5 Drivers, 1 Boater Arrested For Impaired Driving
Five people were arrested for impaired driving from Thursday evening [May 23] until Sunday evening [May 26], according to police.
A police spokesperson said, “Five motorists were arrested for impaired driving offences over the Bermuda Day holiday weekend, with road sobriety checkpoints conducted in six parishes from the evening of Thursday, May 23rd until the evening of Sunday, May 26th.
“Of the five motorists apprehended, three were arrested at road sobriety checkpoints, with another two arrested on suspicion of impaired driving following separate road crashes.
“One boater was also arrested on suspicion of piloting or being at the helm of a boat while impaired.
“There are no road sobriety checkpoints scheduled for this coming weekend. However, members of the public are urged not to drive, ride or operate a boat under the influence – for their own safety and that of all road users as well as those navigating our waters.”
They neva said Two Rock on their checkpoint list
4 days and only 5 people on a holiday weekend??? that is absolutely ridiculous>.
What a waste of manpower this has become
Evidently the word gets out where the locations are so people avoid them
Go back to having the police road team scattered around the island and I’m sure you would get better results than stopping people for no reason which btw is unconstitutional
You are correct, noticed that quite a few robberies have happened during these weekends, almost because they know the police are busy elsewhere.
Can anyone say how much time it takes to do paperwork and place the person before a magistrate. Is it 5 hours ? Is it 3 days. There is nothing cruel or barbaric about placing a person before the Court within a week of his arrest
The process needs to happen.too many give a good laugh.
When you consider how many officers they use to man the check points, all of the parties, concerts happy hours that went on from Thursday to Sunday the fact that it was a holiday weekend. 5 people arrested is a joke. From what I have read in the past on a typical weekend before the roadside sobriety check points were put into place the numbers were around 5 or 6 per weekend.
How is 5 acceptable and the BPS feeling comfortable releasing those numbers.
Also, don’t tell me it is because people were the message is getting out and people are changing behavior because that is a pack of nonsense.
Reality is, if you were to set up a check point at 1pm on a Sunday after Church you would get 5 (including the priest who downed the extra communion wine.)
Typical BPS, start off with a bang then peter out. Remember, MOST of the deaths take place in the summer. BPS, take the finger out and get busy! You talk big with the notices saying there will be Sobriety Checks but you don’t enforce like you did in the beginning.
Next they will be patting themselves on their backs because the system is working as the reason arrest are down !