Correia To Represent Bermuda In World Finals

September 2, 2019

The Bermuda Equestrian Federation announced that, having secured first place honors for Zone 10 of the 2018 FEI Jumping World Challenge, Philip Correia has been invited to compete in the 2019 FEI Jumping World Finals in Ecuador.

Philip Correia Bermuda September 2019 (1)

Only the top two “Category A’ riders from each of the FEI’s ten geographical zones are invited to compete, on borrowed horses, supplied by the hosting national federation.

The upcoming finals will be held from 10th – 15th September 2019 in Quito, Ecuador.

Other countries competing in this year’s Finals include Algeria, Chile, Costa Rica, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Indonesia, India, Israel, Morocco, New Zealand, Panama, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Philip Correia Bermuda September 2019 (2)

Mr  Correia successfully competed in the 2016 FEI Jumping World Finals when he was awarded the Silver Medal.

- Photos above courtesy of Andy Gibbs

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