Canadian Woman Admits Cocaine Importation

January 20, 2011

[Updated] This afternoon [Jan 20] a Canadian female appeared in Magistrates Court, charged with importing almost $50,000 worth of drugs into Bermuda.

Court Jan 20th 2011-1-2_wm

Kayla Renee Nicol, 22, from Scarbourough, Ontario, Canada, plead guilty to importing, after evidence was presented showing she had cocaine-filled latex condoms stuffed inside her. When questioned by Customs upon her arrival to Bermuda she was said to admit having drugs in her possession.

Court Jan 20th 2011-1_wm

She will re-appear later this month.

Update: The video here shows her coming into Court, viewer discretion is advised, please do not click if easily offended as it shows an obscene gesture.

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Comments (52)

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  1. Tired of nonsense says:

    Welcome to BDA!!

    Enjoy your stay:)

  2. Quinton says:

    LMAO @ “…stuffed inside her…”

  3. my 2 cents says:

    love the shirt! :p

  4. Reality says:

    Ewww…stuffed in her…, ahh, in there? Isn’t that uncomfortable to have stuffed in you for hours? I’m just asking. So pretty, so young and so DUMB!

  5. Sal C says:

    She was just the mule. What about the people she was delivering it to? No mention there, maybe there is a continuing investigation!

  6. Call as it is says:

    A real HEART BREAKER for her!!!

  7. Truth says:

    What they need to do in the future is to let them through and tail them to point when they make the drop off. That way you make the arrest on the local contact as well.

    It is riskier but at least you have the opportunity to find out who the local contact is.

    Good job to the customs officials and BPS though. Well done.

    • Call as it is says:

      Unless the Mule is willing to proceed with that,it’s not going to happen,
      but I think the option should be given to any Mule.

    • Only in Bermuda says:


      I agree with you 100%. Maybe they will catch alot of people. The thing is alot of girls like her don’t speak up. They would prefer to do time for keeping there mouth shut.

    • serg says:

      either way those drugs will end up back on the street,and she only had $50000 worth?no doubt she was a decoy for the bigger don’t make sense giving anyone praise who fights this so called war on drugs when we all know prohibition is not only worse then the drugs themselves and regulation and control works much can you applaud a fight thats been going on for nearly a century a losing battle..that money they use fighting the war could be better spent..they are to busy trying to stop it instead of makeing it a deterrent..

  8. Terry says:

    This gives new meaning to “a bun in the oven”…….

    I hope they raid the Pondarosa and get that Mule breeder.

  9. Jo says:

    The Heartbreaker got her heart broken when the stuffing was found

  10. Um says:

    Um, why did she admit to customs she was carrying drugs again?

    • Arthur Raynor - Atlanta says:

      Some people ‘crack’ under perceived pressure.
      Other telltale signs are observed by trained observers and that tips them off that something is wrong.
      I would not say online what they are to avoid giving illegal drug mules trying to bypass the items but you can google the types of giveaway signs.

  11. k says:

    I’m sure at least 75per cent of mules caught ,police know who they’re delivering to.They are ‘the others not before the courts’ that never go to court anyway !!! Go figure !!!

  12. Triangle Drifter says:

    A real piece of work. Somebody please explain to me… the ‘messaging’ as she went into court benefited her in what way? Just wondering.

  13. Diamond says:

    50,000! Sounds like not only was she the mule, she pobably was the decoy for the person two people behind her. Just saying.

  14. Terry says:

    @ Um….because they knew a shipment was comming shrew. Problem is……You get the mule but the ……Scapegoat………..

    Never mind. If the tampax fits were it. Don’t use a ‘box’……………………

  15. milli says:

    Before you judge look at your self and ask if you perfect. Everyone makes mistakes.

    • Lineage says:

      that could be one reason she turned herself in milli….

    • Uncle Ruckus says:

      You are the same guy who commented on facebook? Mistake my arse. She looks like she’s on drugs herself. Maybe she got high from having em shoved inside her.

  16. Haile to Bermuda says:

    Police and customs should have allowed her to carry on with a dummy package, like keep the coke and replace it with flour…lol or even put a listening bug in it as well. That way they get to listen to everything…

  17. D.Ranks says:

    Thats the problem AND i guess the “DUMBNESS of the local police for not letting her go and see where she delivers it. Things that make you go hmmm.

  18. itwasn't me says:

    silly girl.

  19. S says:

    She got nervous… lol .. She looks kind of like a dancer I met in Canada once…

    • itwasn't me says:

      wow, dancer????? what did she loose 100lbs recently? LOL

  20. itwasn't me says:

    LOL she fooled me thinking this poor little innocent snowbird……until I saw the video……off with her head!

    • Uncle Ruckus says:

      LMAO! Well needless to say she wasn’t having a great day. She’s only 1 person, it’s sad they should have followed her. This still solves nothing really.

  21. Lissa says:

    The video is hilarious.

    • Uncle Ruckus says:

      Sure is. Did someone call her a b!tch after she stuck up her middle finger? LOL! She needs to learn fast that she’s in Bermuda.

  22. Wild and Out says:

    Good thing for her that she got caught in Bermuda; her time spent here will be far different from other countries. She will get cable, air conditioning and maybe even get her hair redone, extensions and all. Good for her, Well Done! Enjoy your stay………I bet none of the people that sponsored your trip will show up to see if you need anything either.

  23. aald says:

    if those things busted, she could have so overdosed. i swear they breed people like this on a another planet then ship them to earth.

  24. CanadianLuv says:

    Ugh people like this make BDA customs give me a hard time when I travel to Bermuda. Stop giving Canadians a bad name!
    Well She’s from Scarbourough .. enough said!

  25. Well says:

    Well another DUMP Canadian importing drugs for the low life Bermudian who hired her. Why can’t they import import the drugs themselves shoved up their penis or backside or in this case up their vagina.

  26. Well says:

    I hope she wears the same shirt when she is at the COED facility – OPS, she is going to be on the female section – sorry BOIS, that B_ T C ? will not be yours — at the COED lockup

    She will break some GIRL’S heart when she leaves BERMY

  27. Well says:

    I hope she wears the same shirt when she is at the COED facility – OPS, she is going to be in the female section – sorry BOIS, that B_ T C ? will not be yours — at the COED lockup

    She will break some GIRL’S heart when she leaves BERMY

  28. Lineage says:

    lmao! @ some comments

    Ya i was wondering the same thing. Soon as she got there she gave herself up??? Now thats something you don’t hear about on a regular. This young girl looks troubled…her eyes and dimeanor tell a whole next story. She looks as if she’s running away from something, especially considering she just went str8 to customs,KNOWING she would get jail time?? Sad really Sad.

    • Uncle Ruckus says:

      She does looks troubled or like I said she really isn’t having a great day lol

  29. Ray says:

    I am curios about her story. What made her do this? Is she struggling or was it a favor for a friend. She should go on that show Locked up Abroad

  30. zz says:

    more like ‘law breaker’

  31. Well says:

    Good Job – Customs

    Someone has to give you the credit you well deserve

    You don’t get it from your boss – Why don’t Customs hold press releases and inform the people on what they do.

    What’s going to happen with the split of Customs?

    Who is going to be the head of Customs?

    The head needs to go home.

    She has reached her time and is stopping the growth within Customs.

    Someone with new ideas and a new vision for the department

  32. Duh says:

    Batteries- brains not included:-/

  33. Duh says:

    Is it that cold in yyz?

  34. TorontosFinest says:

    Hahahah!! You all sound like a bunch of IDIOTS, sitting here wasting your day away trying to “figure out” why this girl did what she did!!! Hahaha what Morons!!

    Hey Uncle, go get a J-O-B- or a life of your own, and you wont need to watch other peoples life to get excited!!

  35. TorontosFinest says:

    To answer your question Duh – it is minus 10 in YYZ today, beautiful compared to yesterdays minus 30~~!

  36. DISGUSTED says:

    Stupid girl! Gets everything coming her way!