Bermuda Regiment Recruit Camp

January 13, 2011

Bermuda Regiment Commanding Officer Lt/Colonel Brian Gonsalves, accompanied by Regimental Sergeant Major Gavin Lee said that the Bermuda Regiment currently has 152 recruits who are due to start their initial military training this coming Sunday [Jan 16].

Of these 152 recruits, three are female volunteers, and six are male volunteers.

The Commanding Officer said that there had been a response to the Regiment’s recent advertising campaign but it it was still too early to tell just how significant that response had been; and that there might be a few more volunteers before Recruit Camp start at 8am this coming Sunday.

The Commanding Officer pointed out that Recruits can be expected to be paid almost a $1,000 a week for each of the two weeks that they will be in Camp.

During the Camp, which ends on Saturday, January 29, the Recruits would be introduced to Drill, Weapon Handling, First Aid and many other subjects. Regimental Sergeant Major Lee said that Recruits would learn to form new teams and would learn to work well within those teams.

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  1. Former Conscript says:

    Be prepare to be: Humiliated, harrassed, belittled, berated, abused, attacked, shamed, controled, imprisoned, detained, famished, frustrated, and then paid $1000 a week for something you never wanted to do in the first place. If I could take it all back I would pay $2,000 a week not to go through the abuse again. I did my time but I see everything I did in that place as a waste, to top it off it teaches young guys to use guns and to despise authority. They need to make this professional, most of the time the officers up there are looking to bully someone because they know no one wants to be there. Whats the point, so we can chainsaw trees for a couple of days of the year when the wind blows, can’t you teach W&E how to do that. I mean look at it this way I spent three years of my life in order chainsaw trees for 2 days after a hurricane. It must cost the government money?? Do away with it please. I felt no pride in that place, the only guys who are proud to be there are brainwashed and they usually end up as the bullies.

    • Pete says:


    • Just An Observer says:

      I see another Bermudian with no National Pride. But how can I blame you. If you don’t know your history (because it is not taught in our public/private school system)then one cannot appreciate where they come from; the sacrifices made before they came along.

      One should have pride in their country and should not hesitate to defend it. Some of the younger generations of Bermudians act like they came up with a silver spoon in their mouths and don’t appreciate anything traditional. I guess the blame should be placed on the parents of these ungrateful generations due to their new philosophy of I’m gonna give my child everything I didn’t have. That’s fine and dandy but they should have given them the foundational lessons of mutual respect (for oneself and authority/elders)and pride of family and country.

      If you are disciplined coming up as a child then a little shouting, berating if you’re not keeping up/paying attention/following orders shouldn’t hurt a hardcore young man that already thinks he knows it all! Suck it up and get on with it!

      Shoot Jamaicans (a poor nation) have more pride in their country then some/most Bermudians do (living a so-called privilaged lifesystle).

      I’m proud to be a Bermudian – this is my home good or bad!! We are doing better than most! Just an observer, perserving my right of Freedom of Speech. Don’t hate!

      • Bermyman says:

        Assumptions! How do you know how old this person is? How do you know they think they know better, how do you know that you know better, how do you know they were spoilt and how do you know they have no pride in their country? I am proud of Bermuda and her people. I am proud to be Bermudian, when I think of Bermuda and why I am proud, the last thing I think of is the Bermuda Regiment. What are we defending our country from? Last time I checked Jamaicans were not conscripted. I commend all of our elders that fought in the wars, but they were fighting for the greater good of humanity. I can not place the Bermuda Regiment in the same context. And what the older generation needs to understand is that change is essential for Bermuda to develop into a better nation. If the Bermuda Regiment is so beneficial to the youth, why do we have all the violent gun and gang problems we have today. Clearly it has no impact on the people who need discipline and respect the most. Just to clarify, ‘Freedom of Speech’ is a Civil right. If you are conscripted into a military institution you loose all of your civil rights. So in the Bermuda Regiment ‘Freedom of Speech’ does not exist for many young men who lost that right against their own will.

        • ok says:

          Well said Beryman! I would vote for you!!

        • Young observer says:

          It doesn’t have the intended impact on those who need it the most? Well that’s both correct and incorrect, depending on how you look at it. Many young people that are going around playing Gang man/woman are not part of the army, were probably not conscripted and/or probably just don’t care much for authoritative figures. I’m very sorry that your experience in the regiment was an unpleasant one, some people just can’t handle military life. On the other hand the regiment is around as a controlling unit. They are basically here to help control riots or to help out whenever they are called to aide other countries. So is it beneficial? yes I believe it is. Can everyone handle it? no not everyone can. Should conscription be abolished? yes it should be abolished.Be careful of what you say, your words could deeply hurt someone else i’m sure. Just as how you are calling the “leaders” bullies you are also bullying everyone who has gained any sort of positive experience by calling them “brainwashed” for feeling pride in their regiment.

    • Thanks for Noticing says:

      @ Former Conscript:
      “can’t you teach W&E how to do that?”

      By the way, BOTH W&E and the Parks Dept. are trained to use chainsaws in order to clear Bermuda’s roadways after hurricanes and other storms. Maybe you weren’t out helping the community this summer after Igor rolled through, but if you were you should have noticed that these groups were giving their all for an entire week afterwards.

      • ok says:

        Yeah the difference is you are getting paid overtime, your boss isnt screaming at you to do it, and you applied for the position not made to do it on your 18th Bday…

    • Triangle Drifter says:

      X2 here too. Did my time many years ago. I never had to be a landscaper but I did walk around Gocermnent House a few nights with only a few rounds in my gun.

      IMO the Regiment was a waste of time & money then just as it still is now. Yes there should be something for ceremonial purposes. Keep the band. A marine section is a good idea too. Dump the rest. Dump conscription. The Regiment should be voluntary like the BPS Reserves. That way you get good people. People who WANT to serve.

      As for the rest, community service. Take your pick must you MUST do SOMETHING. St Johns Ambulance, Labour for KBB. Labour for the seniors homes. SOMETHING that gives back to the Island.

    • ok says:

      I agree 110% Regiment is a complete waste of time. The people that should be up there arent, they are the ones sitting on the wall everyday doing nothing.

  2. Truth is killin' me says:

    I really enjoyed my time up there and ended up with some long time friends that I would never have had the chance to meet if I hadn’t been called up.

    • Former Conscript says:

      People that go to prison form long time friends they would have never met if they had not been put there either. It is amazing how suffering and adversity helps form bonds. ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ is a perfect example of this.

      • Todd says:

        You gave your input from your experiences in the Regiment, and ‘Truth is killin’ me’ gave theirs. Out of all the people that have been through the Regiment you will get those who hated it, those who enjoyed it and those who tolerated it. Its your choice as to what you decide to make of the experience. From what I have seen, those who go with attitude, will get it back in spades, while there will be those who make the best of what they are given, and come away with a life experience. ALL of them were conscripted!

        • Just An Observer says:

          I could not have said/typed it better!!
          Thank you Todd

        • Bermyman says:

          “It is your choice as to what you decide to make of the experience”. Should it not be your choice as to whether or not you have the experience in the first place? Just because everyone is conscripted does not exactly make it ok to force people to do things against their own will does it? I don’t know but alot of bad things have happened through history that at the time were accepted but eventually were changed for the better. Is this not one of those situations? Shurely change is needed here or it at least should be debated and decided upon by the people it most affects (18-32 year old Bermudian males).

          • OH PLEASE says:

            Yeah, I’m sure they would volunteer if given the option. Ya rite:-P I think NOT

            Man up would you! There are enough mama’s boys out here. Grow some real b@#ls and do ya two week camp and every Tuesday and/or Thursday night for 3 years. Go on a few overseas training trips and get paid – make the most of it and move on with ya life with a new found respect for ‘You don’t get to do what you want to do all the damn time.” S” Sometimes you’ve got to do it becuase you have to; bottomline)

            • Bermyman says:

              Who are you telling to do what?? Are you telling me to do my two week camp? People would volonteer (if that’s what you call being employed) if the Regiment offered them a positive career. In order to do that it requires a little effort on the Regiments part rather than spending tax money on trying to control a group of people who don’t want to be there in the first place. That statement “Man Up” is so ignorant, what are you manning up to? Sitting off in the bushes all night? Cutting trees with chainsaws? Shooting weapons and marching around.

            • ok says:

              You forgot become an alcoholic, start smoking cigerettes.

          • MPP says:

            @ Bermyman: Unfortunately, in the real world, responsibilities will come your way that you won’t choose. That’s part of being a man in a society. This is your country, and the part time service it asks of you for a short period of time is, IMHO, a reasonable requirement. Do your part, learn how function as part of a very big team, be on call to assist if disaster strikes, then pass the baton when your time is up.

            In the mean time, people should rightly critique the system, figure out better ways to secure the country, suggest changes to the government, etc, but “I shouldn’t have to do anything I don’t wanna do” doesn’t cut it, mate.

            @ Todd: well said.

            • Bermyman says:

              @ MPP I am 35 years old have lived in the UK and Europe, sailed across the Atlantic 3 times, climbed mountains (although small), traveled to 15 different countries and have been employed in several good and worth while jobs for 15 + years. Thanks for giving me life advice but I think I know what the real world is like. I also know what it is to have the freedom to choose how you benefit society, rather than to be forced. The real world is not the Bermuda Regiment in anyway shape or form. In my opinion the Bermuda Regiment is a Draconian institution that justifies it’s existence through some very weak arguments, it like alot of things in Bermuda is unwilling to see positive change. I serve society and volonteer for many charities on the Island when I can. This is my choice and I am humbled by being able to make that choice.

              • MPP says:

                Should I be free to choose to not serve my society in any way at all?

  3. Terry says:

    How long you been a bartender Conscript…….bwahaaaaaaaa

  4. just wonderin... says:

    There goes the resident troll again, another unsophisticated, invalid comment. He has a right to his opinion. And even if he is a bartender, in these times I’m sure he is happy to be employed. (And yes I know u were “joking”, so am I)

  5. RobbieM says:

    So the recruits are paid $1,000 per week. Total for 152 recruits for two weeks camp = $304,000. Add in 100 officers looking after these conscripts and you are probably looking at over half a million dollars spent on salaries for the camp!!! Then include electricity, food for 200 people a day…The mind boggles at how much it costs the taxpayer to have a conscripted army that is rarely needed. A force of volunteers to be called up in a national emergency is all that is required for a small place like Bermuda.

  6. Uncle Ruckus says:

    Thank God I don’t have to be in that prison. SMH. The things that go in up that place.

  7. Terry says:

    All jokes aside, this is where the Mimister of Hommieland has to put his/there foot down.

    Aboloish the Regiment and create ‘Gangs Are Us’.

    They have had the training and have passed with flying colours as can be seen by the latest Ride/Drive/Walk by shootings.

    Problems in your Hood….oops Neighbourhood…call 1-441-Bullets.

    Operators at KEMH are waiting for your calls. Don’t forget to bring along family members. Parking is free and display your GP License Plate……….

    Don’t worry about “IB”. “IB” aka Intravenous Bermuda is fully stocked.

    ( See your local orderly on supply, purchase and payment)

    Plus remember, this is hug an expat week as they exit the blood bank with a bandaid on their arm.

  8. Call as it is says:

    Terry as usual your comments are USELESS as is having this part time Regiment!

    Both of you are a waste of time and pain in the a$$ to many.

  9. Ignorance is bliss. says:

    I will put this as simply as i can. The Bermuda Regiment is one of few organizations on this island that help show the young men of today what it means to be a Man. There is a great deal of lack of Respect and Integrity in todays society effecting mainly our young men. They have very little or no foundation to start a productive life in society. By no means is the Regiment a perfect organization can you name one? Its all about what you get out of it. Here is a interesting fact for you The Bermuda Fire Service only had 2 successful applicants last year. This year they have 13 that they picked out of over 200 and out of that 13 people who made it thru 6 of them have served time in the Bermuda Regiment. There are many other people in high positions within government and the private sector that have served in the Bermuda Regiment. Man up have some pride in your country and if you do get called up use it to your advantage and i guarantee it will help you later in life somewhere along the line.

  10. quick march says:

    boo hoo hoo, oh stop crying and grow a pair…you wanna end conscription call your MPs and stop attacking the Regiment, government controls conscription not the Regiment.

  11. Big Mon! says:

    Is see pure people attacking what this guy ‘Former Conscript’ says. But he has already done his time and given his opinion. I think most people on here are probably in the Regiment or have been before. A couple of points I would like to make:

    I dont’ think going to the Regiment and doing what myself and others went through makes me a man. I don’t think I was a ‘Mamma’s boy” before but as you can see from the comments people are quite happy to call eachother names in the regiment. it happened all the time while I was up there. I don’t think the regiment really helps any of these troubled young men, if it did why are so many of them not at Camp but on the streets and why is the situation so bad with the youth. I think the Regiment taught me to be a more violent and agressive person. It starts at 2 week camp and then they just ‘F’ with you from then on. You are so happy to get out when you do. If I had the choice I would NEVER do it again, NEVER! Why, because I spent weekends away from my young family sitting in the trees all night with guys who smoke weed and talk bs, only to get out on Sunday tired for work on Monday. Why? If there was a war, guys would be shot up cause no one really knows what they are doing up there anyway. It is so un-organised. I mean if there was a riot, I know most guys would never turn up anyway. Why would they risk their . For who, the Queen? She don’t care about Bermy. END that place or make it for guys full time.

  12. Corporal in the regiment says:

    I am a currently serving member in the regiment, and i get discharged next month as a Corporal. I’ll admit if i wasnt conscripted i would have never volounteered, so for all those talking about make it a full volunteer army, get real. For the clowns saying who are we defending Bermuda against, that’s not the purpose of the regiment. The regiment’s purpose is internal security.

    Even though i didn’t wanna go i went there with an open mind and made something out of the three years. I’ve taught soldiers in 2 recruit camps. To play devil’s advocate for those who say we teach these guys to kill, if these guys really paid attention when they were taught to shoot people wouldn’t be getting shot in the foot and leg and all that. The people who moan and complain are those who went up there with a closed mind thinking ‘nobody can tell me what to do, i do what i feel like when i feel like, F*** Authority’. Usually punk-a** momma’s boys

  13. Shark says:

    I’m currently a corporal in the Bermuda Regiment.

    1) If you want to end conscription force the government to do it as they control it, the Regiment just uses it when they don’t get the quota of recruits they need as defined by the defense department.

    2) Things in the Regiment have changed vastly in the past few years which are a good thing.

    3) It is not a big dent in your time, I mean after recruit camp its a few hours on a weeknight, 1 overseas camp and year and if you’re in your first year 3-4 parades and that it.

    4) Name calling and jokes happen in the Regiment but that happens in all armed forces just bear through it I mean your not kids your all adults.

    5) Personally I would like the Regiment to be part time professional force but that won’t happen anytime soon as in case you don’t know our budget has been cut 4 times in the past 3 years. The Regiment will never get the money it needs to become professional because the Government won’t let it. Why should they spend more money making the Regiment modern and attract recruits when they can cheaply conscript them?

    6) Youth and young adult these days (I include myself in age group as am 26) are selfish, allot don’t give a dame about anyone but themselves and their own needs.

    7) You only get in trouble in the Regiment if you don’t do what your told, just show up, do the work your required and leave, it’s that simple, complain about it is pointless.

  14. Bermyman says:

    I am 35 years old have lived in the UK and Europe, sailed across the Atlantic 3 times, climbed mountains (although small), traveled to 20 different countries and have been employed in several good and worth while jobs for 15 + years. Thanks for giving me life advice but I think I know what the real world is like. I also know what it is to have the freedom to choose how you benefit society, rather than to be forced. The real world is not the Bermuda Regiment in anyway shape or form. In my opinion the Bermuda Regiment is a Draconian institution that justifies it’s existence through some very weak arguments, it like alot of things in Bermuda is unwilling to see positive change. I serve society and volonteer for many charities on the Island when I can. This is my choice and I am humbled by being able to make that choice.

    • Bermyman says:

      Double post

      • Truth says:


        Not too sure how much time you have spent here in Bermuda given your vast traveling experiences which all sounds awesome. You have to appreciate that most of these individuals are not willing to serve anywhere. St. Johns ambulance, Sunshine league or any of the other numerous charities that are begging for volunteers. THEY DON’T WANT TO SERVE. If they did, the Regiment wouldn’t have to conscript. If you are already serving your community in a formalized way then you are expemt from conscription. The problem isn’t conscription. Conscription reveals the real problem. INDIVIDUALS ARE SELFISH. Full stop. You, who have a history of service, wouldn’t have been conscripted anyway if you served in another capacity. Living here in this beautiful place, costs us more than just taxes. We have to serve as well and we shouldn’t complain about that.

  15. Corporal in the regiment says:

    It’s very simple, for any of those who have that big of a problem with being a conscripted soldier in the Bermuda Regiment, you have choices. Join St. John’s Ambulance, Police Reserves or be an adult instructor for Boy Scouts or Sea Cadets. But hold on that would actually mean serving the community, and a lot of young people now days are selfish and don’t wanna do anything for anyone else.

    I am saying this as a 27 year old young black man, with a university degree and a good job, who would have never volunteered for regiment but manned up when i was conscripted at the age of 24.

    It always amazed me how many of these so called ‘men’ would moan how ‘u can’t tell me what to do, ur not my mommy/daddy’, or would talk all tough then complain if you cursed at them. Or the best one, would act like the hardest guy in the world then once they get in trouble they call their mommy and cry about being mistreated.

    It’s amazing having to teach guys simple functions like ironing clothes and polishing boots, making a bed, cleaning their area, cause their momma always did it all for them. Then we wonder why the island is like it is these days.

    • drew says:

      I thought the regiment was aimed at teaching our ‘youth’ discipline, manners, and behavious suitable for living in the ‘real world’? Having a corporal yell obscenities in the face of somebody because they have ‘power’ over them is surely not the best way to get the most out of them/teach them the above stated goals? I wonder what happens when the conscript curses back? Or what these ‘corporals’ do when police/custom’s agents flex their muscle and mess with them? Respect is a two-way street…so go polish your boots you jack-wagon.

      • Corporal in the regiment says:

        so u trying to isnult me by calling me a jack wagon is showing respect drew? LMAO, ur probably one of those momma’s boys who i refer too above, and guess what considering I’m a respectable, law abiding member of this society, there is no reason for the police or customs to be flexing their muscles at me.

        And ur parents are there to teach u manners and how u should behave in society. Grow Up!

  16. Female Looking In says:

    To the man that are against conscription,
    1)Women Love a Man in Uniform :-)
    2)What is the real reason you do not wish to particpate in the Regiment? All I see from yourselves is that “you don’t want to do it because you shouldn’t have to do what you don’t want to”. Which IMO is not a good enough reason, you need to come up with a better argument a maybe Government/Regiment may just consider. But this excuse alone only tells people that you don’t like authority.

    • ok says:

      Yeah it is easy for someone who is not forced to do it. lol

  17. IMHO says:

    Honestly IMO women shouldn’t comment on the issue only because they aren’t forced to join the Regiment and they can never relate to it, simple as that!! You will never hear me say that child birth is easy and you women just have to suck it up because I CAN’T REALATE TO IT!! It’s not even about authority and the fact if you can deal with it or not. That institution was created with bad intentions and the Satanic symbolism in that organization and many other regiments is blatant!! Like a previous person commented it’s ALL for the queen!! I’ve did my time so that’s neither here nor there but let’s remember when they conscript you they FORCE you to take an oath to the queen not to Bermuda!! So who is it really for… just like H.M. Police and H.M Customs and everything else H.M.!!! Wake up people!! The army never taught me discipline, respect, integrity, or love for others and respect for their opinions, MY PARENTS DID!! That’s what we need more FAMILIES looking out for one another and since I am a black man, more black people looking out and helping each other rather than dogging them and all of this black on black violence. Don’t get caught up in the hype that is the controlled government because they stopped caring about the people a long time ago. Get to know your black history and find yourself, we were once KINGS and QUEENS. Know thyself!!