Hashtag: #ScottPearmanColumns

Column: Pearman On BELCO’s Price Hike & More

Column: Pearman On BELCO’s Price Hike & More

[Opinion column written by Shadow Legal Affairs Minister Scott Pearman] Belco’s latest decision to increase Bermuda’s already high electricity costs – with the kilowatt hour rate projected to go up next month by almost 14% – amounts to a punch in the gut for everyday Bermudians. Many on our Island already struggle to meet the existing high bills,... Read more of this article

Column: Pearman On BELCO FAR Increase

Column: Pearman On BELCO FAR Increase

[Opinion column written by OBA Shadow Minister for Legal & Home Affairs Scott Pearman] In his speech made the day he became Opposition Leader, Jarion Richardson observed that “blame is not a solution”. Friday’s press conference by Deputy Premier Walter Roban on the impending increases in our electricity costs, was sadly short on meaningful... Read more of this article

Column: Resignations, Auditions, Silver Linings

Column: Resignations, Auditions, Silver Linings

[Opinion column written by OBA Shadow Minister for Legal & Home Affairs Scott Pearman] Do you remember ‘A Chorus Line’? Professor Google says it was once the longest running show on Broadway. But Bermudians are more likely to remember the film version, starring our very own Michael Douglas [take a bow Sir]. The story unfolds on the empty stage... Read more of this article

Column: Pearman On Flags, Parties, Canvassing

Column: Pearman On Flags, Parties, Canvassing

[Opinion column written by OBA Shadow Minister for Legal Affairs and Transport Scott Pearman] As morning commutes go, my trip into town the other day gave me a reason to pause and think. Heading along Front Street, towards the flagpole, the billowing flag was at half-mast, and flying upside down. I pulled over to snap a quick photo, but the Corporation... Read more of this article

Column: Pearman On Timing, Laws, Decisions

Column: Pearman On Timing, Laws, Decisions

[Opinion column written by Shadow Legal Affairs Minister Scott Pearman] Have you ever noticed how you can find a cliché for almost every occasion? Two came to mind during 2020’s last session of the House of Assembly, when MPs gathered [virtually] to pass laws affecting all of us. One cliché was ‘something’s better than nothing’. The second:... Read more of this article

Column: National Debt, 30 – 6, “The Six” & More

Column: National Debt, 30 – 6, “The Six” & More

[Opinion column written by Shadow Legal Affairs Minister Scott Pearman] Wait? It’s the middle of December?!? As ‘years’ go, 2020 has certainly been infamous. 2020: double digits now etched on our collective psyche. Infamous. Yet, to me at least, 2020 also went by remarkably quickly. The past 12 months have sped by faster than the Hollywood Rip-Ride... Read more of this article

Column: “Did Not Vote Won By A Landslide”

Column: “Did Not Vote Won By A Landslide”

[Opinion column written by Shadow Legal Affairs Minister Scott Pearman] So, did you vote in the Election last month? Really? Well you’re not alone, but the voter numbers may surprise you. Over 20,000 registered Bermudian voters did not vote. Yes, over 20,000. That means nearly half of our 46,311 registered voters shunned the Polls. This is a staggeringly... Read more of this article

Column: What Does “Capable & Steady” Mean?

Column: What Does “Capable & Steady” Mean?

[Opinion column written by Scott Pearman] If you are reading this, then I suspect you are someone who is naturally curious. Curious about what other people have to say about things. Curious as to whether you may agree or disagree. Perhaps you are seeking to confirm your existing viewpoints? Perhaps you are shaking your head in frustration at the words... Read more of this article

Column: Snap Election, Sunstroke & Questions

Column: Snap Election, Sunstroke & Questions

[Opinion column written by Shadow Legal Affairs Minister Scott Pearman] Snap! Makes you think of that breakfast cereal: Rice Krispies. Snap, Crackle, Pop. A ‘snap’ election is when a government decides to call an election unexpectedly and sooner than needed. The Burt Election is some two and half years sooner than needed. Premier Burt does not actually... Read more of this article

Column: Multiple Choice, Airport, Gambling, More

Column: Multiple Choice, Airport, Gambling, More

[Opinion column written by Shadow Legal Affairs Minister Scott Pearman] How are you with multiple-choice? Try this one: which of the following things is the biggest threat facing Bermuda? Is it: [A] Bermuda’s flat-lining economy; [B] The COVID-19 global health pandemic; [C] Bermuda’s eye-watering Government debt [with newly increased ‘ceiling’... Read more of this article

Column: ‘Must Grow The Population In Bermuda’

Column: ‘Must Grow The Population In Bermuda’

[Opinion column written by Shadow Legal Affairs Minister Scott Pearman] Do you recall who said that death and taxes are the only two certainties in life? I didn’t. But Professor Google set me straight – it was Benjamin Franklin. Writing a letter about the US Constitution in 1789, he said: “Our new Constitution is now established, and has an... Read more of this article

Column: Time For ‘Old Fashion Plagiarism’

Column: Time For ‘Old Fashion Plagiarism’

[Opinion column written by Shadow Legal Affairs Minister Scott Pearman] See if you can spot the link between the following three vignettes. Ready? [Hint: it’s the economy]. First There Was SAGE How did you spend your weekend? Me? I blew the dust off the SAGE Report [well only the Executive Summary, if truth be told]. Remember SAGE? That was the one... Read more of this article

Column: Hansard Shows The True Statement

Column: Hansard Shows The True Statement

[Opinion column written by OBA MP Scott Pearman] In April it was somber solidarity. Two weeks ago, a fledgling bi-partisanship. So how did your MPs do in Parliament on Friday? Well… Clint Eastwood comes to mind: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. First, the Good. A few weeks ago, National Security Minister Wayne Caines, to his credit, invited OBA Shadow... Read more of this article

Column: Change In The Political Landscape

Column: Change In The Political Landscape

[Opinion column written by OBA MP Scott Pearman] A funny thing happened when the House of Assembly resumed this past Friday…Peace broke out. Well, not completely. There was still the usual political snipery. This is politics after all. But the twin threats that Covid-19 poses to life and liberty brought a real sense of solidarity to the House. The... Read more of this article

Column: Does Solidarity Require Silence?

Column: Does Solidarity Require Silence?

[Opinion column written by OBA MP Scott Pearman] Many of you will have seen the recent news about the captain of a US aircraft carrier who allegedly ‘broke ranks’ to warn that a large number of sailors aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt had the Covid-19 virus. His letter of concern to the US Navy was leaked to the media and, as a result, Captain Crozier... Read more of this article

Column: What Does Consultation Mean To You?

Column: What Does Consultation Mean To You?

[Opinion column written by Scott Pearman] What do you think of when you hear the word consultation? What does consultation mean to you? If I tell my kids that I must “consult” with their mother before getting a dog from the SPCA, consultation used in that sense means I need to seek her agreement [or, in my house, must get her permission]. I will... Read more of this article