Parents Raise Funds For Student Swim Lessons
Parents of Purvis Primary School pupils raised $9,000 to cover the costs of the entire school spending this week swimming at the National Sports Centre, with the costs including the hire of transport as well as the hire of the pool.
Desmond Mello, a PE teacher at Purvis, said: “The parents fundraised this money, that was the only way we could do this programme, but the entire school community is taking part in order to make it happen.”
The pupils are bused down to the pool and each do six swimming lessons. When they are not swimming they are doing music and art lessons in a poolside meeting room.
The generosity of parents and the flexibility of staff are helping 186 primary school pupils get swimming lessons.
Purvis school getting swimming lessons at the NSC thanks to a $9K fundraising
The swimming is part of the curriculum but often entails students swimming from a dock, said Purvis PE teacher Zindzi Swan.
She added: “The environment at the pool is much more conducive to learning. We are extremely grateful to the parents and the staff at the school who made this happen.”
Amy Fox, Aquatics and Fitness Manager at the Aquatics Centre, said: “It’s great to see so many young people coming to the pool to learn. The parents and staff at Purvis have done a really fantastic job.
“Bermuda is surrounded by the ocean and it is really important to learn how to swim, not just for people’s own safety but so that they can also take advantage of everything the ocean around us offers.”
Nice one! And thanks to the NSC for lowering the rates
My times have changed, gone are the days when your parents took you to de beach and taught you how to swim.
Well done to everyone involved in this, such a great example of how the community can work together to help the youth of Bermuda!!!
Take um down de rocks – could have saved yourselves a lot of money. Bermy kids are too pampered!
Parental involvement is what makes a good school a GREAT school…..well done parents, teachers and students. I respect you for doing something rather than wait for “The Ministry”. First-class!
Such a shame what is essentially a public resource costs $9k for a public school to hire! And for 1 week. That pool is only for the rich.
Stop being such a downer – did you read the article? The $9,000 includes transportation costs too.
We learned during a Purvis PTA that the money did not just go to the pool rental. The majority of the money went for instructors and transportation. The NSC has been very kind to our children with reduced rates.
Good day, we just like to clarify that charged $6.00 per child for the entire weeks’ worth of lessons. So really each child is paying $6.00 for 6 days of lessons. We also charged for use of the classroom at $50.00 per day when it is usually $50.00 per hour.
That is really impressive. Well done Purvis.
Trolls always have something negative to say. If you use simple math skills you’ll see it costs less than $50 per student for the entire week including transport.
GOOO… Team Purvis (Teachers, Parents, Students and supporters), ONWARD EVER ONWARD.
I am always going to be a proud parent of a Purvis Alumni, and our years spent at this school remains memorable due to the ‘Family’ that we were a part of.
It’s now clear that the tradition will live on.. as long as the vision is shared by all concerned and the rewards of the reality is enjoyed by all.
God Bless you All…
Nathalee & Tariq Simons (Montegobay Jamaica)
Good going Purvis Primary Parents, Students and Teachers. A great example of what Great Teachers and Great Parents can do for our young people without the help from a Government that could care less about the children and the seniors.
If WE wish to PAMPE our kids that’s OUR business!!!!
I’m with you San George.
It’s all good !