Hashtag: #WalterRoban

Environment Minister: No HSBC Benefit

Environment Minister: No HSBC Benefit

Minister of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Strategy Walter Roban today [Feb 15] said he is not professionally or personally linked to HSBC and, as such, does not stand to profit from their financial wellbeing.  The statement was made to dismiss any speculation he would benefit through this link from the passing of the Special Development... Read more of this article

Roban: Insert Bermuda into Satellite Industry

Roban: Insert Bermuda into Satellite Industry

[Updated with video] Minister of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Strategy Walter Roban spoke at a press conference this afternoon [Feb 3], and revealed that “there have been steps taken within our Ministry to insert the presence of Bermuda into the satellite industry,” and that the “European Space Agency has tentatively been... Read more of this article

Minister Roban Visits BELCO

Minister Roban Visits BELCO

This past Monday Minister of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Walter Roban and Permanent Secretary Dr. Derrick Binns visited the BELCO plant, as part of Minister Roban’s orientation to his new Ministry as BELCO, being the major provider of Bermuda’s energy needs, is a key component of the Island’s infrastructure. The Minister was shown... Read more of this article

Minister Roban: Trinidad Conference Update

Minister Roban: Trinidad Conference Update

Minister of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Strategy Walter Roban yesterday [Nov 15] addressed a Plenary Session of the ICT Business and Innovation Symposium 2010 in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. Minister Roban participated in a panel that addressed “Challenges to and initiatives for developing the Caribbean Information Society”.... Read more of this article

Video: Minister Roban Speaks On Environment

Video: Minister Roban Speaks On Environment

After yesterday’s [Nov 5] Throne Speech Minister of Environment, Planning & Infrastructure Walter Roban spoke, addressing various matters including coral reefs, planning applications, water resources, energy conservation and more. Matters of the environment were addressing during the Throne Speech, the relevant portions are below: During... Read more of this article

Video & Bio: Minister Walter Roban

Video & Bio: Minister Walter Roban

Yesterday afternoon [Nov 1] Walter Roban was sworn in at Government House, making a return to Cabinet. Under Dr Brown, he held the position of Minister of Health, which is now held by Minister Zane DeSilva. Yesterday Minister Roban was appointed as Minister of the Environment, a portfolio which was previously joined with Sports. The son of Matthew... Read more of this article