Hashtag: #NationalHeroesDay

Remembering: Dame Lois Browne-Evans

Remembering: Dame Lois Browne-Evans

Today Bermuda honours our first national hero, a legendary and much revered figure in Bermuda’s history. Dame Lois Marie Browne-Evans broke many racial and gender barriers in Bermuda becoming the first female lawyer [1953], first black woman to be elected MP [1963], first female Attorney General [1998] and first female to lead the Opposition of a... Read more of this article

Tomorrow’s National Heroes Day Observance

Tomorrow’s National Heroes Day Observance

Tomorrow [June 21] will be a public holiday to observe National Heroes’ Day. At noon there will be a service at the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity themed, “Remembering our National Hero – The Hon. Dame Lois M. Browne-Evans DBE, JP, LLB- A Service of Thanksgiving”. Clergy, led by the Bishop of Bermuda, The Rt. Rev. Patrick White... Read more of this article