Cayman Premier McKeeva Bush Arrested

December 11, 2012

[Updated - Mr Bush released on bail] Cayman Islands Premier McKeeva Bush has been arrested on suspicion of theft, alleged misuse of a Government credit card, breach of trust, abuse of office and conflict of interest.

The 57-year-old leader of the British overseas territory was arrested at his home this morning [Dec 11] by officers from the Royal Cayman Islands Police Services financial crime unit.

A statement on the Royal Cayman Islands Police Force website said: “The Premier of the Cayman Islands, McKeeva Bush (57), has been arrested and is currently detained in police custody in connection with a number of ongoing police investigations.

“Officers from the RCIPS Financial Crime Unit arrested Mr. Bush at around 7.00 am this morning (Tuesday 11 December 2012) at his home in West Bay.

“Mr. Bush has been arrested on suspicion of: Theft, in connection with financial irregularities relating to the alleged misuse of a Government credit card, and Breach of trust, Abuse of office and Conflict of interest, contrary to S13, S17 and S19 of the Anti-Corruption Law 2008 respectively, in connection with the alleged importation of explosive substances without valid permits on or before February 2012.

“It would be inappropriate for the RCIPS to make any further comment in relation to these matters at this time. Further updates will be made available in due course.”

This follows only a few days after the arrest of Michael Misick, the former premier of the Turks & Caicos Michael Misick, who was detained in Brazil on Dec.7 in connection with allegations of corruption.

Video report from the Caymanian Compass:

Update 10.57am: Some of the Cayman news website are having trouble loading, presumably due to high traffic loads from this breaking news, however CayCompass reports that no charges have been filed against Mr Bush at this point, and the police had cordoned off an area around his home this morning, letting only family members through.

Update 11.31am: The CayCompass has updated their report, saying the ruling United Democratic Party party is said to be meeting to determine how the government will proceed, and also noted that Mr Bush’s house appears to be getting searched by the Cayman police at this time.

Update 10.38pm: Am update from the Cayman Police said: “The RCIPS can confirm that Premier McKeeva Bush has been released from custody following a series of interviews. Mr. Bush has been placed on overnight police bail and will return to face further questioning tomorrow morning.”

The Cayman police also confirmed that a second man has been arrested and is detained in police custody in connection with the ongoing investigation. Cayman Islands Governor Duncan Taylor released the statement below:

“I am aware that the Honourable Premier, McKeeva Bush, has been arrested this morning in connection with a number of ongoing police investigations. The reasons for the arrest have been set out in the statement issued by the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service.

“The conduct of criminal investigations in the Cayman Islands is a matter for the Police Commissioner. If evidence is brought to his attention which leads him to suspect that an offence or offences may have been committed, I expect him to carry out a robust, fair and comprehensive investigation, regardless of the individual concerned. I am confident that the Police Commissioner will ensure that this applies to the ongoing investigations involving the Premier.

“I would like to reassure the people of the Cayman Islands of my commitment and that of the whole of the Cayman Islands Government to ensure the continued effective functioning of the government and the continued efficient delivery of services to the public.”

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Comments (91)

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  1. Soooo says:

    For more look at

    Wonder how many of our MP’s are now shaking in their boots?

    • Family Man says:

      Or planning trips to the Dominican Republic.

    • Nuff Respect says:

      Not a happy day for Cayman, however, at least the can hold their head high knowing that they did the right thing!

      Do we have the testicular fortitude to investigate and do the same if necessary?!

  2. More Confused says:

    What a shame Bermuda doesn’t have the type of laws Cayman apparently has. Misuse of a credit card gets you arrested. Let’s have that type of law here.

    • status! says:

      @more confused—–you certainly are confused misuse is theft and we do have those laws here you are just upset because no matter how many false accusations you hurl at the PLP< Dr. Brown was never arrested nor was Premier Paula Cox..And no one is above the law it just so happens that allegations have to be proven as fact before anyone can be accused of being guilty of any crime or offence…so lick it where you stick it!

    • Real Talk (original) says:

      The laws already exist, just not the will to enforce them.

    • Ole says:

      Absolutely – would be fantastic if they would investigate as far back as those super honest captains of industry or as they were formerly known, the UBP

      • Sandgrownan says:

        Fine by me.

        • Ole says:

          Gonna need a much bigger jail

        • Nuff Respect says:

          The PLP could have done that if there was a need. However, since the former UBP did NOT overspend and since the were NO unaccounted for hundreds of millions of dollars there didn’t seem to be a need. Can the same be said today???? ahhhhh NOPE! The former auditor general asked questions and look at what happened to him! He was arrested and pushed out!

          • mixitup says:

            Who’s this idiot? What do you mean the UBP didn’t overspend? I suggest you do some research. Or look at the Video from last nights rally.

            Under the UBP
            Airport 9 million budgeted, final cost 25 million
            West Gate 20 million budgeted, final cost 39 million
            Incinerator 26 million budgeted, final cost 79 Million

            You see? the only difference is that NO ONE SAID ANYTHING (Other than the then opposition PLP)

            • congratulations says:

              Congrats buddy, you found a few projects that went over budget…..guess what ultimately happened though??? They STILL BALANCED THE OVERALL BUDGET AND HAD A SURPLUS FOR BERMUDA AND OUR PEOPLE!!!!!! THERE WAS NEVER ANY RIDICULOUS DEBT LIKE THERE IS TODAY.

              People like you are why I don’t read bernews much anymore.

      • mixitup says:

        Hello!! We could seize their assets and pay off the 1.5B debt and still have change left.

  3. Terry says:

    One down…

  4. Pastafarian says:

    2 down, 1 to go…

  5. David Henry says:

    Maybe we CAN learn a thing or two from the Caymans!

    • Building a better Bermuda says:

      The PLP has, how not to get caught and to make sure the laws aren’t there to get them caught.

  6. Bermydude says:

    Not surprised!! Maybe we should investagate our Goverment ??

    • Y-Gurl says:

      Ya think the government might have to many questionable X cops for that to be a success

  7. DTG says:

    Wow Turks and Cacos first, and now Cayman Islands, which Premier will be next… wow

  8. Triangle Drifter says:

    It would be nice to have a really good Christmas with a threepeat but that is not likely.

    Maybe we will have to wait till Valentines for the love to be felt. I’ll bet somebody is out with a rake today doing their best to cover tracks.

  9. Zombie Apocalypse says:

    They say good things come in threes.

  10. Patricia says:

    lol. Comes in three’s. I’ll wait.

  11. Bullseye says:

    From what I understand, misuse of credit cards does not exist here.

    Govt credit cards did not exist before the PLP, and hence they are not in the original jurisdiction of the Auditor General to check on. Unless that law has been changed giving the AG the power to check on them, then credit cards are open season for spending. ie the spending could be highly immoral, but not illegal.

    This situation may have been remedied by this point.

    • Sandgrownan says:

      Assume that’s the hook to get him arrested so they can dig deeper. Kind of like Al Capone being arrested to fiddling his taxes….

    • Concerned says:

      Remember the credit card charges – Victoria Secrets – hmmmmmm!

  12. Plato says:

    If Bermudas finest escapes this he is Officially a Legend!

  13. Amazed says:

    @ Bullseye do not pretend to have knowledge you obviously do not have!

  14. Winnie Dread says:

    Way to go CI, the rule of law must always prevail,however at this juncture Mr Bush is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

    • Sandgrownan says:

      Of course, but the mood in CAY is that he’s corrupt and been up to no good for a long time. And very slippery….

      Remind you of anywhere…?

  15. US Observer in Pink Sand says:

    The rule of law is to “always” protect the purse or in other words, “the people.” Justice always implies regard for the rights of the accused, for the interests of victims and for the well-being of society at large.

  16. M.P.Mountbatten JP says:

    And this is the guy that Bob Richards has endorsed over and over . Bob Richards has in the past put Mckeeva Bush on a pedestal , while trashing Mrs.Paula Cox . How dare he !

    • Verbal Kint says:

      That’s a complete misrepresentation of what really happened. You really should be ashamed.

      • M.P.Mountbatten JP says:

        And Mckeeva Bush , boosted by the confidence given him by Bob Richards attempted to attack Madame Premier , but soon realized he was messing with a tigress and beat a hasty retreat back to his liar , never to be fooled by Bob Richards again.

        Mr.Cannonier has a bit more wisdom and absolutely understands that Mrs Cox would tear him a new backside if he should man up and engage her on any level , and that goes for any and all of you OBA cyber warriors , BRING IT ON .

        • Vote for Me says:

          @ Mountbatten
          Your language leaves a lot to be desired. Remember that uor young people read thes blogs, average people and persons overseas.

        • Verbal Kint says:

          That is also a complete misrepresentation of what really happened. You should be even more ashamed. I’m not OBA, and I don’t consider myself a cyberwarrior. You seem to be unable to engage in debate based on fact, so I don’t know what I could possibly BRING ON that you would comprehend. If you ARE talking about me, I doubt the Premier would be able to openly answer even a small portion of the questions I would pose to her about the questionable practices that have occurred under her watch. If the British and the US Justice dept. are serious about finding corruption, it will lead them here, then all of the people who have blindly defended this Government will have a lot of explaining to do.

          • M.P.Mountbatten JP says:

            @V.K Sorry to inform you but , the British and Americans are constantly discovering financial aberrations and deep corruptions in their own governments and trusted representatives . I understand you weren’t born behind a cow , you should understand this basic stuff !
            In the Nineties a former MP of the than ruling party the UBP/OBA was jailed for stealing money in his capacity as a lawyer . Matter of a fact it was TWO former members , one almost died in prison . We should never condone this underhanded nonsense and anyone caught stealing from the public purse should be treated harshly by the judicial system . YUP Bring IT ON , the UBP/OBA has quite a checkered past ! At this point I’ll not mention names out of respect for the surviving family members … But don’t push me . At least I’m honest enough to declare my interest in the PLP , I will never hide behind stupid sayings like , I’m not OBA , when your leaning so far into their camp you’re about to fall over . Matter of fact I really don’t care who you’ll vote for , vote for yourself , vote for Johnny Barns , who cares …

            • Facing the music says:

              @MP , I wasn’t born ‘behind a cow’ . Maybe you really meant that old expression that has something to do with cabbage patches , but nonetheless. The only person that I can think of that involved circumstances remotely similar to those of which you speak was a *private practice lawyer* who wasn’t even a card carrying member of the UBP.
              And even then NOT *2* people. To prevent the perception that you’re re-writing history , can you clarify ?

            • Verbal Kint says:

              I really have no idea what the devil you are talking about. I am for nailing anyone who has stolen from the people. End of story.

              • Verbal Kint says:

                By the way, Mountbatten, you haven’t addressed the fact that you completely misrepresented what Richards said about McKeeva Bush. You have only gone on to misrepresent what I said. Go find a dictionary and look up subterfuge.

        • Pastafarian says:

          No point in a debate, she’d just spout the same $hit they’ve been saying for all these press statements. Hardly worth anyone’s time, except for yours old man.

          • M.P.Mountbatten JP says:

            Grant Gibbons has decided to lock Craig away in his safety deposit box and there is no way for us to smoke him out , so we’ve given up . The OBA simply can’t afford to be managing damaged goods leading up to such an important election to them .

            Surely Craig will resurface on election day to offer the obligatory congratulations to the Leader of the PLP for another fine victory at the polls .

        • Balanced Facts says:

          I bet Bob Richards sleeps well tonight….and I bet a few Government Minister are a little restless!

          • Marvin says:

            I’ll triple it and bet you next week this time you will be having mental depression with the rest of the OBA clan.

    • Zombie Apocalypse says:

      Mountbatten, you are complete liar. Pure and simple.

      I can see how you fit in easily with the ruling party.

    • navin johnson says:

      rubbish…. and how is the pedestal that Ewart has been on?

  17. Noel Ashford says:

    —– The PLP are a bunch of — and we all know it no matter what racial rhetoric and spin they put on their wrongdoings to make us try and look the other way. I can’t wait for ‘accountability’ to appear in Bermuda one day. These lot disgust me…..

    • Marvin says:

      We all know what color you are!

      • Noel Ashford says:

        Marvin, I see who you have been brainwashed by too my simple friend… Just because PLP is predominantly black we aren’t allowed to question incompetence?!? Also notably last time I checked there is only one truly diverse party in Bermuda – OBA. Another PLP Muppet / puppet – Marvin… A new fool is born every day!

        • mixitup says:

          LOL @ OBA Only “Truly” Diverse Party. The words Black Surrogate is ringing in my head.

  18. Jay Kempe says:

    FYI – The Auditor General in the Cayman Islands has unfettered powers of subpoena and can ‘follow the money’. This power is absolutely necessary to combat corruption but was not provided for in our Good Governance Act 2011. How can you be serious about good governance if you withhold the most effective and valuable tool in rooting out corruption?

    • Let me get this str8 says:

      They are serious about not beign serious

    • Facing the music says:

      Don’t forget either an Ombudsman who can’t investigate Government MP’s

      All legislation drafted the way it is for a reason.

    • Balanced Facts says:

      Come now…why would this Government possibly have wanted to enact Legislation like that?

  19. navin johnson says:

    you know that in 2011 Jacques Chirac was found guilting of misusing public funds while he was mayor of Paris from 1977- 1995 so there is always hope that our MP’s will have their day in court….Dum Spiro Spero…..

  20. Ben Dover says:

    Hmmm… and our Auditor General was put on garden leave, wasn’t she?

  21. Free says:

    Paula laughs.

    • Terry says:

      Not for long.
      But will after the election with her $200,000 pension.

  22. i gotta be me says:

    You’re kidding me right? $200k a year pension? GTFOH !

    • Chart says:

      Yup. Of course paid directly out of Govt consolidated fund as the pension is incredibly underfunded.

      • swing voter says:

        I want OBA to reverse the pension deal these bastids created for their own financial self interest. I want OBA to cut MP and parlimentary salaries by 25%. I want OBA to investigate all financial dealings since 2007.

  23. CHEEKUMS BIE says:

    Bob Richards praised Cayman island and and now you guys want to act as if he didnt have any affiliations with cayman…just google bob richards and cayman and see what you come up with…..

  24. bir says:

    not surprised

    could Bda be in the same boat if investigated????????????

  25. Pastor Syl Hayward says:

    My Christmas Wish List

    PATI – complete and un-expurgated, to include full subpoena powers and the ability to “follow the money”

    A FULL and unexpurgated financial accounting of our indebtedness, to include names of all lenders with amounts outstanding, plus any other terms that will impact the people of Bermuda

    A FULL and unexpurgated list of any and all leases of public lands with names of beneficiaries, length of lease, and any other terms that will impact the people of Bermuda

    A FULL and unexpurgated accounting of any Public/Private undertakings that will impact the people of Bermuda along with any terms heretofore concealed, to include the new Hospital

    A FULL and unexpurgated exposure of Bermuda Hospital Boards financial accounts, to include salaries. Also an accounting of the background to Dr. Thomas’ administrative leave, and the departure of several other key hospital personnel.

    A FULL and unexpurgated exposure of the background to the administrative leave given to the Accountant General and her staff member.

    I’m sure there are other things to wish for, but these would make a good start.
    C’mon, Santa Baby!!

    • Verbal Kint says:

      I vote for you Pator Hayward.

      • M.P.Mountbatten JP says:

        I’ll agree to that if we could go back to just before the Southampton Princess was built. That way we as a Island would be able to see exactly which families have been getting the lions share of the government contracts and ancillary government vender awards , from government vehicles to the renting of office space to the supplying of goods and services to Casemates prison , and the other penal facilities .I think that’s an excellent idea .. How can I sign on ?

        • Barracuda says:

          what has the PLP done for black people in Bermuda?

          • Fooled Once... Not twice says:

            What has the UBP/OBA done for black people???!!!!

            • Barracuda says:

              Hang on there Poppa , Those are two different entities. What has the PLP done for the hard working black people .

            • Barracuda says:

              Yhe OBA will try to make everything better

        • Who done it says:

          Nothing is stopping the PLP from doing that… But that would mean giving the auditor general the power to do it which will by default allow her to look into more current issues

  26. MJ says:

    Do we have a Statue of Limitations? Anyone in the legal field able to help ?

  27. Jay Kempe says:

    Under Bermuda Law (English Law), there is no statute of limitations for criminal matters.

  28. Ringmaster says:

    For Cayman this is a very positive move. It shows that they will not tolerate abuses of power. Compare this to Bermuda where such matters are “unethical but not illegal”. Or the perpetrators thumb their noses at authority when caught, such as Derrick Burgess refusing to abide by a demand by the Minister of Finance/Premier.

    Ironically, Bermuda is the loser in thse matters because the authorities are too scared or unwilling to apply the law.

  29. diva says:

    Sounds to me that Mr. Bush should have been minding his own country’s finances and his own business instead of watching others. And to think his banter and disrespect was endorsed by some of our own glory hogs. That’s why sometimes you should think about whose causes you decide to support. You could end up eating humble pie with a side order of crow.

  30. Mbaya Avunaye says:

    What is all this fuss about? That is not likely to happen here. Our Leaders of the day never do anything ‘Illegal’ Just ‘Unethical’

  31. Vulpes says:

    As I recall, over these past two plus years, the Cayman Government has had major revenue shortfalls vis-a-vis what it spends so much so that the UK intervened and made it abundantly clear that they had to broaden their tax base as Whitehall had no intention of bailing them out. I am assuming that like Bermuda, ultimate authority for the Police lies with the Governor in Cayman. Also, consider the lengths to which the UK authorities have gone to track down and finally arrest Micael Misick, former Turks and Caicos Premier and big time pal of Ewart Brown. Therefore, it appears that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office are taking a more aggressive and fearless approach to stemming political and government corruption in the various remaining Dependent Territories. Win or lose on Monday, I’m willing to bet two things

    1. Not a few Cabinet Ministers past and present, not to mention at least one former Premier are wondering with some trepidation how long before the knock on the door comes and they find themselves enmeshed in scandal.

    2. When the heat gets put on their underlings who facilitated or in the least turned a blind eye to wrong doing, most of them will squeal the truth like little pigs to save themselves being dragged in deeper.

    My advice is even if you have your reservations (which I do), on Monday vote OBA to save us from international notoriety and ridicule as the noose that is the slow wheels of justice closes in.

  32. Codfish says:

    Watch KEMH – I think it will make BHC look like chicken feed.

  33. Bermudican says:

    Stunning career choice…LOL

  34. John Does says:

    It would be nice to see the credit card bills for all the MPs since they really a Bermuda/people asset freely available on the internet. See how much they spend on hotels, flights, playboy bunnies, etc.