‘Ministry Will Work To Achieve Some Resolution’
Following today’s withdrawal of labour by Electricity Supply Trade Union members who work at BELCO, Minister of Home Affairs Walton Brown confirmed that the Ministry “had been in discussions with the ESTU.”
“This dispute has emphasized the importance of the issues at stake and where possible, this Ministry will work to bring the parties together to achieve some resolution,” the Minister said.
He also indicated that “discussions were ongoing and that further updates on any action taken by the Ministry would be provided.”
Premier David Burt termed Ascendant’s announcement regarding continued supply of electricity, “unhelpful, considering the need for both sides to work together in the best interests of Bermuda.”
You can follow live updates of the matter here.
How is it unhelpful to state an obvious fact? Pretty clear which side the premier is on.
I personally think it is unhelpful in the negotiations for the union to choose the nuclear option and go on strike.
How will the PLP sell BELCO to that overseas interest if it’s seen that ESTU can dictate to the Board of Directors??
The Premier and Minister Caines are travelling the world telling everyone that will listen that Bermuda is openly embracing new Fintech technology and encouraging these companies to establish in Bermuda, to license their ICO offers and digital asset exchanges here.
This industry relie heavily on a secure and stable power source.
The Premier has openly crtiticized Bermuda’s Banking industry for not banking crypto (due to risks pointed out to them by their correspondent banking partners). The Premier has been very vocal about in his disdain for the lack of support.
Well today–the Union just shot one huge missle across the Premier’s Flagship Fintech story. The fact that power might be interrupted will send shivers down the spines of every CEO that bought the Bermuda/Premier and Wayne Caines story.
The Premier has to level the same criticism at the Union and he has at the Banks–or the hypocrisy will be laid bare for the world to see.
Good luck Prmier walking this tight rope!!
Brilliance of Burt at work right there man! Self destruct button was pushed today and the minions are blissful in their ignorance. Hind sight is 20/20 and I will tell you “I told you so”.
In addition one of the selling points about Fintech and Blockchain are that they improve efficiency and will result in fewer jobs. Bermuda needs more jobs not less. A third pillar that may prove to be Bermuda’s downfall.
I wonder who will go out on a sympathy strike,buses,trash pick up,when will ever end ?
They all have UPS and generator backups and don’t rely on public power supply so take your scare tactics somewhere else! Moron!
Wow you are dumb.. generators are only for back up and confidence is fleeting.
I work for a reinsurance firm and we run our generation plant 6 out of 8 business hours per day so p*** off dummy!
Why would youbdonthis?
Do this
To What. Wow man. You really are not switched on. Blind compliance to a cause is just pathetic. Please stop blindly following. The good lord in heaven above gave you a brain and a mind to use to reason through things. Please don’t let our lord down. Use your head and thinknon your own.
My comment is truth not scare tactics. Don’t spin this.
Your comment makes me very sad for you.
They don’t mine the coins in Bermuda dummy! Read a book and stop spreading lies!
It’s an illegal strike. Can someone in the media ask a direct question to the minister or premier on what their thoughts are on that? I’d certainly enjoy hearing the answer.
Thank you Jt. It makes no sense to me. Illegal strike and fighting for non union members. Ask the direct questions to minister and premier.
This is crazy . If the people involved weren’t unionized then this strike is completely illegal. Does this government not care about the rule of law. How wimpy and embarrassing.
our premier is to busy stamping his passport
“This dispute has emphasized the importance of the issues at stake”
You know, the rule of law, sanctity of contracts … oh wait, not those issues.
It’s the issue of respect. Gotta learn them Canadians to say ‘Good Mawnin’ before anything gets done.
Bermuda is closed for business. It’s over
“Premier David Burt termed Ascendant’s announcement regarding continued supply of electricity, “unhelpful, considering the need for both sides to work together in the best interests of Bermuda.””
LOL. Clueless and out of his depth. How about the illegal strikers go back to work? How about that in the interests of Bermuda?
You made this bed, now lie in it.
Union law is 21 days notice of any strike notion.
Get back to work. This is a disgrace. I am 100% in support of Mr. Durfy and I support unions. They were completely in the wrong for this. Now get back to work. Shame on government for doing nothing.
This statement makes it very clear that there is a political agenda or, given that the plp delegates conference is around the corner, they are shoring up union support
The workers affected were not even Union members.
BELCO is owned & traded by Bermudians, many of them the same people who are so quick to go out on strike as the first option in an issue that does not involve unionised staff. Shades of 1981 here when the island was shut down & initiated the slide in tourism as a mainstay in our economy.