19-Year-Old Found Dead On Parsons Lane

August 6, 2011

[Updated] This morning [Aug.6] 19-year-old Jahmeiko Perkins was found dead in the Parsons Lane Devonshire area, with his body discovered by a passing female motorcyclist just west of the Pure Water facility.

Police said foul play has not been ruled out at this time, with the death “being treated as suspicious.”

The police have been on scene since approximately 9am, with the road blocked off from both the Orange Valley side and Barkers Hill side.

photo parsons lane devonshire

Police Spokesman Dwayne Caines said, “A few minutes after 9am this morning, police responded to a report of a man’s lifeless body being found in the area of Parsons Lane in Devonshire.”

“It appears a woman was traveling on a cycle, when she noticed a man’s body in an area on the left hand side of the carriage way. This resulted in emergency responders being called.”

“An on-call physician also came to the scene and certified death at 10:30am. A forensic autopsy will take place to officially identify the cause of death, and at this point in time foul play has not been ruled out.”

“No further information will be given until the next of kin have been notified.”

We will update as able.

Update 12:00pm: An additional police statement said, “Shortly after 9am this morning a motorist was traveling on Parson’s Lane in Devonshire about 150 meters west of Pure Water when she came upon the lifeless body of a black male.”

“Police immediately attended the scene and after initial investigations contacted the on-call physician who certified death at 10:30am. Investigations into this death have commenced; which at the moment is being treated as suspicious.”

“An autopsy will be conducted in the near future which will assist with the exact cause of death. No further information will be given until the next of kin has been notified.”

Update 12:28pm: Police still have the road blocked off, and are diverting traffic through Orange Valley.

Update 12:34pm: A police spokesman said, “The deceased is a 19 year-old Devonshire man.”

Update 4:30pm: Police are still on scene, and both ends of the road remain blocked off. The body was identified at the scene earlier and removed.

bermuda police orange valley road devonshire (3)——parsons lane blocked off bermuda

Update Aug 7, 7:30am: Police remain on scene, and still have both ends of Parsons Lane blocked off almost 24 hours after the discovery of the body, which is indicative of the seriousness of the investigation. The young man’s identity is becoming widely known in the some parts of the community, however Police have not formally identified him as of yet.

police cars orange vallery parsons lane devonshire bermuda 11 (1)

Update Aug 7, 10:30am: The road remains blocked.

Update Aug 7, 3:00pm: The road remains blocked with police officers stationed on both sides.

Update Aug 7, 4:00pm: This afternoon the police named the young man as Jahmeiko Perkins, and said officers from the Serious Crime Unit are investigating the circumstances of his death, which is “being treated as suspicious.” The statement released this afternoon said, “Anyone who may have seen Mr. Perkins, or who has information concerning how he may have died is urged to make contact with the Serious Crime Unit on 29-50011 or the confidential Crime stoppers hotline on 800-8477.”

Update Aug 7, 9:00pm: The road remains blocked.

Update Aug 8, 12:00pm: The road remains blocked. It is very unusual for the police to restrict access for this length of time [2 days and counting].

Bernews extends our condolences to Mr Perkins’ family and friends.

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Comments (69)

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  1. Theresa Simpson says:

    My heart goes out to his family. Will keep them in our prayers.

  2. Eyes Wide Open says:

    Hope it’s not foul play. This is a hot spot for dumped-off bodies / fake accidents :(

    • Eyes Wide Open says:

      Forgot to say…condolences to the family :(

    • just guessing says:

      my guess is that it is foul play. this doesn’t sound right. sad to hear, another young person gone.

    • jussayin says:

      It makes NO sense. The police act like they are so dumb. They know full well NONE of the deaths in the same spot were “accidents”. What a coincidence is that. Thats called a signature spot for a certain crews “accidents”

  3. Shell says:

    How tragic. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of the deceased. So young. Very sad.

  4. Terry says:

    I have a bad feeling…..unless he was jogging.

    Condolences to the family.

  5. Shell says:

    No, definitely doesn’t sound good at all. My first thought was someone walking or jogging but gut feeling out ruled that thought.

  6. Darci says:

    This is horrible news.

    The family and friends of the deceased are in my prayers.

    Let this be a reminder that our lives on this earth are short, while we are here we need to live our lives as Godly humble people.

    Accept Jesus into your hearts and receive the peace and grace He promises.

    I hope this young man had a covenant with God

    Be safe Bermuda

  7. Young Bermudian says:

    Sorry to say but does not sound good as he was not from that area( Read between the lines!), and yes that is a hot spot for drop offs. So sad! My heart goes out to his family!

  8. International says:

    My prayers and thought goes out to the grieving family for the lost of another young black man
    Iife! I personally having traveled this area during the night made me realized it not well lit and knowing the history of dead bodies being found there, I know call on the authority to install lights around this area!!

    • Prophet says:

      …or perhaps not install lighting in that area, but instead the technology which can “see” in the dark to catch the scourge of the earth who commit these vile acts (although we don’t know that this latest case is a result of local terrorism–yes, terrorism).

      The BPS have called this death suspicious, but one must keep in mind that the fact that the deceased is 19 makes it suspicious, irrespective of how he met his end. 19 year olds don’t just die.

      In any case, it is a sad day for the family and a sad day for Bermuda. Sincere condolences to the family.

    • Terry says:

      Lights? For what purpose. Really.

      Lights will fix what.

      Thats like saying…shooting at people may kill them or if you stab someone, injury may occur.

      Where the hell is my needle….

    • sometimes I have to cry says:

      Condolences to the family, another young man one gone too soon

  9. So SAD says:

    3 “fake deaths/murders” in the same spot in 5 years. this is not no accident so police please do your job and find out why this is were 3 ppl from the same neighborhood is found dead over a period of years…

    • areUserious? says:

      So true…..

    • OMFING (oh my effin God) says:

      I like the fact that you know this but the police dont….Im from the streets we all knew about the deaths and the circumstances surrounding them… the police spend more time arresting drug dealers than they do arresting murderers, they send a statement out that says this “kill as many as you want, Just dont sell drugs because selling drugs F**KS with our money”

      • PEPPER says:

        What a sad state of affairs we bermudians are in…and we have no leaders that we can depend on !!!! we have the cog who has no idea what her ministers are doing…and for some reason does not care !! we thought it was bad with the Doc !!!lord have mercy this giant of a lady scares the hell out of most of us…..we need to demand her resignation along with Terry Lister… these two are total idiots…. on another note is santucci who was fired from Grotto Bay on the pay roll ? if he is why would the P.L.P. HIRE IS ASS ? Talk about doing more with less…I think Paula Cox has no backing from her ministers….

      • mixitup says:

        How are you even comfortable with OMFING as your title? This is whats wrong with society, lose your fear of God and watch how quick your lives spiral out of control. If you can’t honour/respect the almighty than what chance the next man have? None. Start with yourself.

        • freddyg says:

          I AGREE ! GOD BLESS US ALL !

        • White Christ says:

          You have described exactly what has happened to Bermuda. We have become a Godless society. What is happening will only cease when we return to the respect for God that made us a great nation.

      • next? says:

        where do you think you live?
        Get over yourself, you are from Bermuda. You are not from Compton.

  10. So SAD says:

    Sorry meant to say *Fake Bike accidents instead of *fake deaths in 5 years

    • heard it 2 says:

      I mentioned this to someone connected to the Police service a few years back concerning those rumours and got a real dressing down .

      I’d like to know what their ‘intelligence’ is saying that we supposedly don’t know about…

      I know .. a bit of an oxymoron there … ‘Intelligence ‘

  11. Bermy needs Prayer says:

    We need prayer in these times, cause if 3 deaths in the same 100 meters of each other over a period of years can occur and made to seem like bike accidents then Bermudians are blinder then we think, Pray for this mans family please, only 19 years old… Gone too soon…

  12. Street talk says:


    • Terry says:

      Yo Street, whats the four dots for………………..

  13. Terry says:

    At some point we will find out how this young man died. Of course this will take a few days and I am sure that the Police spokesman will have a few words to say and that enquiries are continuing.

    Until then, may his family be assured that the ones that many seem to demean are doing their job.


  14. OMFING (oh my effin God) says:

    SO SAD=SO TRUE…. Im speechless i thought that I was the only one that knew this. Notice to Police… DO YOUR JOBS!!! FIND SOME KILLERS!! nothing is coincidence!

  15. Ronnie says:

    So sorry but we are in a time when we all have to repent and instead of being thankful that it is not in our home we need to be Godly and when we see disarray go to our neighbors that are not living right and get them to see their ways and repent. It starts with the family we as a people have allowed divorce to break down the family and just because it is not us we are thankful but the Bible says when someone is out of line we all must go to them as a community. divorce breaks down the family and it has creeped into our community. God is about family so when the family is broken down and it is accepted by the community we leave God so we need to turn back to God starting with family.

    • Terry says:

      Ronnie, wanna put up some street lights there? Come on man…I am a God fearing Man…………………. Bible tels it so………………………

    • Paying Attention says:

      @Ronnie seriously it sounds like you just wanted something to say… SMDH!

      As for the police doing their job, well I am sure they are doing their best but when you have people working against you it makes the job harder to to get lights and cameras in that area.

      • Paying Attention says:

        *correction – time to get lights and cameras in that areas*

    • yeah , right ... says:

      divorce breaks down the family and it has creeped into our community

      If you realy think it’s ‘divorce’ that has broken down the family unit in Bermuda you need to wake up and smell the coffee.

      Let me give you a clue .. ‘Breeding without a care in the world’ and for a long time .

      • next? says:

        No you don’t need cameras in every street. Ever read a book?
        Try ’1984′ by George Orwell.

        • SMDH!! says:

          Co-Sign!!! We don’t need anymore BIG BROTHER tactics!! I for one don’t ever want to wake up in George Orwell’s ’1984′!! Condolences for a life taken too soon!!

    • White Christ says:

      @ Ronnie. I cannot see how anyone would respond so negatively to your comment the way these folks have. The trouble makers in our society are known by their marks and their tone of speech. These ungodly people are the problem no matter what they say.
      As for your comment Ronnie, when children experience the break-up of the family i.e. divorce, they learn to avoid commitment and this is what leads to what “yeah, right…” calls ‘breeding without a care in the world’. I don’t see how “yeah, right…” doesn’t see the correlation between divorce and non-marital cohabitation.
      People have dung for brains these days

      • yeah, right.. says:

        I don’t think anyone’s confusing any ‘correlations’ , certanly not myself ..Any fool knows that the number of children who end up in single parent homes due to divorce is ,in the Bermuda context , MINIMAL compared to the thousands of children who start out life in a single parent home with siblings all from different ‘parents’ . The subject that is so ever to be avoided around these parts .

        But then , I’m sure you know that anyway ..

  16. jredmond says:

    bugger off

  17. Redmond says:

    As usual, it sounds like alot of you know whats behind this, but aren’t telling the police….. A great deal of police work is following up on tips. How about doing your duty to the community and phoning in an anonymous report…..

    • areUserious? says:

      Who says that the Police are not being told. You are only assuming this to be the case. Just because it has not been made public don’t assume that the police are not working on this line of enquiry. The police are aware of more than you think but if they don’t have solid proof……….

  18. True dat says:

    Wow…. Another body found in the orange valley grave yard…. :/
    so sad that this is going to be written down in Bermuda history as another
    really strange and suspicious death that will remain a mystery ;/

    My heart goes out to the family..*smh*

  19. Perplexed says:

    My condolences to the family of the young man. Although foul play has not been confirmed, the violence on this island has long been out of hand and is getting worse.

    I’m really puzzled as to why the police can;t find the perpetrators in these murders, and when they do, why we rarely get a conviction.

    A few posters have said that this is a frequent area for dumping bodies or “fake accidents”. When was there a suspicious road accident or bodies found in this area??? I don’t recall ever hearing about that in those areas…

    • what on earth ? says:

      Not an attack on anyone in particular , but it never fails to amaze me how we have such a large number of people here who have such little awareness/knowledge of what is (or has) happens/d around them .

      What are we benifitting from with all this technology , cell phones permanently bolted to peoples heads ..non stop B/B ing … etc when it seems as though less and less of us even know what’s going on around us ? ?

      One day a bunch of people are going to wake up and find that Bda doesn’t even belong to them anymore and then they’re going to be in shock.

  20. PLP but not the Government says:

    Heartfelt condolences to those that mourn his passing. May God comfort you during this difficult time.

  21. point boi says:

    I walk and ride the back roads to work, orange valley, barkers, watlington, vesey even sometimes after dark….so quiet and peaceful…..but I think I’ll stick to the main roads from now on.

  22. Car Battery (Original) says:

    Clearly the UBP’s fault. Or Excraps.

  23. Poetc Justice says:

    Until the identity of the deceased is released giving a better idea of his character and association I will reserve critical comment. However I will say that no one has the right to take anothers life regardless of circumstances.

    My condolences to the family.

  24. Shut Yo Mouth... says:

    Wickedness and the evil spirit raises it nasty head once again . For forty years the people roamed the wilderness and pestilence was the order of the season . But only for a season ,as Good shall overcome and smite the existence of all EVILDOERS .

  25. WPF says:

    So when has Orange Valley been used as a body dumping spot? The scary thing is all of the delusional people on this island who think they are living in a 1990s black gangbanger movie.

    • Eyes Wide Open says:

      You sound like a delusional member of the BPS who needs to get off their arse and investigate these coincidences. Keep up with the news fool!! SMH!

      • Eyes Wide Open says:

        BTW…what does WPF stand for? White Police Force?

    • Chey Darrell says:

      and the white people are busy sniffing house cleaning products and getting high on METH! I look forward to watching intervention every week! :)

  26. d.d says:

    there have been 3 bodies found in that area and they all have been from the park side gang….think about it….

    • A victims family member says:

      They all new the Parkside…I wouldn’t actually call them a gang back then more like a hang out, cause any of them went anywhere they wanted, and they new the 42nd etc.Everybody chilled with each other. You don’t know you should keep your ignorant opinions to your self.

      • A victims family member says:

        d.d must stand for dumb and dopey.

  27. wondering says:

    what other details have been released?

    • bernews says:

      Nothing official as of yet, we will update as soon as we get anything…

  28. BDA Boy says:

    This must be something severe as the police still remain on scene………..

  29. Terry says:

    It’s quite obvious that the young man met his death by foul play or suspicious circumstances.

    Thats a lot of area to cover. The main road, egress et al. Broken branches, clothing, stains.

    Condonlences to the family.

  30. bernews comments kill me! says:

    i agree no one has the right to take the life of another my condolences to the family. but realistically there was a reason someone took this mans life, wether that reason be good or bad doesnt make the difference cuz wats done is done. still not quite sure how ppl r takin it so far to say divorce is the problem when believe it or not there are divorced families who actually have decent humble lives geez you people are so blind to the fact! ie: not every family divorced ends up on bad terms! lets start looking at things realistically please. some of these comments make me want to smack some sense into your heads!

  31. Chey Darrell says:

    In response to d.d Akil Williams was not a parkside member, and neither was the twin. Back than it was just town and country.

    • A victims family member says:

      Ain’t that the truth, and they thought that was bad! Yup they were just from town.

  32. AMESS says:

    Is it true that the victim was shot in the head? Heard that on the news but I see no update anywhere else.

    • bernews says:

      We have not reported that, and the police said this afternoon “the exact cause of death is not yet known.”

  33. A victims family member says:

    Another young man..in the hot spot. They haven’t figured out that it’s a drop off yet! All the so called accidents, you can CLEARLY SEE that they were not accidents! Hit trees, but no bark off the tree…no road rash…the placement off the bikes…only the face messed right up etc. Does not take a rocket scientist to see that! Maybe instead of bringing in a forensic person who’s only gonna report it how their told,they should think about bringing some professionally trained serious crime unit persons to lead our investigations. I believe ours are clueless in these type situations.No snitches…no suspect.

  34. The Iceman says:

    A damn shame

  35. Ronnie Chameau says:

    We express our condolence to the grandmother and other members of the family.

    Very….very sad