Hashtag: #NewYearsEve

Photos: 2011 New Year’s Eve Fireworks

Photos: 2011 New Year’s Eve Fireworks

Starting at midnight, fireworks lit up the night sky as Bermudians welcomed in the New Year. The fireworks were part of the second Annual ‘New Year’s Eve in the City’, sponsored by the City of Hamilton. Fun castles and food vendors were set up on Front Street for the evening, which began at 8pm with a family movie and continued with... Read more of this article

Police: Consider ‘Sleeping Over’ on New Years

Police: Consider ‘Sleeping Over’ on New Years

Bermuda Police Superintendent James Howard today [Dec 30] advised the Bermuda public that if they are going to enjoy some “toddies” when they celebrate this New Year’s holiday, they should also consider ‘sleeping over’ at a friends house, making sure they have a designated driver to get them home, or plan to use CADA’s ‘get you home’... Read more of this article

Onion Drop Inspires Maryland Town

Onion Drop Inspires Maryland Town

The people in Easton, Maryland used to mark New Year’s Eve by watching the televised crystal balls drop over New York City — until two vacationing residents witnessed Bermuda’s Onion Drop ceremony. Today they watch a big, fake crab slide down a pair of poles in the middle of their 300-year-old Chesapeake Bay town. “Kids pet it... Read more of this article