Hashtag: #Unions

“Moderate Interruption Of Govt Services”

“Moderate Interruption Of Govt Services”

Due to a Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] Membership meeting today [May 4] there will be a “moderate interruption of public services this afternoon,” the Government has advised. A Government spokesperson said, “The public is advised that due to a Bermuda Public Services Union [BPSU] Membership meeting scheduled for today, [May... Read more of this article

BTUC: “Safe And Healthy Work Environment”

BTUC: “Safe And Healthy Work Environment”

The Bermuda Trade Union Congress [BTUC] is launching their “We built this island campaign’ emphasizing every worker’s contribution to service on our island” noting that “unions must take responsibility to ensure that workers in today’s new world of work are afforded the opportunity of a safe and healthy work environment.” BTUC... Read more of this article

PLP Statement On International Workers’ Day

PLP Statement On International Workers’ Day

The Progressive Labour Party said they “recognize the significance of International Workers’ Day within the global trade union movement and the fight for the advancement of workers’ rights.” A spokesperson said, “International Workers’ Day, sometimes referred to as May Day, originated from a walkout of over 300,000 workers on... Read more of this article

PLP On World Day For Safety & Health At Work

PLP On World Day For Safety & Health At Work

The PLP said they “join with trade unions, employers, and the government in recognition of the International Labour Organization [ILO]’s World Day for Safety and Health at Work.” A spokesperson said, “Since 2003, April 28 has been observed as part of an annual global campaign to promote occupational safety, health, and decent work. “The... Read more of this article

BIU On Proposed Fairmont Southampton SDO

BIU On Proposed Fairmont Southampton SDO

“The redevelopment of the Fairmont Southampton property is of vital importance to Bermuda’s economic recovery,” the BIU said, adding that they “will continue to express in principle support for the development of the Fairmont Southampton property.” A spokesperson said, “The recent commentary surrounding the proposed development... Read more of this article

Public Services Interruption On March 29

Public Services Interruption On March 29

[Updated] Due to a BIU general membership meeting being held tomorrow [March 29], public services will be interrupted. A Government spokesperson said, “The public is advised that due to a Bermuda Industrial Union [BIU] general membership meeting taking place tomorrow, March 29, from 10.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m., public services will be interrupted. “Specifically,... Read more of this article

Video: BIU President Press Conference

Video: BIU President Press Conference

Bermuda Industrial Union [BIU] President Chris Furbert is holding a press conference this afternoon [March 6], regarding the over-time at the Docks. We will have additional coverage later on and in the meantime the live video is below. Update: The live broadcast has concluded and the replay is below Related Stories Videos: Labour Day Speeches &... Read more of this article

‘Officers Play A Vital Role In Delivering Services’

‘Officers Play A Vital Role In Delivering Services’

The BPSU said it was “disturbing” to learn that a Government MP “took to the floor of the House of Assembly to accuse Government employees of engaging in ‘threatening and ‘shameful’ behaviour,” and noted that “public officers play a vital role in delivering services to the community.” While the BPSU... Read more of this article

Interruption In Public Services On Tuesday

Interruption In Public Services On Tuesday

There “will be an interruption in public services” tomorrow [Jan 31] due to a BIU full membership meeting, the Government has advised, with services to be impacted including buses, ferry service, trash collection, parks, postal delivery and other services. A Government spokesperson said, “The public is advised that due to a Bermuda... Read more of this article

BEU Pay Tribute To The Late Lloyd Simmons

BEU Pay Tribute To The Late Lloyd Simmons

The Bermuda Entertainment Union [BEU] extended their condolences to the family of the late Lloyd Simmons. A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Entertainment Union [BEU], formerly known as the Bermuda Federation of Musicians and Variety Artists [BFMVA], wishes to offer our sincere and heartfelt condolences to the family of the late Lloyd Simmons. “Brother... Read more of this article

BIU: Town Hall Meetings On Cost Of Living

BIU: Town Hall Meetings On Cost Of Living

The Bermuda Industrial Union [BIU] will be having a series of town hall meetings on the cost of living. A spokesperson said, “The Bermuda Industrial Union will be having a series of town hall meetings on Bermuda’s High Cost of Living, the dates and venue for these meetings are as follows: October 11th 2022 – St. Paul’s Centennial Hall October... Read more of this article

Elements Welcome, However Long Term Needed

Elements Welcome, However Long Term Needed

“While elements of this relief package are welcomed, this initiative will only provide temporary, short-term relief,” the BPSU President said, adding that “the BPSU continues to strongly advocate for a more pragmatic, long-term approach to economic recovery.” This follows after the Premier announced a $15 million economic relief... Read more of this article

Molly Burgess Congratulated For 51 Years

Molly Burgess Congratulated For 51 Years

The Ministry of Economy and Labour congratulated Molly Burgess for her 51 years of full-time service to the Bermuda Industrial Union. Minister of Economy and Labour Jason Hayward tweeted the photo below and said, “The Ministry of Economy and Labour would like to extend congratulations to Sis. Molly Burgess for 51 years of full-time service to... Read more of this article

BIU & PLP: ‘Continuing To Work Together’

BIU & PLP: ‘Continuing To Work Together’

After holding a meeting over “concerns shared by the PLP and BIU over differing opinions regarding legislation”, the PLP and BIU “committed to continuing to work together on behalf of Bermuda’s workers.” Joint Statement This is according to a joint statement from the two organisations which said, “In January, the BIU submitted... Read more of this article

Government Meets With Union Representatives

Government Meets With Union Representatives

Premier David Burt and the Minister of Economy & Labour Jason Hayward recently met with the President of the Bermuda Industrial Union [BIU] Chris Furbert, General Secretary Helena “Molly” Burgess and First Vice President Eugene Ball. Speaking about the meeting, which was held on Friday, May 13th, a Government spokesperson said, “The meeting... Read more of this article

Photos & Video: BTUC Holds Solidarity March

Photos & Video: BTUC Holds Solidarity March

The Bermuda Trade Union Congress [BTUC] held a Solidarity March on Friday [April 29] to celebrate International Workers Day. The march to the Cabinet Office on Front Street followed after a press conference held earlier in the morning. Related Stories Video & Photo Set II: Labour Day Banquet Photos/Videos: BUT Celebrate 100th Anniversary Photos... Read more of this article