Video: Roban Speaks On Resignation

November 18, 2011

This afternoon [Nov.18] Walter Roban said he was not asked to resign from his Cabinet post, and voluntarily stepped down to “to ensure the Government can continue its programme free of any uncertainty or questions.”

Last night Mr Roban resigned from his position as Minister for Public Works, after coming under fire for his decision to allow Planning appeals by fellow Cabinet Ministers Wayne Furbert and Zane Desilva. Former Minister of Community Development Michael Weeks has been appointed the new Minister of Public Works.

Speaking this afternoon Mr Roban said, “It is not my wish to bring any or controversy unnecessarily, or accusations on the Government as a result of my actions in any way.

“To ensure the Government can continue its programme free of any uncertainty or questions, I felt the need to step back from the Cabinet to make sure that can happen.”

When asked if he resigned voluntarily he said, “I did. I submitted my resignation to the Premier, I was not asked. And as has been publicly stated the Premier reluctantly, I repeat reluctantly, accepted.”

When asked about his future employment prospects Mr Roban said, “I will see what prospects are out there in for myself in a variety of areas. I am sure like anyone else I will see what is out there, and decide what I want to do”.

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Comments (25)

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  1. Charades says:

    Was he asked to make this statement also??
    What a charade!! Kepp up the GREAT work PLP, your true colours are SHINING through.

    • Yup says:

      Guess it’s time to find a job in the private sector? That’s like a living hell for PLP!!!

      • PLP Cycle - The Crab says:


        1. Go HSBC they will give you a job again since you granted Tuckers Point SDO and saved them from losses on their loan book.

        2. Go to BNTB as with the government guarantee and 4 PLP people in the bank you are a shoe in, oh ya the $200 million guvermint guarantee.

        3. Incorporate a company, use nominees and become a consultant to te Government and donate some cash back to the Party.

        4. Work on becoming nice guy Walter who we all once loved before GP# and the $168k with unlimited business class travel on guvermint trips.

        5. Work with Terry, Derrick, Laverne and Burch to oust Cog.

        6. No Cog means even I can come back and get paid again.

        • Hamilton Parish says:

          PLP cycle,
          get on your scooter, we aint letting you, Walter or anybody else near our Leader.

          Walter will catch work so come out a the mans business, all u lot do is speculate and cause mischief thats clearly why you got kicked out the first time

    • Cleancut says:

      Legal but Unethical, This too shall pass.

  2. Triangle Drifter says:

    Would a reputable comany want to hire him now? I think not. He will be OK. The PLP F&F network is big enough to take him somewhere. Perhaps his mate Zane will give him a job.

    Still don’t trust what he says. Wonder if he, & the others, would be willing to take a polygraph test? Doubt that too for the same reasons as the PLP MPs, Dale Butler excepting, will not take a drug test.

  3. Vote for Me says:

    Min. Roban,
    As always, hold your head high. You have demonstrated on many occasions that your service to the people of Bermuda is your main focus. Many may never get it, but you clearly understand that your personal goals and aspirations are secondary to exemplary service. Any unecesary distractions will not serve the greater good and you have acted accordingly. You truly have a bright political future.

  4. Mad Dawg says:

    Perhaps there’s a job at the Planning Dept.

  5. MinorMatters says:

    Digicel Debacle, Tuckers Point and Woodland Reserve Sellout, Perceived Cronyism in Planning…The honourable minister did the right thing in resigning.

  6. Same S*** Different Day says:

    Walter Roban is full of S**t he knows just what he was doing. Things dont just jump out in front of you the planned that. That PLP needs to be voted out n get UBP back in. What has the PLP done for us nothing.

  7. wow says:

    he is a man, that tried. however, he was a knife at a gun fight, and also he had the morality of a scorpion (see esops fables) he needs to find his moral compass retool and come back. He since in politics has changed and it is sad,brother Roban, go back to the honest you and ……….all will be well.

  8. Get Real says:

    Plain and simple…the PLP is a ‘toxic’ environment! It’ll corrupt any weak mind. The country is suffering miserably as a result.

  9. Veritas says:

    Yeah Brutha Roban we believe… really we do…

  10. OMG says:

    OMG .. When asked about his future employment prospects Mr Roban said, “I will see what prospects are out there in for myself in a variety of areas. I am sure like anyone else I will see what is out there, and decide what I want to do

    Well Mr. Roban, its been 2 years and counting I am still looking for a job, if Minister DeSilva hires you could you please put in a good word for me. But make sure to tell him that I don’t have any inside connections!

  11. Alana(2nd Chance) says:

    It amazes me how people are so quick to point a finger. The UBP was in power for years…hence the mega schools…what did that do for us? That’s just like the USA blaming Obama for Bush’s mistakes. Smh! & the country is so divided…everything is black and white…it’s so annoying! Grow up!

    • Get Real says:

      It is what it is! Ministers are public figures who are often the subjects of criticism. It comes with the territory.

    • Hello says:

      What like Berkley?

    • Waiting Patiently.... says:

      the main difference here is that bush was in power at most for 8 years. that’s it.

      in this instance teh PLP has beeing going for 13+.’

      yes its wrong that obama be blamed for bush’s mistakes, just as blaming PLP for UBP mistakes in the beginning of their govt was wrong.

      but this is yeaaaars down the road. Any UBP mistakes should have been either corrected, or highlighted as uncorrectable. this has not happenend. instead we have new problems, and blame for problems that havent even been remotely solved.

      the PLP has had enough time to declare all issues either their own, or unsolvable. instead, they just keep blaming the previous govt..

  12. true bermyboy says:

    Basically everyone is for themselves,it aint nothin new, its jus gettin worst, its been a pack happen since before everybody reading this , what gets me is nobody wants to be accountable for there actions after they do what they do, weeks, mouths or even years would go by and the same person who messess up n don’t wanna be accoutable or man up or take responsibility of their mess are the same ones criticizing the next person when they get caught slipping or f#*# up…..I can’t tell ba

  13. star man says:

    If you showed the plp core haters two photographs, one of a beautiful country scene with flowers and green forest in the background, and the other of a two-story executive house with white pillars out front, which one do you suppose they would choose? Exactly. That is where these jokers are coming from….

  14. Cleancut says:

    Both parties save face. “I was not fired” and “the Premier reluctantly accepted my resignation”

  15. Hang up and call again says:

    Looking through a majority of the comments here, I have to say that I disagree with the commentators impression of Mr. Roban. I know him well enough to believe he has done this out of his personal integrity and should not be chastised having integrity enough to step down for his mistake. He is NOT a Ewart, although Brown and a few select other PLP members certainly have done enough damage, not every one in the PLP lacks credibility.

    Does there need to be a change in power? – absolutely, in order to prove that voters can look beyond the libelous commentary from some of the PLP and vote out those who need to thrown out of the party and politics as a whole. Get the island back on track and work towards a better tomorrow with some unity instead of this divisive slander. Bermuda is a different world and there’s no reason why everyone can’t prosper from it. If politics didn’t work on the lowest common denominator, I think things would improve dramatically.