Hashtag: #Scams

Advisory: Euro Lottery Scam Letter Circulating

Advisory: Euro Lottery Scam Letter Circulating

The police have again urged people to “remain vigilant regarding scams that attempt to obtain personal information or other sensitive data,” saying that local residents should be “wary of a lottery scam letter currently in circulation that appears to originate from Madrid, Spain.” A police spokesperson said, “Once again... Read more of this article

U.S. Consulate Warn Of Dishonest Visa Services

U.S. Consulate Warn Of Dishonest Visa Services

The U.S. Consulate in Bermuda has advised people to be vary of “dishonest visa expeditor service companies,” noting that while there are reputable service providers, there are also “those that take advantage of uninformed customers.” A spokesperson said, “Members of the public are advised to be on the guard against dishonest... Read more of this article

BPS: Shopper Scam & Money Laundering

BPS: Shopper Scam & Money Laundering

The police are advising people who participate in the so called “Mystery Shopper Scam” that they may be engaging in money laundering activity, which is “illegal and could result in jail time and or hefty fines.” A police spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Police Service wishes to advise that members of the public who participate... Read more of this article

Residents Being Deceived By Shopper Scam

Residents Being Deceived By Shopper Scam

The police continue to advise residents to be wary of the ‘mystery shopper scam’ saying that “despite previous warnings, members of the public are still being deceived by the offer of easy money.” A police spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Police Service continues to advise residents to be wary of the mystery shopper scam, also... Read more of this article

Police: Be Wary Of The ‘Mystery Shopper Scam’

Police: Be Wary Of The ‘Mystery Shopper Scam’

The police are urging residents to be wary of the “mystery shopper scam,” which “entices local social media users by offering employment as a mystery shopper that allegedly has the potential to earn thousands of dollars.” A police spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Police Service is once again reminding residents to be wary of... Read more of this article

Scam Alert: Butterfield Bank Phishing Email

Scam Alert: Butterfield Bank Phishing Email

The police are once again urging people to be wary of scam emails, saying the latest example is a deceptive e-mail that provides what is purported to be a link for the recipient to verify their online Butterfield bank account. A police spokesperson said, “Members of the public are reminded to be wary of any e-mail claiming to be from a local... Read more of this article

Bermuda College Warns Of Phishing Email

Bermuda College Warns Of Phishing Email

Bermuda College is notifying the general public about a phishing email in circulation that requests that recipients provide information to the College. A spokesperson said, “Bermuda College is notifying the general public about a phishing email in circulation, referencing a price inquiry, and requesting recipients to provide information to the... Read more of this article

Police: Remain Vigilant For Suspected Scam

Police: Remain Vigilant For Suspected Scam

The police are once again reminding residents to remain vigilant for suspected scams, saying they received multiple calls from the public about the “possible fraudulent use of 441-405-9999″ with the person calling from that number apparently claiming they “were conducting a census.” A police spokesperson said, “The Bermuda... Read more of this article

‘Unverified Messages On Social Media’

‘Unverified Messages On Social Media’

The “group going to homes and pretending to be officials from home affairs” message is circulating again, and the police have advised this is “not relevant for Bermuda” and have urged residents to “please think before posting unverified messages on social media.” A police spokesperson said, “Please be advised... Read more of this article

Police Warn Again About Social Media Scams

Police Warn Again About Social Media Scams

The Bermuda Police Service is once again reminding residents to “remain vigilant regarding social media scams.” A police spokesperson said, “Once such scam currently in circulation is the mystery shopper scam, where local Facebook users are offered employment as a secret shopper and enticed by the opportunity of earning thousands of... Read more of this article

Police Warn Public To Beware Of Online Scams

Police Warn Public To Beware Of Online Scams

The police are reminding the public to remain vigilant against a new social media scam that has already deceived at least three people locally and to disregard any email claiming to be from a local bank that requests verification of online banking credentials. A police spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Police Service is aware of a new social media... Read more of this article

Police: ‘Remain Vigilant Regarding Scams’

Police: ‘Remain Vigilant Regarding Scams’

The police are again “reminding residents to remain vigilant regarding phone calls, e-mails and other correspondence from unknown persons that attempt to obtain money, personal information and other sensitive data. A police spokesperson said, “A report was received earlier this afternoon [Monday, August 19th] of calls – which disconnect after... Read more of this article

Police: Remain Vigilant Regarding Scams

Police: Remain Vigilant Regarding Scams

The Bermuda Police Service is once again reminding residents to remain vigilant regarding phone calls, e-mails and other correspondence from unknown persons that attempt to obtain personal information and other sensitive data. A police spokesperson said, “One recent example is a telephone scam featuring an automated voice recording, apparently... Read more of this article

RA Warns Of Online MovieFlix SignUp Scam

RA Warns Of Online MovieFlix SignUp Scam

The Regulatory Authority is warning people about an online scam, with an article claiming that Netflix ‘lost thousands of Bermudian users this week because of the new competing service,’ and urging people to sign up for MovieFlix, with the RA explaining that the scam is actually “designed to steal credit card details.” The RA... Read more of this article

Police: Be Vigilant Regarding Investment Scams

Police: Be Vigilant Regarding Investment Scams

The Bermuda Police Service [BPS] is advising all residents to remain vigilant regarding scams that appear to be legitimate investment opportunities. A police spokesperson said, “A recent report to police highlighted a scam involving digital currency, where the website used for trading the electronic cash was found to be fraudulent. “The website... Read more of this article

BPS: Ignore, Delete Obviously Deceptive Emails

BPS: Ignore, Delete Obviously Deceptive Emails

The police are yet again reminding people to “remain vigilant” about scam emails, saying “don’t open them, don’t reply, don’t open attachments, don’t click any links contained in the emails and certainly don’t send any money.” A police spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Police Service is once again advising all residents... Read more of this article