Marc Bean: Pettingill Accepted Clarien Bank Job

May 21, 2014

According to Opposition Leader Marc Bean, Attorney-General Mark Pettingill has accepted a job at Clarien Bank, which recently rebranded after being known as Capital G.

Speaking in the House of Assembly on Friday [May 16] Mr. Bean said, “The word is coming from the One Bermuda Alliance benches is that our learned Attorney General has accepted a job at Clarien Bank….no Point of Order….nothing…..silence?

Mr. Bean continued, “Word on the street – borrowing Ray Charlton’s favorite phrase, the Wedco Chairman – is that our learned Attorney General has accepted a job – accepted, not will accept or has been offered – but has accepted a job at Clarien Bank.

“It’s interesting, because that raises some questions,” added Mr. Bean.

Audio except of Mr. Bean in the House on Friday:

Amidst the drama surrounding the resignation of Craig Cannonier on Monday night, Mr. Pettingill was questioned about Mr. Bean’s comments and he did not confirm or deny them.

When asked about the Opposition Leader’s comments about his employment plans, the Attorney-General said, “It seems that Mr. Bean seems to know more about me than I do at times, but I think that I’ll respond to what I’m doing in my life in due course, at the appropriate time.”

Mr Pettingill speaks to Mr Bean’s comments at the 4 minute mark of the video below:

Neither Clarien Bank or Mr. Pettingill has responded to our emailed requests for clarification.

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  1. DarkSideofTheMoon says:

    These people are up to so many tricks….it is so frustrating. Why did you vote these people in Bermuda?!!?!?!?!

    How can he effectively advise a private entity and the government of Bermuda (in finance and banking matters) without a conflict of interest. I don’t care if he will just be in the role until it goes non-political. This is WRONG!!

    • enough says:

      He’s the Attorney General not the Minister of Finance so why can’t he advise Clarien Bank. Doesn’t Our Mr Bean have other business interestds. Oauka Cox worked for ACE and Government so what is the problem here Marc??????????????????Good for one but not the other hey.

      • Black Soil says:

        Marc Bean should lead by example and tell all of his MP’s and Senator to quit their day job!! MANY PLP MP’s and Senators have worked for banks and other places. What is MB’s point?????

        • BETTTY TRUMP says:

          NO surprise that the AG Pettigill would refuse to accept
          responsibility or answerability for his big part in JETGATE. This arrogance and Egotism superiority attitude of the AG will be falling down of the UBPoba. My concern and I am sure others is his ability to preform both jobs accurately and effectively.

          The AG holds one of the most important roles within government.Yet Bermuda has one of the most incompetence, ineptitude and ineffective AG we have ever seen.

          How in the world can the Premier keep on such an incompetence AG whom has made so many MESS-UP during his time as AG in less than one month in? How in the
          world can he juggle 2 major jobs, when he is struggling to do one? He is incapable of performing the AG job to a high level of efficiency and adeptness.

          If the Premier was pushing to let the people known the UBPOba is serious about real change, he would dealt with Pettigill and Crockwell as well, and not allowed Cannonier to be the fall guy all by himself. REALLY

          This move is likely not to benefit the UBPoba, but carry on…

          • Hmmm says:

            You are just another piece of the Devils work aren’t you Betty. Constant spouting of nonsense to get in peoples heads. Devils spawn

            • Speak Truth says:

              I must say my observation of the AG revealed that he has made some major mistakes in his role over this past year. I am concern that he will continue to do so taking on two jobs. But I also believe he must be held accountable for his part in Jetgate and not leave the former Premier out there on his own. If he is honorable I hope he will step up like a man.

          • Purple Kooaid says:

            @Betty Trump. And who would you say on the PLP side was a more effective AG and why? What did they do specifically that made them more effective.

          • Purple Kooaid says:

            @Betty Trump. How many on the PLP side would you say had second jobs when they were in power? Did Dr. Brown stop practicing medicine when he was Premier? Did Paula Cox stop working at Ace? Did Zane stop doing construction while in charge of W&E? Nope…the list goes on and on.

    • Hmmm says:

      “How can he effectively advise a private entity and the government of Bermuda (in finance and banking matters) without a conflict of interest. ”

      He doesn’t advise in Banking or Financial Matters……… He advises in Legal matters. The Law.

      You are making up conflicts where none exist !!!!!!

      • Hmmm says:

        Really goes to show that Marc Bean is woefully lacking in understanding Ethics and conflicts of interest, yet some folks still worship him as their God.

        • Ian says:

          Youre the one that sounds ignorant right now! And surprise surprise, an arrogant OBA/UBP supporter belittling the opposition leader. Typical arrogance driven by an inherent sense of superiority that is bred into you and others like you. Your own Craig Cannonier just got railroaded after your precious OBA gave him enough rope to hang himself with and you want to refer to Marc and others who predicted this from day 1 as “woefully lacking in understanding”. You people are a joke! lol

          • Steve Davis says:

            Predicted it!? Marc engineered it through a slew of personal attacks and smear campaigns. Not really the ‘peoples’ business is it’?

            • Ian says:

              Marc asked and will continue to ask the same simple questions you would have in the absence of your bias. So please pack away your tired knee-jerk “peoples business” mantras. If you were sincerely concerned about the peoples business would see the logic in the SIMPLE questions being asked of the OBA.

              • Hmmm says:

                Why did Marc Bean set up a gambling business that exploits the working class of Bermuda, then actively engage in discussions on gaming.

                Now that is a conflict of Interests.

                “Bring it on” Marc Bean

                • Ian says:

                  Thats the most you could come up with? Try picking apart the irrelevance in that statement on your own. Pathetic..

                  • Hmmm says:

                    Glad you agreed that Marc Bean should resign. You sure didn’t deny it.

                  • Argument says:

                    How is that irrelevant? FACT: Marc Bean is the head of the PLP and seeking the spot t of Premiere. FACT: Mark Bean did open up a Gambling shop. FACT: His customer base is 80+% black Bermudian and gambling is an addiction. FACT: He has engaged in discussions on gambling.

                    • Ian says:

                      Marc is not a member of the ruling government party…

            • frank says:

              graig was responsible for his own fall from grace when he and all the other black people allowed themselves to be used Clarence james asked this question years ago later came the UBP black caucus

          • Serengeti says:

            “Typical arrogance driven by an inherent sense of superiority that is bred into you and others like you”

            Ah. That card getting played again.

            • Ian says:

              Yet youre the one tying that comment to whites exclusively with the good ole OBA/UBP (race) “card” reference… Guilty conscience?

              • Serengeti says:

                That’s just typical of people of your ilk.

            • Coolcaine says:

              What card is that Serengeti?

          • Hmmm says:

            what are you on about Ian. You just went way off topic.

            It is Marc throwing stones at the AG, when there is absolutely no cause to.

            Is Marc Bean right or wrong to throw stones at the AG ?

            • Ian says:

              Absolutely no reason to??? Again, you people and the denial you build your perspects (and lives) on is a joke.

              • Hmmm says:

                Please explain how there is a conflict of interest for the AG and that bank.

          • Luis Suarez says:

            Ian you are a racist. Anti-white, just as bad my friend.

            • Ian says:

              Lol, am I? Please explain… tell me more! And start with how that works considering my mother is white…

              • Serengeti says:

                Oh, is that how it works?
                Does having a black relative mean that a white individual is automatically not racist?

              • Steve Davis says:

                It’s Ok, a lot of people self hate.

              • Luis Suarez says:

                Wow, like a white person saying they had a black friend at school so can’t be racist…..”arrogance driven by an inherent sense of superiority that is bred into you and others like you” Two words, RACE CARD.

                They are horrible words, I don’t care what colour your mother is.

                Time to move on my friend, it is 2014.

                • Ian says:

                  Sorry but you guys sound dumb at this point… You’re gonna now pretend the assumption wasn’t that I was black when I was called a “racist”… You’re all the same. At least the OBA can depend on that.

                  • Sandy Bottom says:

                    You’re assuming the people responding to you are all white. You sound dumb.

              • Argument says:

                @ Ian , or should I say Chris, how are you?

      • Soooo says:

        How could he be.a defense lawyer and the AG? I think the bank job is less of a conflict.. And gives him more time to attend to his AG position

        • frank says:

          he needs to do the right thing and step down

          • Hmmm says:

            Agreed Marc Bean needs to resign. conflicts of interest.

            Spice Gate, Scaurgate and Gamblegate.

    • LMAO says:

      Mark again – when asked that question when Michael was being announced he said “you need to ask the opposition, they know more about me than me” and now admits to this? They are all unworthy of office. Island wide strike can send a message. Lets all strike until they resign. Wayne Scott where did his courage go?

    • Not sure what the problem is ... says:

      The law does allow for part time MP’s and there have been any number on both sides of the house over the years. Paula was Minister of Finance and worked for ACE.

    • Raymond Ray says:

      To my understanding, Mr. Pettingill has accepted a position as a committee member and there isn’t anything that’s conflicting there…We often see / have seen others in similar positions that are or had been in Govt. yet, “public representatives” :-(



  2. Truuufff says:

    so what if he did?

    • Ex OBA voter says:

      With the state of Bermuda right now, wouldn’t it be better to have a full time Attorney General. We just lost the Premier the leader of the country. I see no improvement in the economy. The only people that seem to making all the money right now are political figures. What happen to the jobs. What about the rest of Bermuda?

      My friend in the Cayman Island contacted me and said not to worry your Premier got off easy we arrested Premier Mckeeva Bush for his BULL$…!

      • Ex OBA voter says:

        No hotels no casinos no nothing. Next time will be NO VOTE! So you fools on top of the hill better get it together.

        • Eddie Boy says:

          With all this fighting going on – don’t expect nothing
          Both political partys are locked in a War that consumes the energy of each other thus nothing new that
          will improve are economy will take place.
          Both the OBA and the PLP MP’s are watching each other to find as much dirt that they can get on each other.
          It’s a situation of ” nobody move nobody get hurt’.

      • Concerned says:

        How many part-time Advisors, Accountants, Lawyers did the PLP have and still get to lose/spend money and do other mis-guided things. Don’t come to my door looking for vote/smoke or anything else got no time to waste with you or on you.

  3. Blaque says:

    Thanks Mr Bean for putting the 40 Thieves New Generation on the spot. Someone has to keep them on their toes!

    • Tough Love says:

      LOVE the title “40 Thieves New Generation”! Will be using that going forward!

      • js says:

        looks like Gibbons is still pulling the strings

        hope there is a job for Crockwell in the future

        • inna says:

          how does it look like gibbons is pulling the strings? please enlighten us!

          • right is right says:

            Duh! do u ever see the puppeteer when he is performing a show…

          • js says:

            Clarien Bank = Capital G

            I believe the Gibbons still maintain a sizable equitable interest in the new entity

            • Concerned says:

              much like Ewart Brown and his puppets

            • anon says:

              That is not correct. I am almost 100% positive the Gibbons family do not have any interest in Clarien. AND what is the problem if they do. Successful=manipulative??

              • Ian says:

                Then youre 100% wrong.

              • Jonny rocket says:

                Gibbons are minority share holders in Clarien, so they do have an intrest, so your wrong their buddy

                • Hmmm says:

                  I don’t know if Grant Gibbons owns any though.

          • js says:

            on further thought

            ever wonder how an attorney who’s only professional experience is as a criminal defence lawyer and as an acting magistrate dealing with traffic court could some how now be qualified to be lead counsel at a banking/financial institution

            it would at least seem rational if Pettingill had some relevant corporate, banking/financial professional experience

            in Bermuda everything is quid pro quid

            the ducks have been set up for Pettingill to excuse himself from politics

            Crockwell however will be booted out and probably deserves no less

            • Real Talk (Original) says:


              Probably explains the sh!*** advice he gave to the former Premier.

      • Blaque says:

        Feel free to… A spade is a spade no matter what name it uses! LOL

    • enough says:

      What about the PLP who’s going to put them on the spot. See they still haven’t come forward and explained where the Millions of tax payers dollars that are missing and unaccounted for have gone. Would really like to hesar form you. As they say people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

      • Ian says:

        Funny how is the OBA/UBP supporters that talk about that allegedly affair yet non of the OBA MPs /insiders go there… What do you think thats about??

        • Steve Davis says:

          They would rather get on with things than destabilize our already fragile nation. What would happen if a former member of the PLP was arrested = PLP/BIU organized havoc.

          The OBA know this, so they are waiting till the appropriate time. On the other hand the PLP seek to wreak havoc and destabilize the Government with slanderous attacks. To be honest, that is all they have? What suggestions have we had from the PLP to date. Sea Bed mining? LOL!

          Lets look at this plainly, they don;t want the OBA to succeed, they do not want economic recovery. or they will never get back into power. So their best hope is a slew of strikes, riots marches and protests. We have seen this already manifested. That is the PLP’s plan.

          • Ian says:

            Are you speaking for the OBA or just being hopeful? If its the later I’m sure they’re thinking “Good dog!” as they read your comments.

            • Jonny rocket says:


            • Hmmm says:

              He is speaking for Bermuda and Bermudians, if you can’t see that, then you need to seek treatment.

              • Ian says:

                I am a born and bred generational Bermudian and I’m pretty sure he’s not speaking for me…

                • anon says:

                  you wouldn’t happen to belong to a union?

                  • Ian says:

                    Nope. But doesn’t surprise anyone you would assume that, as it would best fit your simple reductionist perspective on Bermudians that don’t share your views.

                  • Put pupils first says:

                    What’s wrong with being in a union? I fully support the right to union representation and many workers need the protection it brings.

                    However, I’m not in one, I don’t agree with the “meetings” with very little notice and I think public transport should be classified as an essential service (at least for the school run and tourist season-ensuring our children get an education and supporting a key area of our economy).

                • Hmmm says:

                  Then you just aren’t listening !

                  • Ian says:

                    Hard to hear anything over the sound of you gulping OBA kool aid Hmmmm…

                • Put pupils first says:

                  You’re a real grassroots Bermudian are you?

                  The PLP obviously don’t want the OBA to succeed. If they do then they will get another term. The OBA are off to a very questionable start but they have some smart cookies in their camp (as do the PLP by the way). If there is anything untoward from the last Government then believe you me this will come out closer to the next election.

                  The big problem is there are not enough swing voters who will genuinely hold the Government accountable and far too many “fans” of political parties (on both sides).

    • Dreamcatcher says:

      1 down and 18 to go

      • We assume you mean the PLP in this case who are certainly off base with their train of thought

        • Creme BrĂ»lĂ©e says:

          Perhaps he means years in power for the present governing party, the OBA that is? (Not the guys who still think they are the Government because they simply think they are entitled to it).

      • HellaSad says:

        WTF????? is this some game the PLP is playing with our country? Seek and destroy and then what? What can you deliver? You had lots of time to grow Bermuda and nothing! No one wants you back in office.

        • Terry says:

          Follow the $800 million.
          The head teacher left the class……
          You’ll get it.

          • jt says:

            If buttons keep being pressed it will fall into line…just about in time for the next election. No point outing anything early and giving it time to go away.

            • ole Onion says:

              Lol some these comments are valid n others just foolhardy !! Makes me ask ” Are you smarter than a 5 grader” !!. If you made two lefts do u end up on the right ?

        • Keepin' it Real!...4Real! says:

          well brah…it seems that is as far as their political prowess goes NONE of them know what to do except rebel rouse NONE of them are concerned about Bermudas recovery obviously…an opposition doesnt necessarily mean they have to be enemies of the state…they need to work with and alongside the reigning party to assist in the best recovery possible for ALL of Bermuda…they are there to steady the boat as they see it veering off course NOT commit mutiny and take over the helm…but i must say they have spoiled the good views that i had about them…i can only compare them to a few fox terriers yelping in my ear day in and day out… distracting my forward momentum by constantly tugging at my pants leg…geesh man give it a break…what has the plp done for the last 18 months for their COUNTRY..? and im not talking about their PEOPLE, im talking COUNTRY,BERMUDA…BERMUDA is black, white, red and yella,,,rich n poor….what has been their contribution to rectify their doings…i could go on forever about the thought patterns which most have been fully indoctrinated since birth…do yourself a favor and educate yourself on their Agenda 21 and their End Game.

          an a note to Marc…get ya a$$ out there and get your Billionaires to Invest in Bermuda…otherwise step out of the way while one does.

      • Ringmaster says:

        That happened in December 2012. The one then was the sitting Premier.

  4. js says:

    the colts have bolt

  5. Juice says:

    Is there a problem with Pettingill working at Clarien Bank? What questions does it raise? Did i miss something?

  6. inna says:

    I think there must be a new Opposition code of conduct that was created when the PLP were booted at the polls. It feels like every time we hear from this man all he does is makie accusations about other members of the house. Maybe he is being so boisterous so as to distract his loyal voters away from the Paradise Gambling saga?

    • Ian says:

      And what would you be saying if the tables turned and it was Mark Daniels doing this? Dont bother answering…

      • Hmmm says:

        He is doing it…doesn’t he work outside of Government an not just in his elected capacity.

        • Ian says:

          Do you even stop to think about the points your trying to express??? There is no shortage of MPs with jobs outside of politics. SINCE YOU SEEM INCAPABLE OF SEEING THE OBVIOUS FAULT when it relates to the OBA, the simple point here is Pettingill, OUR FRI&%IN AG, is serving as CHEIF LEGAL OFFICER FOR THE CLARIEN BANK!

          • Hmmm says:

            Ian, please explain why that is a problem.

            • Ian says:

              Im not convinced your brain could process how that is a problem Hmmmm.

              • Steve Davis says:

                Ian’s comment above is the perfect example of:

                “Typical arrogance driven by an inherent sense of superiority that is bred into you and others like you. ”

                Sound familiar Ian?

                • Ian says:

                  Sounds very familiar actually. Nice to see your taking notice. However it carries no weight with respect to my comment to Hmmmm as it was a reference to how the OBAUBA faithful don’t seem capable of casting any doubt on the actions of their Supreme Leaders… That “typical arrogance” mentioned, as I am sure you are aware, speaks to you folks profiling of PLP supporters and politicians as being someone cognitively challenged.

              • Hmmm says:

                I think you’ll find I fully comprehend the situation and why there is no Ethical conflict or issue.

                Please explain why it is a problem for you. Ian.

                • Ian says:

                  I actually don’t find that apparent Hmmm… You seem to think it is perfectly above board that your Mr P, who faced no repercussions whatsoever following his proven direct involvement in blatant scandal, finds himself, in addition to a FULL TIME AG ROLE, conveniently taking on a job [with NO corporate law experience] heading up the legal operations of Clarien Bank. Furthermore Clarien just happens to be the same guys partnered up with Mr. Grant Gibbons et fam through a majority purchase of Capital G facilitated by the OBA’s abolition of the 6o/4o rule. You people would be screaming ‘Friends and Family’ and ‘Conflict’ to the cows came home if it were the PLP folks doing it.

      • inna says:

        if it were, i am sure that Dunkley wouldn’t be any where NEAR as petty!

        • Ian says:

          Whats shocking is that as an adult, who should understand how the world works by now, you ACTUALLY believe that! lol

    • Yup says:

      BINGO! Nail on the head Inna!

  7. jt says:

    They’re hiring Bermudians….excellent.

  8. Justin says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Paula Cox employed at ACE at the SAME time she was Finance Minister? The hypocrisy just never ends with the PLP!

    • DarkSideofTheMoon says:

      Like someone said, what if there is an investigation into money laundering, he has to lead the investigation as AG, but is the bank’s legal council……..

      • 32n64w says:

        Incorrect. The BPS and DPP would be involved with any investigation, not the AG.

        • Jonny rocket says:

          yes the AG would be involved as he would be the one to initiate the investigation

          • LiarLiar says:

            Well then it is a good thing that the OBA is in the process of removing the AG from a politicised position.

            This was always the case before the PLP changed that soon after they got into power.

          • 32n64w says:

            Please provide an example where the AG initiated an investigation.

    • Ian says:

      Please clarify the point you are making compariing Paula’s role as a general consul at ACE to our ATTORNEY GENERAL being new HEAD OF LEGAL at Clarien Bank. You know the guys that acquired Capital G through the OBA’s recent abolition of the 60/40 rule, before screwing local employees over via the termed recinding of their mortgage benefits. For you guys it will always be if the PLP did (OR DIDNT) do it then there OBA can do whatever they wish without question. Fools flock together…

      • Hmmm says:

        PLP abolished 60/40 rule (HSBC)

        • Ian says:

          Actually they made a special acceptance, which has always been allowed under past legislation and has been done on other occassions… The OBA done away with it PERIOD!

          • Concerned says:

            whose brother was at HSBC at the time????

            • Ian says:

              Your point?

              • Steve Davis says:

                PLP Friends and Family Special acceptance Ian?

                • haha says:

                  Don’t bother, Ian’s too caught up to admit to himself and everyone that he’s ever wrong.

                  • Ian says:

                    You look like a complete moron uttering that after we have all watched the circus your party has entertained us with.

                    • haha says:

                      It’s not my party, I was just commenting after seeing your pathetic rants. I could say the same about your party for the last 14 years. Seabed minding FOH. Bunch of morons…sadly just like you.

          • 2cents says:

            So the OBA did away with it for all companies but the PLP only let friends and family do it. And you are defending the PLP on this? Shows where your ethics lie.

      • Jon says:

        Where does it say he’ll be head of legal?

        • Jonny rocket says:

          read between the lines, head or not, his position as AG of the countrys purse is a conflict.

          • Ian says:

            There is no need to read between lines. He is the CHIEF LEGAL OFFICER. It has been reported in the press.

      • Serengeti says:

        So what if there had been a governmental legal investigation into ACE at the time Paula Cox was General Counsel there?
        What’s the difference between that and the Bean scenario?

        • Ian says:

          Paula was NOT ACE BERMUDA OR THE GROUP’S CHEIF LEGAL OFFICER. If there were an investigation of the company SHE WOULD NOT BE THE ONE ON THE FRONT LINES FIGHTING CASE. People need to a clue and stop basing their views of the PLP on what satisfies what are ultimately race-based/driven lack of confidences, distrusts and suspicions…

          • LOL (Original TM*) says:

            that could be allpied to the OBA and we might start getting along …God forbide right


          • jt says:

            What makes you think Pettingil would not recuse himself from a situation where Clarion were investigated by the Bermuda government? There is no conflict of interest so long as the proper steps are taken on the off chance that an investigation of this nature ever took place.

            • Ian says:

              You would never give that benefit of the doubt to the PLP… So conversaton is over.

              • jt says:

                The fact that you jump to that statement certainly ends it.

              • Serengeti says:

                Shouldn’t you be out spray painting your spot?

            • jt says:

              It looks like it’s another big blow up over nothing. Seems the OBA are going to right another PLP mistake and revert the AG position to a non-political post. Once this happens Pettingil is out as AG and presumably then begins his employment with Clarion.

            • Jonny rocket says:

              Pettingils position as the AG means he would be the one to initiate a police investigation. Its like Dr Brown wanting the PLP government to be in charge of the Police service. Dont you all see, it doesnt matter whether its PLP, OBA, BDA, they all have some dirty politicians that are more interested in self intrest then the country. Every political party that became the government has done something to be ashamed of.

              • BET GATE says:

                IDIOT! The Ag does not and cannot initiate any investigation or Direct the Police. The DPP is the only one who has the power to bring a prosecution, NOTHING to do with the AG !

          • Concerned says:

            she was a consultant there

          • Serengeti says:

            But she would have been there are “General Counsel”.

            You apparently are uninformed on what a General Counsel is.

            There would clearly have been a direct conflict of interest. She would have been on both sides of the legal conflict, with a duty to both sides to do all she can to help win the case. It can’t be clearer.

            It is no different at all to the Bean scenario.

            • Ian says:

              Wrong… Stop speculating.

              • Serengeti says:

                Not speculating at all.
                As a GC she was paid to be a lawyer, acting for her employer, ACE.
                As Finance Minister she was paid to have a duty to the government.
                if the two ever got into legal conflict, she would have had a clear conflict.

                It’s absolutely clear.

                • Ian says:


                  • Sandy Bottom says:

                    A General Counsel IS AN ATTORNEY. MORON.

                    • Ian says:

                      Sandy, unlike you I am speak to what is fact rather than how I want things to fit together. PAULA WAS NOT EMPLOYED TO ACT AS AN CORPORATE DEFENSE ATTORNEY FOR ACE… HENCE NO POTENTIAL FOR CONFLICT!

                    • Serengeti says:

                      She was an attorney for ACE. Her job was to work for ACE as an attorney. She was General Counsel. If they were ever embroiled in a legal dispute, she was paid to be loyal to ACE and to do anything she could to assist ACE is winning the legal dispute. That is what Counsels do.
                      So the potential for conflict of interest is undisputable.
                      I am afraid it is you, Ian, who is the moron.
                      By the way, using caps to ‘shout’ just makes you look like a bigger moron.

      • inna says:

        “Fools flock together…”

        And THAT is why you are apparently a member of the PLP!

        • Ian says:

          Good one “inna”! You’re awesome buddy!

          • jt says:

            Hey you think the AG should be a political appointment?

            • Sandy Bottom says:

              He won’t answer. He doesn’t even know what the function of a General Counsel is.

              • Ian says:

                Condescending, self righteous, holier than thou OBAUPB folks… Nothing new there, which is hilarous considering how ridiculous youve made yourself look over time Sandy. You couldnt formulate an objective opinion if your childrens lives depended it.

                To answer your question JT, I dont. But its hard to avoid that picking from the local talent pool isnt it?

                • Serengeti says:

                  And what have your names been ‘over time’, “Ian”?

                  • Ian says:

                    Uh.. Ian and Ian Du Guis… What about yours desert man?

                    • Serengeti says:

                      have you worked out what a General Counsel does yet?

      • Keepin' it Real!...4Real! says:

        and who’s got the biggest flock..?

    • Question says:

      You are correct that she retain her position at ACE while she was Finance Minister; however, she was on sabbatical from ACE whilst working as Minister, as well as when she was Premier. This means she did not “work” during her time in Parliament for ACE.

      Thus your point to “look back” at the former government to justify this appointment of the current AG to a position of a clear conflict of interest is sad.

      Deal with the present reality, please.


      • Hmmm says:

        There is not a conflict of interests here. CLearly you don’t understand the AG role.

        • Ian says:

          Funny how people that dont agree with everything the OBA does seem to have such a hard time “understanding” things Hmmmm…

          • Hmmm says:

            Ian you are not trying to understand things. If you did , you wouldn’t be taking the stances you take.

            • jt says:

              I think Ian understands things just fine.

      • Serengeti says:

        Even if she was ‘on sabbatical’, which I’m not sure is true, how does that differ from the AG recusing himself if, say, a legal dispute arose between the government and Clarien?

      • BET GATE says:

        This is simply not true,she was a Minister (AG and Finance for over 10 years….nice “sabbatical!

    • Truth is killin' me... says:

      Didn’t Patrice Minors work for a bank as well!?

  9. The Gardener says:

    I think it’s time we got rid of the salaries in parliament…..they should all hold jobs,like it used to be and run this tiny government part time…..and get a minimal wage…few thousand a year to cover expenses..
    the people that are mp’s will want to be there.this should not be your primary job….

    • Bermudian says:

      I agree. Let’s all be honest, unlike any other job in government, parliamentarians have NO EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS or ANY EXPERIENCE. However, for a part-time job it pays extremely well, they aren’t even required to show up as required in order to collect a full pay cheque. So in reality, one can be a kindergarten drop out, all you need to do is be able to write your name, pay the $250 registration fee and get votes and if your successful, can get a starting pay of +$56,000, where you can still have another full time job on the side ($30,000 to get picked as a unelected senator).

      If anything, they should get stipends for being elected, and maybe only full time ministers receive a salary based on par with a standard senior manager in government, that way they are compensated for their time and efforts. As a bonus, it would rid the house of those to only go in to make noise and chase after OUR money.

  10. The sooner he resigns the better bye bye ciao etc……Now to remove my funds from Clarien asap.

  11. campervan says:

    At a bank?
    well I suppose someone has to, poor guy.

  12. Terry says:

    Operation Pressure Cooker is working well.

    I just hope the valve is on.

    Stay tooned…….

  13. Godson says:

    Sooooo, which job is his part time job?

  14. Bermy says:

    Why are we still playing these petty politic games when the island is on it’s knees. All Marc Bean does is constantly stir the negative pot and further inhibit investment in the island, yet at the same time has no problem being an owner of a business designed to exploit people in the lower economic brackets.

  15. Gotham says:

    I really think if the PLP leadership and many of their supporters stopped looking over their shoulders worrying that OBA or UBP supporters are doing stuff to get ahead and begrudging them for it, and instead stopped whining and got on with it themselves, this would be a much more prosperous place for us all. The PLP and Mr. Bean especially have shown themselves to be experts at undermining but sadly their legacy of economic and social building over the past fifteen years has been nothing less than short-sighted, opportunistic, and basically a betrayal of many thousands of Bermudians who voted for them – perhaps now while in opposition would be a good time for some serious soul searching rather than the present politics of resentment.

  16. swing voter says:

    so he accepted a job. at least it wasn’t a govt consultancy job…Hey Rolfe!

  17. So how will Sparky Marcy decide any amendments concerning Gambling(he already has an outlet) – is this also deemed a conflict?

  18. Sandgrownan says:

    Bean is a bigot and homophobe. Why he is given column inches is beyond me,

    He has nothing constructive or intelligent to say.

  19. outkasted says:

    WOW! This is incredible. I was told that because I work for government as an Intern Architect, that I could not practice residential architectural design in the private sector because of the thought ‘conflict of interest’ when there was non to begin with!

    • Meb says:

      An intern architect working for government? Please don’t try to learn from the idiots who “work” there.

  20. Navin Johnson says:

    Ad Hasni Mubarek to the list of former leaders convicted…….3 years after leaving office………ever too late

  21. MisterMan311 says:

    The idiocy of the PLP leadership continues to thrive, even in the face of the idiocy of the (now former) OBA leadership.

    Any person who is familiar with the concept of conflicts of interest would recognise that this is a non-issue, and simply a cynical attempt to capitalise on what is in reality a disater for the island’s economic wellbeing. Of course, since Marc Bean approved planning permission to long time friend and political colleague Marc Daniels, I guess he’s not as familiar with the concept as he would like our gullible electorate to believe.

    And then there’s the hypocrisy of it all. How DARE Marc Bean represent himself and his party as having the moral high ground on this issue. I’m not saying that because the PLP did it, it’s okay for the OBA, but the indignation Bean is spouting is disingenuous at the least, and at its highest a malicious representation.

    How DARE he talk about failures in transparency when under his party’s leadership Bermuda was forced to endure allegations of corrupt officials. Actions speak louder than words, and sadly, for this writer at least, the actions of the PLP will not be hidden by empty, hypocritical calls for resignation.

    In fact, the only real damage being done in this prolonged back and forth is damage to the fabric of Bermudian society. Who can Bermudians turn to now? The PLP had 14 years to prove they were better than the UBP, and all they proved was that they lacked integrity just as much as their predecessors. And now we have the next (and only) hope for a better Bermuda tarnished by the naive and arrogant actions of yet another self-important politician.

  22. Cow Polly says:

    So he’s got a second job, big deal………… who in Bermuda doesn’t understand that concept?????

    • Real Talk (Original) says:

      Second jobs are fine…

      If you’re not making 200,000 off the first full time one…

      Why don’t you try going into your bosses office and telling him that you’re get a second 9-5… in addition to the work you currently do…

      Let us know how that works out for you.

  23. WhoCares says:

    This is all just politics. I really don’t care if Landow or whoever his name is wants to invest in Bermuda. I don’t care who he paid or why he paid it. We need investment; we are fresh out of lilies and onions for export. I voted for the PLP their first term and it was the worse decision I ever made. We went so far back and in typical Bermudian style it was help themselves and nothing for any one else. Crabs in the bottle come to mind. I am so sick of the PLP trying to take us backwards. We need forward momentum. I am now working and the clouds are now not dark. I don’t know Craig personally but I can tell you that he seems like a pretty solid person with high morals and values and to resign and take responsibility has made my opinion even higher of him.

    Mark Bean take a communication or public speaking class; my 11 year old son (Bermuda’s future) was listening and thought you sounded like a gangster on the radio! Set a better example, you sound angry and hostile.

    Question is there a disclosure on where all the donations came from for the PLP…………….now that would be interesting (Teflon Don come to mind here)! How much mismanagement went on while the PLP where in power.

  24. I guess I dont get why he needs two jobs, does the AG role not pay enough (cough cough) or does he not have enough to do in his current position as AG? Sounds like a lot of garbage to me none of it make sense. When he took office he stated he was taking a salary decrease to work as AG as opposed to working for himself in his own chambers, so if you have your own chambers why would you work for someone else……smells like a rat to me! Good bye I am tired of paying your wages too!

  25. MB says:

    It’s time for the jetgate 3 to start being open in this whole mess … We are tired of half truths and evading questions … the media asked him Monday if he was going to take a job in private sector and he did not say yes. if he is, speak up cos that’s what got CC in trouble.

  26. Common Sense says:

    Hopefully, this is a clear indication that the OBA Government is going to do the ethical and right thing and revert back to us having a neutral Attorney General who is not a member of the Governing Party regardless of who is in power. That would be in the best interests of ALL Bermudians moving forward.

    If that is the case then having Mr. Pettingill take a position as legal counsel for a bank as soon as the changeover is made makes a lot of sense and does not involve any conlfict of interest.

  27. nuffin but the truth says:

    It is NONE of Marc Bean’s business who anyone works for,it’s about time Marc Bean put his own house in order before running his mouth!

  28. Mark says:

    Bermudians alway’s watching someone else’s pockets , so what if he has new job….it’s called ambition , and no one likes a tattletale/prick…….real informer.

  29. Jonny rocket says:

    Personally I think all those Ministries should become full time posts. Our MP’s need to become career MP’s and actually go to school and get degree’s in political science and such. There is no room for part time politics, your running a country not a country club.

  30. Bull in a hurry says:

    I don’t understand how these politicians seem to be to busy to visit my house other than election time but can be an MP, Attorney General and still have time to give a private firm legal advice! There is an old saying about greed killing. Puffy.

    • JUNK YARD DOG says:

      @ Bull in a Hurry.

      Organize a town hall type meeting with your representative.

  31. Bermuda Boy says:

    Pull out all stops to find out where the money went. Someone took it, who was it? That person is now living the high life. Even higher than he and his wife were living before he ruined the Island.

  32. Ringmaster says:

    The Opposition Leader owns a gamimg shop. Will he leave the House every time gaming is discussed?
    Zane DeSilva owns Island Constrution. Any conflict there when capital projects are discussed?
    David Burt was alleged to make and sell liquor without a license and using a major liquor company’s bottles. Calls to resign?
    Derrick Burgess was found to have authorised payment for a report for BLDC which the Finance Minister said should be repaid. He ignored her. Calls to resignI’m sure there are more.
    These are real matters, not mere allegations. The PLP really needs to stop the childish pranks and help to mend Bermuda, without threatening sulphur and demonic pactices.

    • Sandy Bottom says:

      Great points. No answers to these I notice.

  33. Keepin' it Real!...4Real! says:

    marc is jus a rebel without a cause …he was put in the position of leadership jus to give him a taste of real politrics …if the plp wer elected tomorrow…he will be gone by next week…think not?…guess again.

  34. Come On Man says:

    So the weasel is getting out of Dodge. Shows how he was just worrying about his own interest more than serving the country…

  35. Suck Rock says:

    Mr Bean the leader of the opposition not the clown that had a British TV Comedy but damn close. WGAF, look in the mirror first you have lost what little credibility i saw in you and it wasn’t that much

  36. Really says:

    You gotta love a successful man !

  37. Ace girl says:

    The AG’s position should be apolitical and not associated with any one party. It is a conflict of interest otherwise. The AG’s position should be within the AG’s chambers. It is nonsense that the current AG would be allowed to be legal counsel to a bank while holding this esteemed position. No matter how you look at it, it is indeed a conflict of interest. Banks go way beyond accountants and financial directors In this current environment, legal decisions are made every day. Mr. Petingill was never the man for this position and his behavior and lack of commitment to the position has proven this over the last 16 months. Do the right thing Mr. Petingil and resign, your ego and arrogance will not be missed but may indeed be much in keeping with the Clarien philosophy.

  38. Coffee says:

    Yup .. Typical for the OBA . The fox is allowed to guard the henhouse . Carry on Mark Pettingill , please bring about further embarrassment to the government .

  39. JUNK YARD DOG says:


  40. JUNK YARD DOG says:



  41. Speak Truth says:

    I must say my observation of the AG revealed that he has made some major mistakes in his role over this past year. I am concern that he will continue to do so taking on two jobs. But I also believe he must be held accountable for his part in Jetgate and not leave the former Premier out there on his own. If he is honorable I hope he will step up like a man.