Hashtag: #ElectricitySupplyTradeUnion

Dept Of Labour Addressing Labour Dispute

Dept Of Labour Addressing Labour Dispute

The Department of Labour said they are “actively involved in addressing a labour dispute reported by the Electricity Supply Trade Union [ESTU] involving BELCO, an essential service provider.” A spokesperson said, “This dispute was officially reported to the Acting Manager of Labour Relations on June 10, 2024, and the Department of... Read more of this article

BELCO & Electricity Union Labour Dispute

BELCO & Electricity Union Labour Dispute

[Updated] A “labour dispute exists between BELCO and the Electricity Supply Trade Union,” the official notices stated today [July 18], with the Minister stating that he is “referring the said dispute for settlement to the Employment and Labour Relations Tribunal.” The latest official notices stated, “Notice Of Declaration... Read more of this article

ESTU To Meet Regarding Ascendant Sale

ESTU To Meet Regarding Ascendant Sale

The Electricity Supply Trade Union [ESTU] will meet with their members to discuss the planned sale of the Ascendant Group, with the ESTU President noting there is “considerable tension around this announcement, and we will look to make sure our members can voice their queries.” Agreement To Sell Ascendant To Canadian Company For $365 Million Yesterday,... Read more of this article

ESTU Meets With Board Of Ascendant Group

ESTU Meets With Board Of Ascendant Group

The announcement that Ascendant is evaluating a potential sale of the company has “raised concerns about the future of the company and our members,” the Electricity Supply Trade Union said today, adding that they have met with the Ascendant Board and plan to further discuss the matter at a meeting today. This follows after the board of the... Read more of this article

Ottiwell Simmons On BELCO & Union Matter

Ottiwell Simmons On BELCO & Union Matter

[Written by Don Burgess] Former BIU President Ottiwell Simmons said in a public statement “it was by far time now that BELCO management yields to the rights of the working-class people of this country.” He says this harkens back to the 1965 dispute between BELCO management and the workers. The workers of the Electricity Supply Trade Union... Read more of this article

ESTU Express Gratitude For Support Received

ESTU Express Gratitude For Support Received

Following a meeting held last night with the Premier, Ministers, and Ascendant Board members, the Electricity Supply Trade Union [ESTU] have expressed gratitude for the outpouring of support that they have received. ESTU President Donald Lottimore said, “Good day to the people of Bermuda, we, the members of the Electricity Supply Trade Union,... Read more of this article

Premier: ‘A Way Forward Has Been Agreed’

Premier: ‘A Way Forward Has Been Agreed’

[Updated] A meeting held last night with the Premier, Ministers, Electricity Union executive and Ascendant Board “was productive and a way forward has been agreed,” Premier David Burt said this morning. This follows after the Ascendant Group obtained a Supreme Court order  directing ESTU members “to return to their full employment... Read more of this article

Electricity Union: ‘Severity Cannot Be Ignored’

Electricity Union: ‘Severity Cannot Be Ignored’

The ESTU “exhausted all possible avenues in coming to a beneficial solution for all parties involved in this dispute but the response received has placed us into a corner with no other option but to continue with the withdrawal of labour,” the Electricity Supply Trade Union [ESTU] said this evening. This follows after the Ascendant Group... Read more of this article

‘Ascendant Obtained Order From Supreme Court’

‘Ascendant Obtained Order From Supreme Court’

This afternoon [Oct 19] Ascendant “obtained an order from the Supreme Court directing members of the Electricity Supply Trade Union [ESTU] to return to their full employment effective immediately,” the company said. This follows after workers decided earlier today to withdraw labour, with ESTU President Donald Lottimore saying, “Our membership... Read more of this article

‘Ministry Will Work To Achieve Some Resolution’

‘Ministry Will Work To Achieve Some Resolution’

Following today’s withdrawal of labour by Electricity Supply Trade Union members who work at BELCO, Minister of Home Affairs Walton Brown confirmed that the Ministry “had been in discussions with the ESTU.” “This dispute has emphasized the importance of the issues at stake and where possible, this Ministry will work to bring the parties... Read more of this article

Updating: BELCO Staff ‘Withdraw Labour’

Updating: BELCO Staff ‘Withdraw Labour’

[Updating] Members of the Electricity Supply Trade Union [ESTU] — who work at BELCO — met this morning [Oct 19] at BIU Headquarters, with the members seen leaving the meeting at around noon today. Earlier this month, BELCO’s parent company Ascendant Group announced the “departure” of four senior executives — Denton Williams, Michael... Read more of this article

‘BELCO Cannot Guarantee Full Electricity Supply’

‘BELCO Cannot Guarantee Full Electricity Supply’

[Updated] “Because of the lack of manpower, and in order to ensure we can operate the plant safely, BELCO cannot guarantee full electricity supply to the island,” the company said today. This follows after workers decided earlier today to withdraw labour, with ESTU President Donald Lottimore saying, “Our membership took a vote and as of... Read more of this article

Electrical Trade Union Workers Hold Meeting

Electrical Trade Union Workers Hold Meeting

[Written by Don Burgess] ESTU members met at lunchtime today [Oct 12] at the BIU headquarters to hear what progress had made in regard to their concerns with the Ascendant Group. Donald Lottimore, president of the Electrical Supply Trade Union [ESTU], told Bernews there were more than a half-dozen issues that needed to be ironed out with BELCO management. Last... Read more of this article

Electricity Union Explains Work-To-Rule Action

Electricity Union Explains Work-To-Rule Action

Electricity Supply Trade Union [ESTU] President Donald Lottimore has moved to clarify the situation surrounding the Union’s current work to rule, explaining that the ESTU “take safety concerns very seriously,” and in an emergency they “have crews who are willing and able to respond.” “The crews will not carry out... Read more of this article

BELCO Advise Of Possible Power Outages

BELCO Advise Of Possible Power Outages

BELCO advised that “due to ongoing industrial action at the Company, there is a possibility that customers may experience power outages.” A spokesperson said, “Bermuda Electric Light Company [BELCO] this morning advised the public that, due to ongoing industrial action at the Company, there is a possibility that customers may experience... Read more of this article

BELCO: ‘Regular Service Has Resumed’

BELCO: ‘Regular Service Has Resumed’

[Updated] “Regular service at the cashier and customer service departments has resumed,” BELCO said this morning [Oct 5], which follows after they said yesterday that the departments were closed due to “Union action pending.” Yesterday morning the company posted a social media update saying “with Union action pending, BELCO... Read more of this article