Two Men Admit Threatening, Obstructing Police
Appearing in Magistrates Court yesterday [Jan 18] after a night in Police custody, Andrew Gilbert, 26, and Ivan Grant, 30, pleaded guilty to charges involving threatening behavior to Police and obstructing Police.
The offences occurred at 4:00pm on Thursday 17th January 2013 on Deepdale Road in Pembroke.
Gilbert admitted guilt to the one charge involving his picking up a bottle, threatening to throw it at Police, and calling on his neighbours to come out and help him fend off a Policeman and Policewoman who were trying to effect the arrest of a third person.
Grant pleaded guilty to two charges involving threatening behavior by adopting a fighting stance and obstruction by trying to grab plastic bags believed to contain plant material. The Prosecutor’s evidence was that Grant was told to stop or he would be subjected to Captor spray.
Explaining to Senior Magistrate Archie Warner, Grant said that he saw police “beating up my brother.” Gilbert said: “I picked up the bottle and shouted. I was not going to throw the bottle. I wanted Police to stop hitting his brother…”
Gilbert was fined $500 and, saying that he had no job, asked for time to pay. Grant was fined $1,000 total and also asked for time to pay, also citing that he was unemployed.
Grant then faced old matters for which he had failed to appear in Court. They were a speeding charge and a driving with no licence charge from 23rd December 2012. Pleading guilty to both, he was fined a total $500. Again, he asked for time to pay.
Both men were given until 18th February 2013 to settle their fines or face a minimum of thirty days in jail on default.
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These two failed the attitude test big time. Stupidity at its best. You can’t fix that.
I find this story interesting,,,I had an incident which happened to me a few weeks ago,where some one climbed into my window as i was asleep. I woke up and chased the person and then called the police, i then looked out my window to see the person, in which i ran out side after with a stick,
only to be tazed by the Police.To add to this the Police told me i could not press any charges cause the person was
under the influence and climbed into the wrong window,,,WOW
only in Bermuda,,
You can’t be serious”bermuda”trully is”another world”smh.
Why dont you tell the whole story. The person who climbed through your window was trying to help a very drunk lady who lived at that house in a different apt she did not have her key Or lost it as the case may be and pointed to the wrong window to climb through. As far you being tased the police had confronted the individual and were speaking to him when you came out of your house shouted that you have something for him while waving a stick and despite the fact that the officer told you that he had everything under control and was dealing with the matter you decided to charge the guy as if you were going to hit him.
So yes only in Bermuda people ignore police on a regular basis.
what I find even more interesting is your responce,because my version is not much different than yours, and remember i was the one who was the complaintiant and told the story from how i see it,,,so i dont have anything to hide from this situation,
The whole purpose of me commenting on this is because I compared my situation with the Case that is being reported,,and the later appears to me that the Police where in more of a threating position than mine and did not use the same level of FORCE,,,thats my issue !
Wow the police have become the judge and the jury now crazy stuff Wow.
wow guys…all time low. amazing how people change for the worst over the years.