Hashtag: #WalterRoban

Roban: “Time For OBA To Drop The Illusion”

Roban: “Time For OBA To Drop The Illusion”

[Opinion column written by Walter Roban] The OBA has displayed a pattern of behaviour that should be very disturbing to Bermudians. The assurances by Minister Fahy that the OBA cash for passports scheme is “not a done deal,” should provide little comfort to those who have figured out that the OBA’s version of inclusion of Bermudians... Read more of this article

PLP Object To “Cash For Passports Scheme”

PLP Object To “Cash For Passports Scheme”

“The PLP is committed to defeating any effort to relegate Bermudians to second class citizenship status to anyone sneaked in under a cash for passports scheme,” Shadow Minister for Home Affairs Walter Roban said today [Jan 9]. This follows after the Ministry of Home Affairs announced it will host a public meeting at the Cathedral Hall next... Read more of this article

Video: MP Roban On 4.6% Government Pay Deal

Video: MP Roban On 4.6% Government Pay Deal

Following the deal between the Unions and Government that will see workers take a 4.6% deduction, we need to look at the overall picture including workers facing rising costs and potential impacts elsewhere in the economy, said Shadow Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban. Last week Premier Craig Cannonier announced that all six Unions and their memberships... Read more of this article

Videos: Roban, Premier On Heritage Wharf Work

Videos: Roban, Premier On Heritage Wharf Work

In the House of Assembly on Friday, Parliamentarians sparred over the Heritage Wharf, with discussions over the work not being completed and the Norwegian Breakaway being tied to the already existing dock. Speaking at the arrival of the Norwegian Breakaway on Wednesday, Public Works Minister Trevor Moniz said his Ministry “has devoted considerable,... Read more of this article

PLP Questions Government On Term Limit Plans

PLP Questions Government On Term Limit Plans

The Opposition Shadow Minister For Home Affairs Walter Roban and Senator Marc Daniels are questioning the Government’s stance on term limits and asking for details on job growth plans. Home Affairs Minister Michael Fahy recently spoke to the Bermuda Sun about the plans to scrap term limits for two years and streamline the work permit process.... Read more of this article

Video: Walter Roban On PLP Transport Initiatives

Video: Walter Roban On PLP Transport Initiatives

[Updated with Q&A video] The PLP has made “sure and steady progress” on transport, and has a number of planned initiatives including attracting cruise ships, expanding airlift and redeveloping the airport, Transport Minister Walter Roban said today [Dec 10]. “The evidence is clear, since 1998, the PLP has made sure and steady... Read more of this article

Maritime Buoy Replacement To Get Underway

Maritime Buoy Replacement To Get Underway

Minister of Transport Walter Roban today [Nov 19] advised that the Aids to Navigation Section within the Department of Marine & Ports will purchase 24 channel buoys and 6 new lighting systems for deployment around the island on various marine navigation structures. The $182,000 contract with Tideland Signal Corporation in Houston, Texas over a... Read more of this article

Minister Roban Meets With US Consul General

Minister Roban Meets With US Consul General

Minister of Transport Walter Roban is pictured below with US Consul General Robert Settje who called on the Minister earlier this week and had what was described as a “wide ranging discussion on subjects and issues of mutual importance. ” The topics included local transportation, Airlines, Airport security and US-Bermuda cooperation on options... Read more of this article

Cruise Ship Incident Being ‘Fully Investigated’

Cruise Ship Incident Being ‘Fully Investigated’

[Updated with video] Minister of Transport Walter Roban provided an update on the Norwegian Star Cruise Ship incident that occurred on Friday [Sept 14], saying it is “being fully investigated to document the actions that were taken by all persons and entities concerned and involved prior, during and after the squall passed over the Dockyard area.” “I... Read more of this article

Roban: ‘Committed To An Efficient Ferry Service’

Roban: ‘Committed To An Efficient Ferry Service’

[Updated with video] “During the past few weeks we have seen the opposition and members of the community spread unfortunate and what might be interpreted as malicious untruths about the state of the Island’s ferry fleet,” Transport Minister Walter Roban told a press conference this afternoon [July 11]. The comments come after recent cancellations... Read more of this article

Taxis Receive 6-Month GPS Grace Period

Taxis Receive 6-Month GPS Grace Period

After listening to the concerns of taxi operators the Ministry of Transport to decided to introduce a six months grace period for all taxis to get compliant with GPS installation and usage, Minister of Transport Walter Roban said. Minister Roban said, “During the last taxi licensing period a considerable number of taxi operators failed to retain... Read more of this article

Walter Roban Named New Transport Minister

Walter Roban Named New Transport Minister

[Updated with video] Seven months after stepping down Walter Roban has returned to Cabinet, having been sworn in at Government House this morning [June 7] as the new Minister of Transport. Derrick Burgess issued a statement last night [June 6] saying he has resigned from his position as Transport Minister. He was originally appointed Minister of Transport... Read more of this article