Hashtag: #NelethaButterfield

Public Information Minister: First 100 Days

Public Information Minister: First 100 Days

[Updated with video] To mark the first hundred days of Premier Paula Cox’s administration, Government Ministers today [Feb 3]  held a press conference to highlight the accomplishments of the various departments and agencies which fall under their portfolios. Public Information Minister Neletha Butterfield said both the Bermuda National Library... Read more of this article

Video & Bio: Minister Neletha Butterfield

Video & Bio: Minister Neletha Butterfield

Yesterday afternoon [Nov 1] Neletha Butterfield was sworn in at Government House, returning to Cabinet, albeit in a different capacity. She served as Minister of Culture & Social Rehabilitation under former Premier Dr Ewart Brown, and has now been appointed as Minister of Public Information Services. She initially represented the PLP in the Pembroke... Read more of this article

Government To Dissolve CURE, Transfer to HRC

Government To Dissolve CURE, Transfer to HRC

The Government has announced their decision to transfer the functions of the Commission for Unity and Racial Equality [CURE] to the Human Rights Commission [HRC], as a consequence, the CURE commission will be dissolved. The legislated mandate of CURE was to promote equal opportunity and good relations between persons of different racial groups and... Read more of this article

Good Friday Shooting: Gov Offers Free Counseling

Good Friday Shooting: Gov Offers Free Counseling

In a swift response to yesterdays brazen daylight shooting of Kimwandae Walker during a family fun day, the Bermuda Government has announced that they are making counselling services available for adults and children who may have been traumatized by yesterday’s shooting incident. Persons can call the Bermuda Youth Counselling Services number at... Read more of this article

Int. Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Int. Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Today Bermuda celebrated the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The event is observed annually in many countries worldwide, normally on March 21st. The day was chosen in remembrance of the 1960 ‘Sharpeville Massacre‘, when people gathered to peacefully protest and apartheid-era South African police opened fire... Read more of this article

Report: Embezzler Given Government Grant

Report: Embezzler Given Government Grant

The $100,000 Cultural Legacy Fund Awards are riddled in controversy after a report that one of the recipients is a man who defrauded the Government of almost $2 million dollars. The awards are given by the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs in order to promote Bermudian culture. Ten groups received funds, and in reference to the one in question... Read more of this article

Ten Groups Awarded $100,000 in Grants

Ten Groups Awarded $100,000 in Grants

Ten Bermudian groups have received financial grants totaling $100,000 from the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs. This is the first year these specific grants have been awarded. In the 2010/11 budget, the amount allocated for this program rose to $200,000. The Cultural Legacy Fund was announced in October of last year, with $100,000 was allocated... Read more of this article