Hashtag: #RubisFuelLeak

Ferry Reach Spill To Take “Years To Clean Up”
The gasoline spill that occurred at the RUBiS facility in Ferry Reach in March of this year is expected “to take a few years to clean up,” officials have confirmed. In response to our queries, a Government spokesperson told Bernews, “Based on other past spills in Bermuda and in other jurisdictions the Department does expect this spill... Read more of this article

Government Updates On Fuel Spill Recovery
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources [DENR] provided an update on the gasoline spill that occurred at the RUBiS Energy facility in Ferry Reach on March 27, 2017. “To date [October 2017] the spilled oil floating on the groundwater some 70 feet below the ground surface ['liquid plume'] or within the limestone above the groundwater is... Read more of this article

Dept Provides Update On Fuel Spill Recovery
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources provided an update on the gasoline spill at the RUBiS facility in Ferry Reach in March. A Government spokesperson said, “The Department of Environment and Natural Resources [DENR] wishes to update the public on the gasoline spill that occurred at the RUBiS Energy Bermuda Ltd. facility, Ferry Reach... Read more of this article

Govt Updates Public On Gasoline Spill Recovery
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources [DENR] updated the public on the gasoline spill that occurred at the RUBiS Energy Bermuda Ltd facility, Ferry Reach on 27 March 2017. A spokesperson said, “Monitoring from the four new monitoring wells in addition to the many existing wells has helped to define the extent of the spill, which... Read more of this article

Fuel Spill Expert To Help Advise Government
Dr John Wilson has arrived on the island at the request of the Ministry of the Environment to advise on the gasoline recovery effort being undertaken by RUBiS and their consultants Arcadis, and the Ministry said that “current monitoring data suggests that the liquid gasoline is contained on the site within 100 ft of the spill location. ” “He... Read more of this article

Ministry Updates On Gasoline Spill At Rubis
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources [DENR] provided an update on the gas spill that occurred Rubis facility in Ferry Reach on 27th March. A Government spokesperson said, “”As of the latest data received by Government on Monday 10th April a vapour plume [i.e. fumes above the water table] has been detected in all of the four... Read more of this article

RUBiS: Making “Good Progress” In Recovery
RUBiS said they continue to “make good progress in recovering gasoline that leaked at its Ferry Road Depot last week”, adding that “the evidence gathered thus far indicates that the impact of the spill is contained within the boundaries of our St. George’s Depot.” The company said, “The leak was due to the failure of... Read more of this article

PLP: Lack Of Information On Spill Is ‘Troubling’
“The recent gasoline leak that occurred at Rubis is of great concern,” Shadow Minister of the Environment, Planning and Workforce Development Diallo Rabain said, adding that “with an ecological system as fragile as ours and our natural beauty being a huge selling point for our tourism product, the lack of information from both Rubis and... Read more of this article

Cleanup Work Is Continuing After Fuel Spill
[Updated] St. George’s MPs Nandi Outerbridge and Kenneth Bascome, Premier Michael Dunkley and Environment Minister Sylvan Richards met with Rubis officials on Saturday at the site of last week’s oil leak. They were briefed on the situation by Rubis Managing Director Graham Redford and a geologist and field engineer from Arcadis US, an environmental... Read more of this article

RUBiS Implementing ‘Remediation Efforts’
The Environment Ministry said that following yesterday’s [March 28] fuel spill, RUBiS is “implementing various remediation efforts” and specialists from Arcadis US are scheduled to arrive today to “supervise recovery actions.” A Government spokesperson said, “In response to yesterday’s fuel spill, the Ministry of the... Read more of this article

“Fuel Tank Breach” At St. George’s Facility
[Updated] The Ministry of the Environment said they have been informed by RUBIS of a “fuel tank breach” at their St. George’s fuel storage facility, adding that “RUBIS employees have been trained in how to deal with such an emergency and are already working on containment.” A Government spokesperson said, “The Ministry... Read more of this article