Hashtag: #WalterRoban

OBA & PLP On Salary Reductions

OBA & PLP On Salary Reductions

[Updated] One Bermuda Alliance MPs and Senators have agreed to take a 5% salary cut effective March 1, 2012, but do not support the plan to forego pension contributions, Opposition Leader Craig Cannonier said this evening [Feb.12]. “We will set up an escrow account into which we will put 5% of our parliamentary salaries on a monthly basis. We... Read more of this article

Ruling ‘Astounded’ Audubon Society

Ruling ‘Astounded’ Audubon Society

The Bermuda Audubon Society [BAS] has labelled as “absolutely astonishing” a decision by then Environment Minister Walter Roban that could have allowed for further industrial development at Devonshire Marsh. In its winter newsletter, the conservation group says it couldn’t understand how the former Minister could justify upholding... Read more of this article

BEST: Why Decisions Were Wrong

BEST: Why Decisions Were Wrong

The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] said they are “concerned that the public is being led to believe there was nothing wrong” with the planning appeal decisions made by former Environment Minister Walter Roban last month. Mr Roban resigned from his position as Minister for Public Works in November, after coming under... Read more of this article

Video: Roban Speaks On Resignation

Video: Roban Speaks On Resignation

This afternoon [Nov.18] Walter Roban said he was not asked to resign from his Cabinet post, and voluntarily stepped down to “to ensure the Government can continue its programme free of any uncertainty or questions.” Last night Mr Roban resigned from his position as Minister for Public Works, after coming under fire for his decision to allow... Read more of this article

OBA: ‘Questions Require Answering’

OBA: ‘Questions Require Answering’

Speaking on the news last night [Nov.17] that Walter Roban resigned from his post as Minister of Public Works, OBA Senator Michael Fahy said, “We believe it was the right thing for Mr Roban to have resigned given recent revelations. There are however a number of outstanding questions that still require answering.” Mr Roban — who has... Read more of this article

Walter Roban Resigns From Cabinet

Walter Roban Resigns From Cabinet

This evening [Nov.17] Walter Roban resigned from his position as Minister for Public Works. Mr Roban, who has recently come under fire for his decision to allow Planning appeals by two fellow Cabinet Ministers, submitted his resignation to the Premier this evening saying, “In recent days there has been heightened public criticism of my decisions... Read more of this article

Planning Appeals To Be “Reviewed Afresh”

Planning Appeals To Be “Reviewed Afresh”

Former Environment Minister Walter Roban’s decisions to allow Planning appeals by two fellow Cabinet Ministers to proceed have been declared void — because he had already left that portfolio before his Parliamentary colleagues had been notified. This evening  the Ministry of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Strategy said although... Read more of this article

“Total Affront To Good Governance”

“Total Affront To Good Governance”

OBA Senator Michael Fahy spoke on the recent decision by Minister Roban to approve a planning appeal for a company owned by fellow Cabinet Minister Zane Desilva saying, “…it is the same dubious behaviour the country is sick of.” “The OBA is very much in favour of a comprehensive overhaul of Planning laws, rules and regulations... Read more of this article

Roban Returns: Barbados Conference

Roban Returns: Barbados Conference

Minister of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Strategy Walter Roban  participated in a panel discussion on the Renewable Energy plans of Bermuda and Barbados with the Minister responsible for Energy in Barbados Darcy Boyce. A statement released by the Ministry said, “The panel was a segment of the Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum 2011... Read more of this article

Ministers Unveil Sustainability Guide

Ministers Unveil Sustainability Guide

Environment Minister Walter Roban and Education Minister Dame Jennifer Smith jointly launched “Sustaining Bermuda: A Resource Guide on Sustainable Development Issues for Educators, Teachers and Parents. This 54-page guide has been designed to introduce the concept of sustainable development to Bermuda’s school students by applying its principles... Read more of this article

Roban To Attend Barbados Conference

Roban To Attend Barbados Conference

The Minister of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Strategy Walter Roban will attend the Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum [CREF] in Bridgetown, Barbados next week. The conference, which takes place from October 12th to 14th, will bring together the largest gathering of renewable energy stakeholders in the Caribbean including energy decision-makers,... Read more of this article

Documents: Tucker’s Point SDO & Plans

Documents: Tucker’s Point SDO & Plans

Parliamentarians will discuss the Tucker’s Point Special Development Order in the House of Assembly later today [Feb. 28] in what Opposition MP Cole Simons has said is likely to be “one the most controversial debates we have had in some time.” The SDO and the full plans for the proposed expansions of the Rosewood Tucker’s Point... Read more of this article