Police Report Three Burglaries Yesterday

January 13, 2011

police logoAround 5:15pm on Wednesday, Police received a report of a burglary at a Watlington Lane North, Devonshire residence. It appears that sometime between 8am and 5pm that day, an unknown culprit gained entry into the home while it was unoccupied. The culprit stole a quantity of cash, electronic items & jewelry. Inquiries into this incident are underway.

Around 4:30pm on Wednesday, Police received a report of a burglary at a Fairhaven Lane, Sandys parish residence. It appears that sometime between 8:50am and 1:45pm that day, an unknown culprit gained entry into the home while it was unoccupied. The culprit stole a quantity of jewelry. Inquiries into this incident are underway.

Around 2:30pm on Wednesday, Police received a report of a burglary at a South Road, Smith’s parish residence. It appears that sometime between 1pm and 2:15pm that day, an unknown culprit gained entry into the home while it was unoccupied. The culprit stole a 32” flat screen TV. Inquiries into this incident are underway.

The Bermuda Police Service continues to advise the public to remain vigilant regarding burglaries. In addition, the public is encouraged to report any suspicious activities or individuals in their neighbourhoods to Police on 295-0011.

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  1. Terry says:

    Ah 32″ Flat Screen? Damn…….

    What they gonna do next.,,,,,…

    Hello…Immigration Department here, vats up dood.

    I just came home and my house is gone but the police say they can do nothing because I am married to a Bermudian….please help me………..

    “Madam, Sir,……..I understand…….Time to bring back the “Cat of Nine Birches”……..