Drywall Programme: 18 Bermudians To Be Trained
Earlier today the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Patrice Minors highlighted an initiative which will see the training of 18 Bermudians in the Drywall profession.
The initiative has been launched in partnership with the Construction Association of Bermuda and a group of Drywall Professionals currently in operation.
18 individuals have been selected to participate in this fully funded programme; Richard Basden, Kevin Bean, Kellen Beckham, Anthony Burchall, Jahleel Crockwell, Mica Fubler-Ming, Ervin Grant, Shannon Hendrickson, Matthew Henry, Mandel Outerbridge, Lionel Paynter, Jahzeel Quallo, Delroy Ricketts, Dante Robinson, Shannon Robinson, Mahalah Saunders, Ivan Smith and Robert Trott.
“I should point out that this level of training is currently not available in Bermuda and this programme was designed specific to Bermuda’s needs,” said Minister Minors.
“It is an accelerated, accredited training opportunity being held in Atlanta, Georgia from August 27 to September 22, 2012. It requires participants to attend classes 6 days a week for 10 hours for a period of 4 weeks.”
Upon completion of the coursework, these gentlemen will sit a 2 hour examination to prove their proficiency and competence.
Minister Minors said: “In addition to empowering these individuals with increased knowledge and improved skills, one important factor in pressing ahead with this initiative is this: this training opportunity serves to minimise the issuance of work permits particularly in respect to the two major construction projects namely, the Bermuda Hospitals Board and the former Waterloo House sites.”
Minister Minors full statement follows below:
Good afternoon and thank you for joining me.
Today I want to highlight an initiative which demonstrates tangible proof that this Government is providing solutions to our unemployment challenges by placing Bermudians in jobs.
It is our Drywall Programme.
In an attempt to maintain the momentum to ‘recruit Bermuda’, another initiative has been launched in partnership with the Construction Association of Bermuda and a group of Drywall Professionals currently in operation.
Over the past several weeks I have attended meetings with various business owners and operators in this trade, and together we have assessed that there is a requirement for Level 5 Professional Drywall Finishers.
To that end, the team at the National Training Board has been working diligently on finding the best training available that would enable individuals to acquire this specific skill in the very short-term.
Following an extensive consultative process the team and relevant stakeholders selected the Construction Education Foundation of Georgia to deliver the required curriculum that will lead to a recognized Drywall Mechanic Certification.
Ladies and gentlemen, I should point out that this level of training is currently not available in Bermuda and this programme was designed specific to Bermuda’s needs.
It is an accelerated, accredited training opportunity being held in Atlanta, Georgia from August 27 to September 22, 2012.
It requires participants to attend classes 6 days a week for 10 hours for a period of 4 weeks.
And I am pleased to note that the curriculum for this programme is based on the National Centre for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) standard, which is a widely respected entity.
Today we are joined by the 18 individuals who have been selected to participate in this fully funded programme. These gentlemen have been industry assessed and deemed ready to embark on this educational venture.
Ladies and gentlemen the participants include:
- Richard Basden
- Kevin Bean
- Kellen Beckham
- Anthony Burchall
- Jahleel Crockwell
- Mica Fubler-Ming
- Ervin Grant
- Shannon Hendrickson
- Matthew Henry
- Mandel Outerbridge
- Lionel Paynter
- Jahzeel Quallo
- Delroy Ricketts
- Dante Robinson
- Shannon Robinson
- Mahalah Saunders
- Ivan Smith
- Robert Trott
Just to give you an idea of what they will be trained in, some of the thirteen courses include:
- Basic Safety
- Introduction to Power Tools
- Orientation to the Trade
- Construction Materials and Methods
- Drywall Installation
- Drywall Finishing
- Commercial Drawings
- Steel Framing
- Acoustical Ceilings
Upon completion of the coursework, these gentlemen will sit a 2 hour examination to prove their proficiency and competence.
In addition to empowering these individuals with increased knowledge and improved skills, one important factor in pressing ahead with this initiative is this: this training opportunity serves to minimise the issuance of work permits particularly in respect to the two major construction projects namely, the Bermuda Hospitals Board and the former Waterloo House sites.
And yes, it is anticipated that all participants will be fully employed following the successful completion of the programme.
Ladies and gentlemen, the demand for certified professionals today is unprecedented.
Local and overseas organizations are placing greater emphasis on the importance of certifications.
These individuals will undoubtedly become ‘pace-setters’ and role models to their peers in industry.
I highlight Mr. Kevin Bean as a prime example. He is currently the Carpentry Instructor at the Bermuda College.
This programme will provide him with experience and exposure that will enhance his teaching and instruction – ‘truly a demonstrated effort to achieve and deliver excellence’.
So ladies and gentlemen, we are demonstrating that we are doing all we can to assist Bermudians during these tough economic times.
Let there be no doubt:
We are ensuring fairness and opportunities for Bermudians;
We are solving people’s problems;
We are standing up for Bermudians; and yes
We are and will continue to make sure and steady progress in helping Bermudians to succeed.I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate these gentlemen and wish them every success.
Thank you.
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- 17 Successfully Complete Job Training | Bernews.com | September 28, 2012
Everyone is so quick to question cost..Does it really matter? It is doing something positive for BERMUDIANS. We can see she is using her resources wisely by starting programmes like these….The ‘cost’ will ultimately pay off and give our own some jobs.
Not even a token white guy !
the only GOOD that will come out of this is that these fine gentlemen will receive some knowledge of work ethics and how it works in the big world..maybe further their careers as business owners with their expert knowledge, and then hopefully they can pass it on to the young employees…. jus my thoughts …
good luck guys.
I was on your side until I read that this trining would be held overseas! Wow! With all of the local drywall companies on this island and all of the out of work drywall professionals you are telling me that we cant find one Bermudian or even one resident capable of teaching these guys! Would it not make more sense and be less expensive to have the training done here. Certainly it would cost less to import one trainer (if absolutely necessary) and be able to train 30 guys or more then it is to send 18 guys overseas and have to pay for 18 tuitions, 18 plane tickets, 9 rooms, transportation for 18 etc….! Why exactly do we have the Bermuda College again?????
Then I took at the look at the picture and I noticed that those that are going are not exactly a reflection of the population! As someone that is out of work and “melanin challenged’ I take person offence when I see this! I am f’n fuming right now.
Please Mr. PLP candidate that left the brochure on my door a few weeks ago…come back so we can talk about the future of Bermuda and twhere the f I fit in!
And we wonder why money is disaappearing and we are having to borrow more!
I guess when they call the back of a sheet of drywall the brown side it is racial too?
The only thing racial and political in this instance is how these men were chosen, white and other people out of work, and some (myself included) even registered as drywallers with Labour and Training for close to three years, were not even allowed to know about it until this announcement. When is the next “Free” certification trip and where do I sign up? lol seriously, when a bunch of white people show up asking for a trip and certification they will be told there is no more money or not enough demand for it.
Well done! Providing training and support!
This is really great.
Sending Bermudians overseas to learn how to put up drywall.
Does Government have a contract or know of any up and comming jobs that will require this.?
hahahaha….thats all i can do Terry ….sentiments exactly …TOOOOOO! LATE.
this government has more than helped to create this mess and now the Pee Ell Pee want to make a big song and dance about a training course??? Geesch get real! Why is this news when the Pee Ell Pee caused most of our economic problems in the first place????????
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE call the election SOOOOON – Bermuda cannot survive much longer with this awful underperforming govt that is killing us daily!!!
are you kidding me? You mean to tell me that of all the DRYWALL specialists listed in the Yellow pages none of them are able to teach these gentlemen in BERMUDA without incurring airfares, accommodations, food and entertainment???? seriously. If this isn’t electioneering that I don’t know what is. Stupidity apparently knows no bounds with this government.
Evidently you do not know anything about drywall or the industry. The fact is is that the industry needs real skilled professional. this will help. it is also a fact that bermudians have been goin off island since jesus walk to better themselves.
..so then we’ll have 18 drywallers and no new construction to hang the drywall. How ’bout sending them on an asphalt laying course so we can finally get some smooth roads…or how about a machanics course so we can have working busses and ferries.
I’m witchu smitty….lets get these roads fixed please…licencing fees should be allocated to keeping the roads SAFE!!! thats why dat guy hit a pedestrean on front street and didnt know figuring it was the rumble and dips that we have to avoid constantly…but yeah …whos gonna hire these guys Black N Mac…?
coz if you wanna work for them certification is needed….hmmmmmm more to ponderrrrr.
Congratulations Anthony “Herke” extremely proud of you. Hoist the Flag!
Drug test them all immediately and see how many are eligible then. This is a waste of time for all involved.
I think this a great opportunity. I hope they do well.
Um, last I checked, like this afternoon, we predominantly construct dwellings and buildings out of concrete block.
You sound so damn silly. Within the last five years, 90% of the buildings that have gone up, the interior is drywall. This is also becoming a trend in the residential industry. What do you think you see when you walk inside of most of the businesses in the city – drywall.
I’m super proud that these men have chosen to better them selves. Or would you all be happier if they sit on a wall!! People complain that all job go to foreign workers then you complain that they are going overseas for training. Are the person that are getting the job not from overseas or where the foreign workers trained here in Bermuda? Some people have nothing better to do then complain. I for one am very happy these young men are getting the opportunity. And when last I checked most buildings now have drywall.
I complain because they were “selected” and others like me were never given the chance! I HAVE BEEN OUT OF WORK TOO! Why is it when this governemnt wants to announce what it is doing for those they “selected” they can find the time to send the press releases to Bernews and other popular media where they can get praise and say “see look what we are doing”! But, when the opportunities come up they don’t seek the same popular media so that all non working Bermudians can have the samme opportunities!
Did you apply? 2 persons I know that where chosen found out though word of mouth and then went to labour and training to find out more. They applied had to be interviewed and then waited to hear back. Please dont take the joy out of their possiblity simply look into find one for your self. Labour and training I’m very sure will be have more of these courses. Keep your head up and stay focused you will find your way. At least one of those men have been looking for work for at the very least 3yrs.
Point taken, however, now that you know they offer these courses would it not be on you now to check with labour and training on a regular basis to see when the next one will be? You seem as though you really want to find work and would like to take advantage of any opportunity that maybe out there. I hope the next time you are one of the persons chosen, as I know what it really does mean. And when you do get chosen look beyond the negetive reactions for other people and focus on what you need to do. I don’t know who you are, but I hope that next time is your time. bless up
White people need not apply. This was totally friends and family. Screw whitey, because that makes it ALL better. SMH over this blatant croneyism. Prove it otherwise and then I’ll shut up. Not right. When was this advertised? Who else knew about it? I read the papers every day. My white spouse has been unemployed for four years, I am Bermudian, and this was fair exactly how?? I mean, good for them, but seriously, transparency would have been nice. Nothing sanitizes like sunlight…
O wow, so now its a black and white issue? Did your WHITE spouse apply? Has he/she gone to Labour & Training and put their name down. Or are you waiting for them to reach out to you? Its funny that people are quick to blame things on race, and I mean on both sides. Would these men be right to say its a white thing if all the men where white and no black persons applied? So annoying! Next time how about your spouse applies and then if they don’t get picked your point will be taken more seriously. Or how about you find out how many applicants where white or portuguese, if there are none then your point, at least in this case, is moot. But please note one gentleman is mixed, but hey, maybe the black half of him is the only part going.
My WHITE spouse didn’t even know about it. So how would he have known??? HOW could he apply if he didn’t know?? Want to show me where it was publicised? It WAS friends and family, I have it from an inside source, and he IS registered with Labour and training. So stick it. LOL- ONE IS MIXED!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet his black half was friend and or family. If it was the other way around, YOU would be ‘hating’ too. A$$.
Actually to keep it clear I said both side pull the race card so show me where I’m a A$$ as you say. And yes one is mixed so u stick it, or should he hide is black half to make you feel better. So you laugh all you please makes no difference I’m still proud of these men for wanting to do something positive. As for the name calling I’ll leave that with you still doesn’t change the fact that your spouse didn’t apply for this course. Also if you have an inside source shouldn’t they have told you and your spouse about the course! LOL some source, seems to me you should have asked them why they didn’t tell you about it. At least then you could have applied and then have a real issue if your spouse was not chosen.
i think the point is that it WAS NOT MADE PUBLIC so that the spouse (or anyone else) could have applied. how are both sides pulling the race card? Labor and Training are not saying “oh man there are no white people here, shucks” or “let us put it out to the general public, both white and black” because that would be too fair now wouldn’t it? i guess whites already have enough ‘white privilege’…..
If your spouse has been unemployed for years then that means he not worth a flip or he does not want to work.
No, you jerk. He was wrongfully dismissed, sued and won. And so now he’s blacklisted. Or, is it white listed? YOu’re a real a$$hole. And he does work temporary jobs here and there. His field is highly specialized, and even in better times, there’s usually only one of him needed for a given organization. You are so off base here. And as to my inside source- I didn’t say they were a friend. Hence likely why my spouse didn’t get a call, yes? Illustrating my point. This government is full, chock full, of hateful narrow minded bigots. Who delight in having people as ‘compassionate’ and like minded as you among their supporters.
Your so busy thinking everyone is against you that you are as narrow minded as the people you speak of. You don’t know me or who I support. Just because I am proud of those men doesn’t show my political view. My dear you are laughable. Your none friend will tell you the inside scoop but not what really may have helped you out. Take a seat, your anger clouds your mind. And while you name call you still haven’t fixed your issue. How about you and yours call Labour and Training on Monday and see if another course will be offered? Or you can wait for the political party of your choice to come into power then go. But wait that party has black ppl in it as well
. Maybe they are a$$holes, and Bigots too then what are you gonna do? Here’s an option, get a life and quit the hateful tirades.
@jojo – If you read above, I said “point taken” to the person that stated their issue with it not being made public, so lets not start that again. I said both sides pull the race card in reference to any issue that comes up where one person feels there’s not enough of them represented. True or False? Its not Labour and Training’s job to make sure an equal amout of blacks and whites apply or register with them, so seriously what’s your point. I said, before making it a black and white issue find out the numbers of blacks, whites and others that applied first. I find it funny how you all make an assumption about where I stand on the color line because I refuse to see this as a black and white issue without the facts. *side note* I put my comment here because for whatever reason I counldn’t reply under your name.
Congrats ANTHONY, and ROBERT!!! I am proud of you guys!!
Action: Positive
Reaction to Positive: Negative
Action: Negative
Reaction to Negative: Negative
Regardless of what you do, someone will always “hate”… so let the haters hate. And while the haters are hating, 18 Bermudian males (who we hate on) will be taking advantage of a great opportunity and making someone who “loves” them, very proud! All the best to these guys, I’m rooting for you!
It’s about EACH of YOU guys and what POSITIVE you gain from this experience …. it’s NOT about the PLP, UBP, OBA, NLP, HATERS …. It’s about YOU!
If its not about the PLP , OBA , UBP, NLP- then why are these men not a closer reflection of our country! Are there no Portuguese Bermudians, Caucasion Bermudians out of work???? The answer is yes!!! I am one and I know many more!
I am happy for them (really I am) and a bit jealous I admit. Call me a hater – that is fine – because I HATE THE FACT that once again I have been pushed aside and not given the same opportunity! Do we have the 18 best Bermudians or just the 18 best black Bermudians???? We will never know the answer because others were not given the opportunity!
@Out of Work…you sound like my brother! So like I told him…wait your turn, you might be in the next “18″!! Blah Blah Blah Blah….. Here’s some advice: you can not get an opportunity on BerNews writing comments; try the Employment section.
hang on …i jus realized somthin’….not all 18 will get certified….i would not have made it public until the certified ones return …jus trying to save face for some…smiling going out n sombre coming back…i’m jus sayin’
being in a very similar Industry myself…….LOL………this is funny, where are all the white guys in this picture? Funny, the only drywall guys l know are white.
Why is this Industry being targeted?
Somebody asked a question earlier….It was irrelevant…..somebody said something, Ms Minors couldn’t hear it, all she can hear is the Deputy Premier telling her to attack the Drywall Industry because it is the last thing in Bermuda that is predominately white, kiss my a$$ you all.
The real reason all the drywall workers you know are white is that white ppl train other white ppl in order to keep the knowledge to themselves.
that is some truth for you. You can argue but the reality speaks for itself.
and ya, this all sounds good, but lets hear about the results of these 18 test Minister!
Well they actually ALL PASSED so f#$#k your opinion
Congrats father and son Shannon Robinson and Shannon Hendrickson!!!! Also to Mica Fubler-Ming!!
Ask the Bermudian drywall contractors out there how business is. Most are on the brink of being out of business. The construction industry in Bermuda is in the toilet, it will not turn around anytime soon.
You need overall technical training skills these days I think just drywall is too limiting. It should include carpentry,tiling,little bit of masonary and junior mechanic work, differnt materials and how to work with them i.e Limestone, cedarwork, tiling,mosaic tiling, how to design pools and make a pool how to mantain a pool, roof work, how to clean a roof correctly in Bda and not just with a mop and a bucket I mean the correct way, how important our tanks are in bermuda and how to make them and clean them.How to hurricane proof a house and hurricane proof the woodwork,Before you put the limestone tiles on. And I can go on and on such as welding and metal work
Sorry this is too limiting I learned all these trades when i was in my teens and twenties in bermuda for free before I left for college and got paid over 800 a week. But the construction isn’t booming like that anymore. But when I was doing it every year you learned major skills, So something is not right but at least it is a start, the only time i ever used drywall was for big exempt buildings. In Bermuda our houses don’t have that much dry wall in them.
@ Silver Lining it is not about being negative but about giving perople a wide range of options in today’s world you need to have several trades under your belt. Hope more of these programmes appear then it could work out, but like i said it sounds like a good start in the right direction. in todays world these things should be happening all the time.
Not that bad of an idea, I too am a Bermudian that trained and learned drywall in Atlanta. I was taken under the wings of a very popular company named Spectrum and I was so damn determined to do this for me, It was so positive that I moved right up the ranks, eventually I got work at Hartsfield Airport, Grady Hospital, Fulton Jailhouse and even Evander Holyfields old mansion he just foreclosed on. I wanna say one more thing, Atlanta is a place that if you get too caught up in the night life you WILL NOT MAKE IT TO CLASS 6 DAYS A WEEK……
Good luck guys and please don’t act like you know it all, these guys are gonna teach you very important things and no doubt you’ll be good to go. suffitts,ceilings,laser lining, reading blueprints, Stay from MAGIC CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL Big Dog!! Don’t forget to mention Strokers, Onyx, DOA, Blue Fame… you know!!
Congrats to the 18 that were Selected
Great idea but the PLP has it all wrong. Why Drywalling? there has been recent advertising for Drywall Specialist in the local paper. These companies have applied for work permits which the minister has denied telling them to find Bermudians. Which ahe has the right…The companies are 90% owned by whites if not 100%. Instead of working with the local companies and the Bermuda College PLP decide to send these good young men overseas and spend our money once again. Ths money could have been spent here and the College could have set up a recognize program. Now they have piss off people again because you have chosen 18 out of so many looking for jobs. Then you have this PR election thing going so you put the names of these gentleman in the public before they have even started the class or pass the course. I wonder how many other Bermudians could have taken advantage of this program if it was held in Bermuda. Now that explain why Drywall..It also explain why all of these boys are Black and we see no White Bermudians(playing the race card). Where is the Technical School when we need it so much? having worked in the industry these young men need more then drywall to survive…Carpentry Masonary Mudding ect ect..Two major contracts are Hospital and Waterloo House not much else there the city has been built and we do not drywall our houses. Let me add the drywall contracts for those projects have been giving to white owned contracting companies that you have just piss off by not giving them permits(which you are correct to deny them). Since you are sending them I think it would have been better too send them for longer periods to learn more trades. What is four weeks? All the adverts ask for 2 – 4 years experience so the commpanies will not have to hire them. Good Idea but the PLP has it wrong once again.
As I am a black bermudian I wish them good luck and to stay focus. Atlanta can get hot in so many ways right Big Dog. I have listed your names hope to see a few of you on the payroll in the future or running your own Drywall Companies…Work together for each other not against each other and you will succeed together…
you are another fool that does not know sh#t, but yet you will spread garbage.
yes i have ran an ad in the paper but no i have not applied for work permits. and no my company is not 90% white. get your facts straight.
If you think you can teach level 5 finish in less than 5 years of on the job training I’d love to work with you!
STOP with the ranting about not seeing anyone white in this picture. Not everyone who’s going was able to make it for the press conference, so you can stop fuming. Part of the reason this island is stuck in the past is because of how judgemental folks can be about the superficial stuff. I get it, there’s a history… but guess what, Bermuda’s not the only place in the world to have to overcome this challenge. Secondly, it’s the drywallers that had gone to the existing government regarding the permit issue, not the other way around so whether it’s PLP, OBA or what have you, someone finally listened and is trying to correct the situation. Thirdly, there will be a lot of drywall needed for the two major construction jobs – framing, hanging, and finishing. For those judging the program just know that this is a stepping stone. No one is thinking they’re coming out of a 4 week program as an expert. People have to start somewhere. It’s unfortunate this has to be off-island. Perhaps those who are griping about the training overseas should question the half a$$ed program that took place at Bermuda College as to why it was unsuccessful – or did you not hear about that… right.
So you’d tell everyone the same thing if all those faces were white Anglo-saxon faces or Portuguese with none of our darker-skinned brethren there? You would not, you’d be joining the voices of dissent in the blink of an eye. It’s not fair, and that’s supposed to be what Government is supposed to do. Furthermore, who else knew about it? It doesn’t have to be off island. If the Government paid the same fees to a local drywaller or several to train these men, money is money, I am sure they’d have done it. But, because the drywall industry is predominately white, I am sure the thought was ‘anyone else’s pocket but theirs’. AT OUR EXPENSE. Divided we fall, people. Get that. There are political forces working daily to deepen the divide, this was clearly one of them. So to the comment above- white takes care of white? Looks to me like they have to, because clearly there isn’t a black government that will serve the interests of ALL Bermudians, only the black ones. And only their friends and family, the rest can go get stuffed.
Is it really smart to not show up to work without notice on the same day this press conference and picture be taken? Seriously!
I know a dry waller and he is an expat….and is very skilled at what he does….someone above mentioned that these 18 candidates should be trained in several areas but i disagree. Many bermudians consider themeselves skilled in a little bit of everything (electric, plumbing, masonary, carpentary, basic mechanics etc) but in my opinion that is not always a good thing as you dont get the fine skills in one area. Usually drywallers become boarders or finishers (at least thats how it works most places in the world) although they are quite capable of learning both areas they chose one so they can get trained (for several years) in the fine art of it so they can produce high end work (which is what the major construction projects are lookig for in Bermuda). My friends company are hired often to fix jobs that have not been done to a high standard. I wish these men the best of luck and i hope they are ready for the physical challenge. You must be fit to do work like this…..by the age of 45/50 most drywallers are ready for a career change as they can not keep up with the fast pace of the younger generation.
where is da bermudian Portuguese!?
EXACTLY. I guess they’re ‘not Bermudian enough’. These days Bermudian = black, nothing else matters.
LOL- my white spouse is well known to L&T. Don’t even start.
WTF!!!!! Government recently forced an 8% pay cut and no pension payment contributions to off set the difference on civil servants. They cried poverty and saw this as the only way to stay afloat. We got the ‘do more with less speech’…… now they go and spend this $$$$$$ on these guys in a hope that they succeed. SMH. As civil servants we are subject to drug testing, I wonder if any of them had to be?? Doubt it!!And on another note if government workers want to take a course (in their field) and ask government for $$$$, they have to submit a full proposal outlining it. In most cases a percentage is granted, but airfare is seldom awarded. And they must sign a contract to continue working for the Government for a specified time or pay the money back. It would be interesting to see these future drywallers contracts!!!!!!
Clearly you have no interest in wha these men can accomplish. Regardless of the cost ALL 18 of these men PASSED each & EVERY test that had been given to them while they were in Atlanta. At this stage; f$%k the cost, fuck your opinion & CONGRATS to you ALL! Case dismissed!
gypsum drywall is a terrible choice of material for bermudas humidity. cockaroaches eat the paper. wait 10 years boys, youll have loads of renovations to do if theres an economy that can build anything then
EPIC Failure again PLP
Well THANKS for all of your negative comments. Actually ALL of these men that went overseas were able to PASS each & every exam which was given to them so regardless of how much it cost or who was attending they still succeeded.