishing Vessels
[Written by Senator Michael Fahy, Shadow Minister for Environment, Planning & Housing] Just after the Premier delivered her Budget Speech a few days ago, I publicly questioned a reference she made to licensing foreign vessels to fish in Bermuda’s 200-mile maritime economic zone. I made two points in relation to this scheme. The first was that... Read more of this article

OBA’s Fahy On Ombudsman’s Report
[Written by Senator Michael Fahy, Shadow Minister for the Environment, Infrastructure Strategy, Planning and Housing] People who read this report must surely be struck by three things: First, what an excellent report it is! It is thorough, comprehensive, easy to read and as logical as 2 and 2 make 4. Credit must go to the Ombudsman herself, Ms Arlene... Read more of this article

Fahy On Bermuda Industrial Union Finances
[Written by Michael Fahy, Chairman of the One Bermuda Alliance] I continue to be approached by members of the Bermuda Industrial Union who want a clear picture of the state of their union’s finances. The union has not filed any accounts with the Registrar General since 2003, as required by the Trade Union Act of 1965; and the accounts it filed for... Read more of this article

Stopping the Exodus of International Business
[Written by Michael Fahy, Bermuda Democratic Alliance spokesperson on Finance] Nothing that the next likely Premier has said so far in terms of what she will do has been music to our ears. There are a number of issues that are drastically affecting Bermuda’s reputation as a hub for international business, which is, after all our bread and butter. The... Read more of this article

Michael Fahy on Employment Statistics
[Written by Michael Fahy] The inappropriately named “highlights” are hardly surprising. These statistics demonstrate that all is not well with Bermuda’s economy. A loss of 693 jobs in the local labour market is frankly very bad. It is also unsurprising that the release cited the reason for this plummet as the global recession. Whilst... Read more of this article